Capitol rioters could face up to 10 years

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  • 01-08-2021, 03:52 PM
The FBI is going to identify and charge as few as possible between now and the 20th to ensure a minimal number of potential pardons. Can't say I blame them.

I don't laugh about them not wearing masks... that's expected. But the clown who wore his fucking work badge? That's a new level of retardation not yet seen before. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
We all know who the leader of the rioters were and it is very very questionable if he can pardon himself!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Assaulting a federal officer is a felony that can bring up to 20 yrs. So yes, all the vid clips are being copied and reviewed by appropriate federal agencies. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

I watch and read a lot of news but I can't remember hearing about a single person that assaulted federal officers in Portland and other cities this summer being charged. Anybody?

I believe the shooting in the capital building was justified and every one of those people in Portland should have been shot too.

Remember how the Democrat outlawed teargas used on BLM and ANTIFA but were more than happy to have their asses saved by teargas in the capital.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The man behind Peoosi’s desk has been arrested and being charged with a misdemeanor. He’s a Trump supporter so nope not Antifa. Judge can give them up to 1 year.

I’ll be curious as to what the defense will be if he pleads not guilty. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

That guy lives just a few miles from me The Miami paper says they have removed the address numbers from the front of their house as if that will do them any good. Neighbors refused to talk to reporters.

"In my defense your Honor, I thought it was a scavenger party".
I watch and read a lot of news but I can't remember hearing about a single person that assaulted federal officers in Portland and other cities this summer being charged. Anybody?

Remember how the Democrat outlawed teargas used on BLM and ANTIFA but were more than happy to have their asses saved by teargas in the capital. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Let’s not get back into the conflation game. In the streets, blocks from federal buildings the City of Portland took issue with Federal Poloce.

This I was inside the Capitol Building. Vastly different situations. Had the Fedrsl courthouse been breach (I don’t believe it ever was) shooting would have damn well been appropriate.
JCM800's Avatar
Looks like they're starting to round some of these dipshits up.

The ignorant racist clueless rednecks just followed the calling of their fearless leader...that went to run and hide
HedonistForever's Avatar
Let’s not get back into the conflation game.

Yes, God forbid we conflate one riot to another riot

In the streets,blocks from federal buildings the City of Portland took issue with Federal Police.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I don't know what video you were watching or articles you were reading but as I remember and the Washington Post described it.

Portland Protesters Breach Fence Around Portland Federal Building

That is not blocks from federal buildings

I guess if you want to make the distinction of actually getting in, that would be a discussion of the ineffectiveness in DC and a better job was done in Portland. The point is, in both cases attempts were made on Federal buildings and what was the reporting of CNN "mostly peaceful protests" as the building can be seen burning in the back ground and how horrible it was that the "Storm Trooper" Federal Agents were using "Nazi like Tactics" on the poor innocent peaceful "bystanders". Come on man, let's be honest about this.

Portland protest declared a riot Sunday as federal building is breached

Protests in Portland were declared a riot early Sunday as thousands breached a federal courthouse where federal agents are being stationed, according to police.
Throughout the night — the 59th consecutive day of demonstrations in the Oregon city — police fired teargas in violent clashes with protesters who retaliated with fireworks, officials said, with at least 26 arrests.
They declared a riot in the early hours after “thousands” gathered at the federal courthouse and Justice Center and pulled down some of the fence, the Portland Police Bureau said.
“Throughout the night some people in this crowd spent their time shaking the fence around the building, throwing rocks, bottles, and assorted debris over the fence, shining lasers through the fence, firing explosive fireworks into the area blocked by the fence, and using power tools to try to cut through the fence,” the bureau said in a statement.

“People wore gas masks, carried shields, hockey sticks, leaf blowers, flags, and umbrellas specifically to thwart police in crowd dispersal or attempt to conceal criminal acts. People against the fence sprayed unknown liquids through it toward the courthouse. People tied rope to the fence and attempted to pull it down,” the bureau said.

“At about 1:03 a.m. people in the crowd attached a chain to the fence and with many people pulling managed to pull a section of it down,” the bureau said, with protesters also lighting fires in the street.
“People climbed over the fence to get close to the federal courthouse. People continued to launch mortar style fireworks at ground level that were exploding near others.”
Images and words were projected onto the building including “Keep fighting. Keep pushing” as agents fired tear gas at the protesters, onlookers said.

