Uncle Joe is at it again!!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
LOL. That's a loaded statement.

I already showed in the cited study that the mistreatment is largely in the comparative nature of the "fact" checkers. They pre-qualify the statements they supposedly fact check in an "un-biased" manner.

So the net effect is they take a million things Trump says, choose the lies or exaggerations and only fact check those giving the allusion that everything Trump says is a lie causing suckers like you to fall hook, line, and sinker for that narrative and begin to repeat it. Then they cherry pick an equal number of statements from a Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, etc. that they can declare as truths and voila. Trump lies more than anyone else.

And as the study shows this has been going on for years to target not just Trump but republicans in general.

The media and fact checkers are being exposed for what they are, simply biased lefties, and that rabid base that wants to still believe them is also being exposed. Originally Posted by eccielover
You keep saying that the fact checkers are unfair to Trump but can't give me any statements checked out by those fact checkers they deemed to be false that you think were true.

You cited MRC Newbusters as one of your sources stating how unfair Fact Checkers such as PolitiFact are. MRC Newsbusters is as far right wing as any organization can be:

"Newbusters claims to expose liberal bias much like its parent website MRC, however this site is also very right wing biased like MRC and perhaps even less factual. Newsbusters uses extensive loaded words and always covers just one side of the story. That side always benefits conservatives and is against liberals."


You think the fact checkers are unfair to Trump and investigate statements made by Republicans much more often than the do statements made by Democrats. I won't argue with you on that. As I said, I don't remember such negativity against George W. Bush. The fact is Trump puts it out there on a daily basis.

A few days ago:

"We are your largest partner," Trump said June 4. "You’re our largest partner. A lot of people don’t know that. I was surprised. I made that statement yesterday, and a lot of people said, ‘Gee, I didn’t know that.’ But that’s the way it is."

A lie? Certainly untrue. Possibly mis-spoken. Maybe the fact checkers are nit-picking. I'll leave it up to you and others to decide.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That is no assumption...and you do LOVE facts SPEED!!
You always want facts SPEED...YOU GOT IT!!
Is this one of YOUR LIES...DO TELL SPEED!!

Many critics of the media say liberal (or left wing) bias exists within a wide variety of media channels, especially within the mainstream media, including network news shows of CBS, ABC, and NBC, cable channels CNN, MSNBC and the former Current TV, as well as major newspapers, news-wires, and radio outlets, especially CBS News, Newsweek, and The New York Times.[72] These arguments intensified when it was revealed that the Democratic Party received a total donation of $1,020,816, given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC), while the Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations from employees of these same organizations.[73] Both of these figures represent donations made in 2008.

A study cited frequently by those who make claims of liberal media bias in American journalism is The Media Elite, a 1986 book co-authored by political scientists Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman, and Linda Lichter.[74] They surveyed journalists at national media outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the broadcast networks. The survey found that the large majority of journalists were Democratic voters whose attitudes were well to the left of the general public on a variety of topics, including issues such as abortion, affirmative action, social services, and gay rights. The authors compared journalists' attitudes to their coverage of issues such as the safety of nuclear power, school busing to promote racial integration, and the energy crisis of the 1970s and concluded firstly that journalists' coverage of controversial issues reflected their own attitudes and education, and secondly that the predominance of political liberals in newsrooms pushed news coverage in a liberal direction. The authors suggested this tilt as a mostly unconscious process of like-minded individuals projecting their shared assumptions onto their interpretations of reality, a variation of confirmation bias.

Jim A. Kuypers of Virginia Tech investigated the issue of media bias in the 2002 book Press Bias and Politics. In this study of 116 mainstream U.S. papers, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle, Kuypers stated that the mainstream press in America tends to favor liberal viewpoints. They argued that reporters who they thought were expressing moderate or conservative points of view were often labeled as holding a minority point of view. Kuypers said he found liberal bias in the reporting of a variety of issues including race, welfare reform, environmental protection, and gun control.[75] According to the Media Research Center, and David Brady of the Hoover Institute, conservative individuals and groups are more often labeled as such, than liberal individuals and groups.[76]

