Where's is everyone

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Counter point: if my little Mr. Negative-Wanna be troll-110% dick self can come back & still pass screening, then anyone saying giving three (3) references is just lazy & entitled. If you honestly don't have three (3) give what you have. Explain why you only have X. Hen take it from there. Either she will or she won't. It's.... Not.... The.... End.... Of.... The.... World. You can search threads that tell you what to provide. Hell even ads know are basically holding you by the hand & walking you through the process

To answer the original question: I think everyone (guys & gals) have just become more selective [reads: timid] lately
Saw a provider on OH2 last week and one on here this week, had a great with both ,and didn't need to furnish any references...I am going to put those two with my regulars and ride that wave into the sunset. Providers requiring 3 references will see the devil in church before they see me
Italia DiBella's Avatar
I think most ladies like myself have moved on to other platforms.

Still very few good gentleman here. Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
I agree
Counter point: if my little Mr. Negative-Wanna be troll-110% dick self can come back & still pass screening, then anyone saying giving three (3) references is just lazy & entitled. If you honestly don't have three (3) give what you have. Explain why you only have X. Hen take it from there. Either she will or she won't. It's.... Not.... The.... End.... Of.... The.... World. You can search threads that tell you what to provide. Hell even ads know are basically holding you by the hand & walking you through the process

To answer the original question: I think everyone (guys & gals) have just become more selective [reads: timid] lately Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Someone gets it ! LOL.
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
Counter point: if my little Mr. Negative-Wanna be troll-110% dick self can come back & still pass screening, then anyone saying giving three (3) references is just lazy & entitled. If you honestly don't have three (3) give what you have. Explain why you only have X. Hen take it from there. Either she will or she won't. It's.... Not.... The.... End.... Of.... The.... World. You can search threads that tell you what to provide. Hell even ads know are basically holding you by the hand & walking you through the process

To answer the original question: I think everyone (guys & gals) have just become more selective [reads: timid] lately Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Winner winner chicken dinner.

One thing that hasn’t changed here at all: guys complaining about screening.

As always: her pussy, her rules. There is no right to pussy. Either jump through her hoops, or go pull it from a bar, or go romance the ‘ol SO. Those are your choices. Complaining in Coed has never gotten anyone laid.