Conservatives are selfish people by nature.
A thread about taxes really highlights that fact. They come up with all sorts of ways to rationalize their greed. They gloss over that a Flat (percentage) Tax is not really a Flat Tax at all. A true Flat Tax would be where everyone pays the same dollar amount. They usually bring up the tired old welfare mother myth. Sometimes they get philosophical; "What IS rich?" or "What IS a truly fair tax?" or "How much SHOULD the government tax us?"
All of these are just attempts to obfuscate the simple truth that Conservatives are just plain selfish.
Most of you guys are Conservatives and will (as expected) be OUTRAGED at my post. OUTRAGED, I SAY!!! LOL, DILLIGAF? But what I've just done is plant a seed inside your head. From now on, every time you read something by a Conservative about taxes you'll be thinking "Longermonger was right. This jackass IS just a selfish a-hole. I bet he was one of those spoiled kids that never shared his toys."