A 2005 study by political scientists Tim Groseclose of UCLA and Jeff Milyo of the University of Missouri at Columbia attempted to quantify bias among news outlets using statistical models, and found a liberal bias.[77][78] The authors wrote that "all of the news outlets we examine[d], except Fox News's Special Report and the Washington Times, received scores to the left of the average member of Congress." The study concluded that news pages of The Wall Street Journal were more liberal than The New York Times, and the news reporting of PBS was to the right of most mainstream media. The report also stated that the news media showed a fair degree of centrism, since all but one of the outlets studied were, from an ideological point of view, between the average Democrat and average Republican in Congress.[79] In a blog post, Mark Liberman, professor of computer science and the director of Linguistic Data Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania, critiqued the statistical model used in this study.[80][81] The model used by Groseclose and Milyo assumed that conservative politicians do not care about the ideological position of think tanks they cite, while liberal politicians do. Liberman characterized the unsupported assumption as preposterous and argued that it led to implausible conclusions.[80][82]

A 2014 Gallup poll found that a plurality of Americans believe the media is biased to favor liberal politics. According to the poll, 44% of Americans feel that news media are "too liberal" (70% of self-identified conservatives, 35% of self-identified moderates, and 15% of self-identified liberals), 19% believe them to be "too conservative" (12% of self-identified conservatives, 18% of self-identified moderates, and 33% of self-identified liberals), and 34% find it "just about right" (49% of self-identified liberals, 44% of self-identified moderates, and 16% of self-identified conservatives).[83] In 2017, a Gallup poll with a similar question found that the majority of Americans view the news media favoring a particular political party; 64% believed it favored the Democratic Party, compared to 22% who believed it favored the Republican Party.[84]

A 2008 joint study by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University and the Project for Excellence in Journalism found that viewers believe a liberal media bias can be found in television news on networks such as CNN.[85] These findings concerning a perception of liberal bias in television news—particularly at CNN—were also reported by other sources.[86] The study was met with criticism from media outlets and academics, including the Wall Street Journal,[87] and progressive media watchdog Media Matters. Criticism from Media Matters included studying different media for different lengths of time, lack of context in quoting sources, lack of balance, and a flawed assignment of political positions of sources: the RAND corporation was considered "liberal" while the American Civil Liberties Union was considered "conservative".[88]

Libertarian analyst Daniel Sutter says the conclusions about bias are inconclusive because they ignore local news outlets and are based on surveys of national journalists, content analysis of their stories covered, and anecdotes about stories killed or not pursued to make their case.[89]

According to a study by Lars Willnat and David H. Weaver, professors of journalism at Indiana University, conducted via online interviews with 1,080 reporters between August and December 2013, 28.1% of journalists in the United States identify as Democrats and 7.1% as Republicans, whereas 50.2% identify as independents.[90][91][92][93]

Several authors have written books on liberal bias in the media, including

Steve Levy—Bias in the Media: How the Media Switches Against Me After I Switched Parties.[94]
Tim Groseclose—Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind, 2011.[95]
Ben Shapiro—Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV, 2011. Originally Posted by bb1961
I have never said the media was not biased. I have never said the media is not liberal leaning. I have asked for statements made by fact checkers that are untrue. No one has pointed out any as of yet.

Trump makes these ridiculous statements on an almost daily basis. Even I can't believe he says some things. I don't need fact checkers to tell me his statements border on the absurd.

The good news is that if Trump loses in 2020 you have an excuse for the loss. Blame the media for "Fake News".
bambino's Avatar
Well, back to the OP. Biden just caved to Alyssa Milano. He voted for and defended his vote on the Hyde amendment for 40yrs. He caved to left wing whack jobs. It’s obvious to me that Biden doesn’t have it. He was a young stupid guy. Now he’s an old stupid guy. He doesn’t have any guts. How is he going to stand up to China, Russia, NoKo and Iran? His campaign is eerily similar to Hillary’s. Low energy, no enthusiasm. So far his campaign is about groping, plagiarism, and flip flops. He’s toast.
I have never said the media was not biased. I have never said the media is not liberal leaning. I have asked for statements made by fact checkers that are untrue. No one has pointed out any as of yet. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
See now you are talking yourself in circles again.

