Righties can's stand losing, so they start shooting!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Confronted with facts? What facts?? LMAO

I'm just letting that pussy know if he wants to say somehting about Harlem, he should know what he's talking about. I'd be glad to teach him....or any of you for that matter. Originally Posted by markroxny
More threats of physical violence from marks-rocks-with-pee: "Harlem's Punk"???

'Former classmate, Caitie Parker, who attended high school and college with Loughner, described his political views as "left wing, quite liberal," "radical."'
markroxny's Avatar
This thread started addressing the economy. You had to turn it into a thread that focuses on you. I'd say you have self-esteem issues. You might want to see someone about that. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LMAO! The economy?

This thread is about a shooting of Obama campaign headquarters in Devner. I made it focus on me???? No your buddies did that, as they always do.

Dude you are off today, do you need coffee or something?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oops. Senior moment. But the advice still stands. Seriously.

Now where's my Geritol?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-15-2012, 02:23 PM
when the tea baggers bring signs to a pubic function stating "next time I'll come armed" doesnt bode well for righties trying to look innocent
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-15-2012, 02:25 PM
Probably so. It's pretty much a toss up of the type of individual it is. There is one thing we do know for sure is, the bastard can't shoot. Originally Posted by acp5762

classy response
LexusLover's Avatar
Shot fired into Obama campaign office in Denver Originally Posted by markroxny
Elk season just started. Biden's trying to get the 2nd amendment vote.

You know what that altitude will do to you..... "Gore-Sydrome"!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Elk season just started. Biden's trying to get the 2nd amendment vote.

You know what that altitude will do to you..... "Gore-Sydrome"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
three minutes before you respond??? what kept you Markie Mark? If I was X WERE George Soros and HE WERE paying your salary I would expect a response within a minute. You really can't see it huh. It was Denver (yes, the same Denver) that had this false flag op the last election and those people did not go to jail. They still live in Denver. Are you really trying to say that OWS has not been involved in violence, rapes, drug sales, and assaults. These people are predisposed to break the law and no one was hurt. So this was violence with the goal of attracting attention and not actually hurting someone which is exactly what OWS does.

Oh by the way, Recent polls show that it is the dems who are losing. Doesn't that support me and blow UP (here) your argument up (not here)? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh Barleybrains you make so many errors that I just can't believe someone is letting you TEACH! With all those errors, TEACHER, how did you get through school? I'd like to see your "long form" teacher's certificate, dumb ass.

As for fake break-ins, no one can beat the MASTER, Karl Rove! He turned in a tape recorder he supposedly found mounted behind a painting in his locked office during the White/Clemens campaign to the FBI. His timing was perfectly Rove-like. The investigation took several more weeks but eventually proved the recorder would have had to have the tape changed on a daily basis (requiring a new break-in) and that the battery would have only lasted for two recordings before also needing to be replaced. Everyone knows Rove planted the tape recorder himself.

He also started the whisper campaign that won Bush the South Carolina primary over McCain in 2000 by suggesting the "dark-skinned" daughter pictured on McCain's campaign literature was an illegitimate child borne out of wedlock after he'd had a sexual encounter with a black woman. It was just the sort of racist propaganda that Bush needed to win the South Carolina primary.
Copies of McCain's campaign literature were placed on windshields in store parking lots in poor white areas along with fliers calling attention to McCain's "dark-skinned" daughter.

From FAUX "News"


Republican political guru Karl Rove denied on Monday that he had anything to do with the scurrilous rumor during the 2000 presidential campaign that John McCain had fathered a black child.

The rumor, one of the dirtiest campaign trail disputes in modern politics, spread in the walkup to the Republican presidential primary between McCain and George W. Bush in South Carolina. At the time, a push poll -- a kind of poll that attempts to sway the opinion of potential voters -- suggested that McCain had fathered an illegitimate child with a black woman. It appeared to exploit the fact that McCain and his wife, Cindy, had adopted a dark-skinned daughter from Bangladesh.
The guy was an anti-gov wacko. Originally Posted by markroxny
So are a lot of lefties. Those are not mutually exclusive things.
Shot fired into Obama campaign office in Denver
DENVER (Reuters) - A gunshot was fired into President Barack Obama's downtown Denver re-election headquarters on Friday while campaign workers were inside but no one was struck, police said.
Denver Police Detective Raquel Lopez said a worker inside the office called police in mid-afternoon to report that a bullet had shattered a window pane.
"Right now, no one is in custody and investigators are looking at surveillance video to see if a vehicle can be identified," Lopez said.
Lopez said it was a single shot and no one inside was physically injured.
Detectives are not aware of any threats made to the campaign, but are exploring all possibilities, she said.
(Editing by Mary Slosson and Eric Walsh) Originally Posted by markroxny
You also might want to read this:


and this:


and this:


Looks like lefties know their way around a gun, too.
classy response Originally Posted by CJ7
haha, glad ya liked it.
So a single shot "shattered" a window pane of a Obama campaign office...
are they sure the bullet came from the OUTSIDE?

This weekend 2 people were killed and 28 wounded in Chicago...my guess the vast majority was "Democrat on Democrat" crime ....

....like in Harlem.

Here's another Chicago article dated June 2012

39 shot, 7 fatally over weekend in Chicago

Between late Friday afternoon and early Monday morning, 39 people were shot throughout the city, based on a Tribune analysis. Many of the shootings occurred in Lawndale on the West Side and in South Side neighborhoods such as Back of the Yards and Englewood, where a teenage girl was among the seven slain by gunfire.
Maybe it will turn out that the perp is a lunatic neo-Nazi skinhead.

Or maybe not. Maybe he's just a loon without an opposing ideology, like the nutcase who shot Representative Gabrielle Giffords.

Who the hell knows at this point? Wouldn't it be smarter to wait for a few more facts to come in before starting a thread with a title like that?

If jumping to conclusions were an Olympic sport, some of you guys would own medal collections rivaling those of Michael Phelps and Mark Spitz!

You people are just comical in your bias. Originally Posted by markroxny

Just about every thread you start, and virtually every post you make, is either a vitriolic attack on Romney or a paean to Obama. And you charge that other people are comically biased?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Really? really? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, REALLY! fucktard. You got nothing but your usual daily weak bullsh*t.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Lee Harvey Oswald -- another notorious lefty-loo with a rifle.