The bureau said that “dozens of people in the crowd maintained this level of violence and tumultuous conduct and were either intentionally or recklessly creating a grave risk of public alarm.”
“Portland Police declared a riot based on the conduct of people in the crowd and gave repeated warnings that anyone who remained may be subject to arrest or citation and may be subject to force including impact weapons or tear gas,” the bureau said.

In the hours leading up to the riot declaration, thousands of people gathered in the city for another night of protests over George Floyd’s killing and the presence of federal agents in response to public assembly.
Portland’s police chief, Chuck Lovell, released a video plea for peace late Saturday.

“Across the country people are committing violence, supposedly in support of Portland,” Lovell said. “If you want to support Portland then stop the violence, work for peace. Portland police officers and police facilities have been threatened.”

The force instead wants to focus on “the real relationships that will create change,” the chief insisted.
“We want to get back to the critical issues that have been hijacked by people committing crimes under the cover of the crowds,” Lovell said.

This I was inside the Capitol Building. Vastly different situations. Had the Federal courthouse been breach (I don’t believe it ever was) shooting would have damn well been appropriate.

Yes, the difference was in Portland, they stopped them, in DC they didn't. That's a vastly different job that was done by law enforcement but the "attempt to breach a federal building" was exactly the same. The woman was shot "attempting to enter the floor of the House". In Portland they were attempting to get into a federal building. If they didn't have better tactics, they would have succeeded and they would have been shot and Democrats would have called to have the federal agents arrested.

I understand why you want to see these two events as different and that of course is your right but I don't see any difference at all and I would have shot the people in both incidents while I believe Democrats would only agree to shoot Trump supporters.

As I see it, this is hypocrisy on a grand scale.

JCM800's Avatar
Another one of Trumpys very special people grabbed.

Alabama Man Charged With Possession of Eleven Molotov Cocktails Found Near Protest at U.S. Capitol

An Alabama man allegedly parked a pickup truck packed with 11 homemade bombs, an assault rifle and a handgun just two blocks form the United States Capitol Building, according to federal prosecutors.

The revelation is one of the most unsettling details federal prosecutors have made public this week as they sift through what went down when pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol. Other people have been accused of taking guns and ammunition onto Capitol grounds.

Lonnie Leroy Coffman, 70, of Falkville, Alabama, is accused of planting the pickup truck.

A bomb squad found the arsenal during the scramble to secure the federal complex after it was overrun by pro-Trump rioters.
JCM800's Avatar
This guy meant business ...hope they find this dipshit soon.

FBI looking for man in Senate with zip ties, tactical gear; experts call him a rioter 'hunting for people'
The level of stupidity from the ignorant redneck clueless racist trumpy supporters has no limits.

Maybe they should leave the smart America while they are still free and stupid
JCM800's Avatar
Some more dipshits found.

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No consequences and cumallah bailed out perpetrators
HedonistForever's Avatar
I just heard that the cop that died, died from a blow to the head by a fire extinguisher. If so, technically speaking ( but probably not ) anybody involved in an event that resulted in death could be charged with felony murder.

I see one guy that was fired from his job is on video saying that the only reason he went inside was to stop what was going on. So anybody wondering what defense they would use, there it is I guess.
Chung Tran's Avatar

I see one guy that was fired from his job is on video saying that the only reason he went inside was to stop what was going on. So anybody wondering what defense they would use, there it is I guess. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yeah, and Jimmy Swaggart was in that cheap motel room, gathering information about Sinners, to aid in his upcoming Worship Service.

Those Goons were proud of themselves, mugging for cameras, openly streaming on Facebook. They thought they were acting on behalf of their Leader. Too bad only one was gunned down. I think about 40 should have been shot, but the Capitol Police was under-manned. Some ran away, others took selfies with Mobsters, and removed barricades. Disgraceful.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-09-2021, 01:37 PM
This guy meant business ...hope they find this dipshit soon.

Originally Posted by JCM800
Why are you posting that? You know it's fake news. That is actually Hugo Chavez. And the one behind him is Hillary Clinton.

What more proof do you need. 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, quit attacking the 2nd amendment that clearly says Zombies are allowed to bring in whatever weaponry they want to bring into the Capitol so long as they are only hunting for liberals. It was somewhere in one of the Giuliani memos if I remember correctly.