Condos vs. hotels?

London Rayne's Avatar
London, I'm going to PM you. My NYC "residence" is a gorgeous version of all the features you describe, close to several financial sectors and a number of fun bars, and a little over a quarter of that price.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
Do you rent it out? I saw a lot of apts. that were doing that per night, so please feel free to let me know. I am not sure I can even go yet being I have no bookings, but Naomi is for sure going to be there so she may be interested.

Use my email because I am on my way to Epcot.
Madame X's Avatar
Do you rent it out? I saw a lot of apts. that were doing that per night, so please feel free to let me know. I am not sure I can even go yet being I have no bookings, but Naomi is for sure going to be there so she may be interested.

Use my email because I am on my way to Epcot. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Ah, so this is what that is. London, you've misunderstood me - I only rent the condo when I'm planning to be in NYC myself But you're welcome to contact the building manager (I sent you pm) to secure a place there yourself. It's a very nice and friendly place.

~Mme X~
Do they require a big deposit?
I am curious as well. London, what did you find out?
London Rayne's Avatar
Ok thanks Madame X...told Naomi to pm you since we were looking for next week. Yes, I did misunderstand lol.

Lisa, I tried a few that were suggested but I am not all that good with having to email each individual, ask a million questions, then wait for each one to get back. I prefer a site that lets me book then and there, and has it all laid out. I have time-shares, but they don't operate that way. I pay my fees, I book my weeks in which I can exchange to new places, and I am done. Problem is, I have to book the whole week at once or share it because that fee is still paid in full every darn year whether I use it or not.

I do like this idea much better, and it worked quite well in Panama City...but, it was not the same thing. You can actually go to and rent a condo like a hotel where you pay online. NO contacting of anyone is done on your part, which I like. Only gets my info. and the property of course.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh just fyi london, I decided to go with the 5 star hotel in Manhattan (the one we talked about). No private residence needed.

Just be there chick! LOL
London Rayne's Avatar
You pay for the 28th, and I will get the 29th!! It will be epic just to say we stayed there and take pics to boot. Ed and WTF better be good at photography lol. If everyone agrees I think we should meet in the parlor there for drinks, before going to Park Ave. for dinner.
Yes! I finally got a permanet incall for my local area! It took a while, and I couldn't get one as nice as I would of liked (hard to verify income lol) but I still got an really nice one in a great location. I'm really excited about this.
London Rayne's Avatar
Congrats girl! I have 3 locally and would never be without them. It's when I travel I have issues. I need my comforts of home...not just a hotel room that commands over $400 and they can't even toss in a fridge lol. NO thanks!

You will find you and your suitors are much more comfy when you have room to move around. It's nice having a place to chill wine, and serving dishes for those intimate dinners in.