You say you don't say the media and "fact" checkers are not liberal leaning, yet you have stated and I think doubled and tripled down on Trump lying more often than other politicians. Yet as the Lichtner study shows, any comparative real life metrics of that is skewed by the bias of the "fact" checkers which you say you don't dispute.

As I noted earlier its a game of numbers and choices of what they fact check and the level they choose to call it a "lie".

Face it you are deliberately bypassing the underlying very visible bias that according to polls is very apparent to the majority of the American public.

But keep doubling down on, but, but, he did lie on these occasions so this false narrative must be true.
Well, back to the OP. Biden just caved to Alyssa Milano. He voted for and defended his vote on the Hyde amendment for 40yrs. He caved to left wing whack jobs. It’s obvious to me that Biden doesn’t have it. He was a young stupid guy. Now he’s an old stupid guy. He doesn’t have any guts. How is he going to stand up to China, Russia, NoKo and Iran? His campaign is eerily similar to Hillary’s. Low energy, no enthusiasm. So far his campaign is about groping, plagiarism, and flip flops. He’s toast. Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, Biden is slowly starting to melt down. I think the plagiarism issue is going to start to resonate with people. That or he goes on the offense with stupid off the cuff remarks that will bury him deeper.
Not really "lies". At the time Obama made those statements, he believed them to be true. Trump has made many such statements that at the time he thought were true but turned out not to be so.

Trump said he would repeal/replace the ACA. A lie? Not at all. It simply turned out to be a false statement but it was not a lie. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. A lie? No. That was his intent but it did not happen.

Conditions change which make statements untrue. If Obama knew at the time he said it that "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was untrue, he lied. Maybe Obama did not understand all the ramifications of the ACA. His statement was incorrect. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Obama still owns those statements because once he realized and eventually he did, that they were false he didn't correct himself. Quit carrying the torch for Obama he didn't pay your bills.
See now you are talking yourself in circles again.

You say you don't say the media and "fact" checkers are not liberal leaning, yet you have stated and I think doubled and tripled down on Trump lying more often than other politicians. Yet as the Lichtner study shows, any comparative real life metrics of that is skewed by the bias of the "fact" checkers which you say you don't dispute.

As I noted earlier its a game of numbers and choices of what they fact check and the level they choose to call it a "lie".

Face it you are deliberately bypassing the underlying very visible bias that according to polls is very apparent to the majority of the American public.

But keep doubling down on, but, but, he did lie on these occasions so this false narrative must be true. Originally Posted by eccielover
SPEED get back here...
I have never said the media was not biased. I have never said the media is not liberal leaning. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Who posted #22 of this thread, was that you SPEED...someone in that post..."Assuming the media is Anti-republican"....SPEED please think before you post...I have shown your concrete studies in regards to the left wing bias...
The good news is that if Trump loses in 2020 you have an excuse for the loss. Blame the media for "Fake News". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Does this help you SPEED...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
See now you are talking yourself in circles again.

You say you don't say the media and "fact" checkers are not liberal leaning, yet you have stated and I think doubled and tripled down on Trump lying more often than other politicians. Yet as the Lichtner study shows, any comparative real life metrics of that is skewed by the bias of the "fact" checkers which you say you don't dispute.

As I noted earlier its a game of numbers and choices of what they fact check and the level they choose to call it a "lie".

Face it you are deliberately bypassing the underlying very visible bias that according to polls is very apparent to the majority of the American public.

But keep doubling down on, but, but, he did lie on these occasions so this false narrative must be true. Originally Posted by eccielover
The media is liberal leaning. The Fact Checkers may be liberal leaning in that they post more negatives about Trump than any other politician but you have yet to prove that what they are posting is WRONG.

