
College is where a Lot of girls learn to kiss the kitty! There's even a term for it! LUAG. Lesbian until after graduation. lol
Still Looking's Avatar
Tough to compete with that!
OK, first the disclaimer so nobody accuses me later of being biased. I am, I'm OK with that. I'm a college grad from a good university, psych degree, which entails at least 4 math classes, college alg and three stats classes.

Now, here's my go on this one. Does that diploma, alone, make me better than another provider, no. But, it, obviously, makes me different than a provider without a diploma. That difference may matter to some clients. I believe that it does.

But, what truly matters, to some clients, are things like being able to have a conversation about current events, articles in the current WSJ and NYTimes, music other than Kesha and books other than the Twilight series.

What does all that mean in our world? It means an overnight that starts at a nice dinner where I am dressed appropriately yet provocatively, know how to behave and am comfortable, can order intelligently, and make interesting and intelligent conversation on most any topic provided. But, after all that I will go with you back to the hotel and have a three hour conversation with you on most Any damn topic, with an awe inspiring enthusiasm!

Being educated does Not preclude an incredible affinity and hunger for decadent pursuits, trust me. The difference is if you Don't want to avail yourself of my intelligence and only enjoy my...conversational skills, you can. But, if all she has is...conversational skills, well, then that's all she has. For some clients that's fine, for some its not. And, yes, I know I derailed this to intelligence and well rounded personality and off college education.
Kat Originally Posted by Katharine Butler
My thoughts exactly And that's precisely why my website says I'm a college grad. It's actually pretty rare in the hobby and there are a subset of hobbyists who enjoy what an educated woman has to offer. I hardly think it's "funny" at all. Everybody's looking for something different and every provider offers what she has that might be unique. Criticizing someone for marketing their positive traits means that a lady shouldn't be able to market anything about herself whatsoever. Why even have pictures if the only that matters is whether or not our legs open?
Still Looking's Avatar
My thoughts exactly And that's precisely why my website says I'm a college grad. It's actually pretty rare in the hobby and there are a subset of hobbyists who enjoy what an educated woman has to offer. I hardly think it's "funny" at all. Everybody's looking for something different and every provider offers what she has that might be unique. Criticizing someone for marketing their positive traits means that a lady shouldn't be able to market anything about herself whatsoever. Why even have pictures if the only that matters is whether or not our legs open?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
The one I saw was 600 more than the average for their area ( Canada) I just thought that was a little excessive. wasn't trying to be critical for marketing practices.
I have university education but I can tell you that it didn't help me at all in this industry!
I think charisma and attitude is important.
I think we hobbist like to have intelligent coversation but I don't think you need to be college educated for that. Just need to be we'll informed on a multitude of subjects.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Depends on the situation, but in general yes, I would. If you're just getting a blow and go, there's not really much point. But for a multi-hour appointment, absolutely. I hate to deny all the rumors, but out of the two hours, at my age, weight and shape, I'm probably only good to go for an hour and 55 minutes or so.

She's going to have to talk for five minutes or so!! Might as well be intelligent conversation. That's not to say that non-college educated providers are incapable of interesting conversation. But one's odds are a lot better with a good education.
DragonTongue's Avatar
Agreeing with TTH on this one... Depends on what the client is expecting from his donation time! Being newer to the hobby however, when I see an ad claiming a college education my first reaction is that she's doing this more because she enjoys providing as opposed to financially stuck.

And addressing the diploma on a wall at the Marriott... I have seen one on the wall at Taco Bell! (TAMU nonetheless)
Still Looking's Avatar
If the representation of having a college degree is that they have been to class, kept there mouths shut and listened to the teacher, because there will be a test? Then I'm all for it! LOL
Would you pay more cause a girl is college educated etc? Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I think as long as you are nice that's all they care about, after all you are Sweet N Little
awl4knot's Avatar
I doubt that anyone pays more for a college degree or that an Ivy League grad is deserving of an even bigger bonus (although I hear that as a a group they are real tramps).

What I will pay more for is a classy, sophisticated woman who often, though not always, is university educated. It's not the degree, but the exposure to ideas and culture that one gets at the academy that tends to produce the gloss of sophistication that I find attractive. The more I am attracted to someone, the more l will be willing to pay to see her.

I've said this before and it bears repeating. Most of the ladies I have seen are intelligent if not book smart. However, dummies don't get into good schools, so your chances of seeing a bright and interesting woman are greater if they have attended four years at a good college.

Of course, there are the other essentials: looks, service, attitude, etc. that make me want to make the call.

The counter to this is that I never ask a provider if she went to college or where she went. That is too pretentious and invasive. I did learn during post-coital chat that one is an Ivy League grad and that another went to an esteemed ACC school, but the educational backgrounds of the other women I have seen are complete mysteries.

rogerdodger's Avatar
no. i pay a little more for 2 items. (1) i am attracted to her looks and (2) her service and attitude are what i like.

that being said, my last encounter was as good as any and she was not very attractive compared to EVERYONE i ever saw ... but she was highly sexual and if it was an act she needs an award - i was convinced she needs a good fucking from me.

btw, if a woman can convince me she needs me to fuck her ... and she is not the blob or the creature from the black lagoon - she's got me. period.