Second, as I have mentioned, I don't remember such negativity in the press against GWB, for whom I voted twice. The media focus against Trump as POTUS seems to be singular unless you can prove otherwise. A long time ago, I stated that Trump asks for such criticism with his ridiculous tweets and comments. I stand by that. If Trump would stop with the negative tweets, as many including his daughter have suggested, and not make ridiculous comments at rallies that are loved by his base supporters, he wouldn't get the negative press he is now receiving.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Does this help you SPEED...

http://www.returnofkings.com/105550/...eal-news-mediahttps://townhall.com/columnists/john...media-n2257896 Originally Posted by bb1961
I posted 3 links. My challenge to you and others was to find incorrect challenges to the findings of the Fact Checkers. So far nothing. If I have time I will go through the the "Fake News" items in the articles you posted.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Fact Checkers may be liberal leaning in that they post more negatives about Trump than any other politician but you have yet to prove that what they are posting is WRONG. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're WRONG if you think what biased fact checkers say means shit. It's trivially obvious to an intelligent observer that your notion that "Trump lies more" because fact checkers tell you "he lies more" is bullshit considering those same fucking fact checkers will not call Odumbo and hildebeest liars even when Odumbo and hildebeest blatantly lie.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
[QUOTE=bb1961;1061539506]Does this help you SPEED...


I had a moment to look into the allegations of "Fake News" from the first link you cited. There were only 2 of the 10 items listed in which Trump is mentioned:

10. Trump “Mocked A Reporter’s Disability”


Trump is obviously making fun of Serge Kovaleski. Here is someone coming to the defense of Trump

"The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose hand and arm movement on his right side is impaired due to arthrogryposis. Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man.

But the media are too lazy and those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too nasty and small-minded to look deeper. The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated.

Why couldn't the mainstream media look this up? Gavin McInnes of TheRebelMedia.com and Taki's Magazine did, and he has the video evidence to show that Trump has a history of flailing his arms to make a point. It isn't something he reserved for Kovaleski.

And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably.

Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?


To me this is a rather weak defense for ridiculing a man -- that Trump did a poor imitation of Kovaleski.

Second "Fake News" item:

5. “Trump Can Never Win”

How is this "Fake News"? I predicted Trump would lose in 2016. Almost all the Trump supporters on this forum predicted Republicans would maintain control of the House in 2018. Poor predictions are not "Fake News" in my opinion.
rexdutchman's Avatar
LSM and FACT REALLY ? LSM is all about exploiting fears for the liberals for power and control ,
The media is liberal leaning. The Fact Checkers may be liberal leaning in that they post more negatives about Trump than any other politician but you have yet to prove that what they are posting is WRONG.

Second, as I have mentioned, I don't remember such negativity in the press against GWB, for whom I voted twice. The media focus against Trump as POTUS seems to be singular unless you can prove otherwise. A long time ago, I stated that Trump asks for such criticism with his ridiculous tweets and comments. I stand by that. If Trump would stop with the negative tweets, as many including his daughter have suggested, and not make ridiculous comments at rallies that are loved by his base supporters, he wouldn't get the negative press he is now receiving. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Some people really do live in their own reality.

I've already stated that politicians lie and lie often so it's easy to cherry pick statements to list as their lies.

You have also acknowledged liberal bias in the media and that the "fact checkers" may be following suit.

So putting two and two together, you pretty much just validated that the Lichtner study probably has merit in overly calling out the right or Republicans as victims of the media and fact checkers. So post all the individual fact checking items you want, the lists that attack Trump comparatively as was your earlier premise are inherently biased statistics.

Other posters have fairly credibly debunked your comparisons to Obama as well in that they have easily shown the bias of the media and fact checkers to give Obama passes in instances of far more overt lying than they accuse Trump of directly.

And I most certainly remember Bush towards the mid to end of his two terms being vilified by "fact checkers" and the media.

We get it, you hate Trump and I agree he is certainly outside the norm of the last 50+ years of Presidents. But its what we needed and that he succeeds in spite of all of the above bias just drives lefties ape shit is also an added bonus.

Uncle Joe is not going to be much competition at this point as he continue to get knocked down by his past, be it the plagiarism, the groping, the recent Hyde flip flop, the lack of attending early campaigning against his rivals, etc. etc.

He isn't looking good right now and I don't see anyone on the left stepping up for a major push.