So Just What Is The Tea-Party's Grand Plan?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Z, I think you go overboard, but just by a little, not a lot.

Odd how during the entire Bush-2 era there was little seen of the TPers even though the enemy Reps were in power. They did seem to just get loud and angry about the time a dem got voted in, didn't they? I do believe the race of the dem president is not a big issue for some of the TPers but it certainly my is for some others of them--as I have had many of them tell me very bluntly. It is unfortunate that someon both sides have made race their primary decision factor. Some LWWs refuse to criticize obama because he is back, some RWWs critisize him as a gut reaction because he is black. And of course each side only sees these evils in the other side (just look at the vehement denials by certain members on here when their excessively racially toned comments are challenged). Originally Posted by Old-T

I'm surprised but maybe I shouldn't be. I'm not even going to answer Z because he has proven himself to be a mindless troll and nothing more. should know better. The Tea party is not an organization that you can point to. It is a collection of Americans with ideas on how our government should run. For you information (put this someplace where you can get to it in the future) the Tea party rose up under George W. Bush and not under Obama. Remember when Bush talked about amnesty? Who stopped him? Millions of Americans contacting the White House and their representatives. That's who stopped him. Remember Harriet Miers and her Supreme Court nomination? You don't remember her because those same people made it known that we want no unqualified cronies on the highest court in the land. Bush listened. Too bad the left has no such organization (Occupy???) that Obama listens to on American matters.

As for Canton and the Washington establishment, they're going to have to change, really change, or get out of the way. We are taking our party back from the insiders who send their children to the same private schools, marry them to each other, and keep politics all inside their families. You don't have to spend most of your life in DC to understand how the world works or how government is supposed to work. We will suffer the occassional setback but we are not going away and we have been here since the days of Nixon ("the great silent majority"). We elected Reagan twice and we will see to it that Hillary can only get into the White House as part of the tour.

What is so wrong with having a smaller government that works? How can anyone with any intelligence oppose that?
Texas Playboy's Avatar
First of all, the "Tea Party" is not a political party, notwithstanding the name that is commonly thrown around. The name "TEA Party" is both an homage to the Boston Tea Party, which was a populist uprising against British taxation -- remember, "no taxation without representation" -- and also an acronym for Taxed Enough Already.

Essentially, it started as a nonpartisan reaction against politicians of both parties who practice tax-and-spend politics (mostly Democrats) and/or borrow-and-spend politics (mostly Republicans). The genesis of the Tea Party is that politicians of both parties are in the tank for big government, they just differ on which pet projects, and how to finance them.

While immigration is not intrinsically foundational to the birth of the Tea Party, the fact that illegal immigration is costing our society massively adds to the argument that our deficit is soaring because politicians of both stripes are failing to safeguard taxpayer dollars.

I think the GOP quickly saw the risk to their franchise and decided that, for self-preservation reasons, they needed to appropriate the "Tea Party" moniker for themselves. In so doing, cultural issues such as abortion and gay marriage have been introduced. It's a shame that this has happened because the Tea Party should be about fiscal sanity. This bastardization of some elements of the Tea Party have led to the problems. Problems like Dan Patrick. Texans will rue the day ......

I personally identify with the founding principles of Tea Party movements. It is intrinsically more libertarian than conservative. But faced with a choice of, say, an establishment RINO like Dewhurst versus a social conservative like Dan Patrick, with the winner to face a garden variety liberal Democrat ... I will happily "waste" my vote and go for the Libertarian. My stomach cannot handle voting for Dan Patrick, no matter how many Tea Party organizations endorse him.

I think you will see the Tea Party movement will continue to give the GOP fits, just as it did last night by sacking Eric Cantor. And if the GOP takes the Senate in 2014, and the Presidency in 2016, you will see how the Tea Party continues to be an anti-establishment movement.

That movement will be a damned good thing for liberty. The two parties are the reason why our liberties have been infringed upon so massively in recent years.
Finally, something honest out of you. The facts have been presented, You have been discredited and shown to be foolish. Your ignorance was pointed out, when you had nothing left, so you threw the race card,

The End Originally Posted by want2c

If I so choose to I can lead with or end with the race card (which is a valid card when applicable) it has nothing to do with what I have left. ;-) I think people like you hide the real people you are just like the Taliban hide their women behind Burqua's. If it looks like a duck...
I'm surprised but maybe I shouldn't be. I'm not even going to answer Z because he has proven himself to be a mindless troll and nothing more. Default canned answer from the Tea Party play book. should know better. The Tea party is not an organization that you can point to. It is a collection of Americans with ideas on how our government should run. LOL. You guys need your own State it's sad you live in this great country. For you information (put this someplace where you can get to it in the future) the Tea party rose up under George W. Bush and not under Obama. LOL - you reached deep for that crock of shit. Remember when Bush talked about amnesty? LOL What I remember is Reagan actually granting Amnesty. Who stopped him? Millions of Americans contacting the White House and their representatives. That's who stopped him. Remember Harriet Miers and her Supreme Court nomination? You don't remember her because those same people made it known that we want no unqualified cronies on the highest court in the land. Bush listened. Too bad the left has no such organization (Occupy???) that Obama listens to on American matters.

As for Canton and the Washington establishment, they're going to have to change, really change, or get out of the way. We are taking our party back from the insiders who send their children to the same private schools, marry them to each other, and keep politics all inside their families. You don't have to spend most of your life in DC to understand how the world works or how government is supposed to work. We will suffer the occassional setback but we are not going away and we have been here since the days of Nixon ("the great silent majority"). We elected Reagan twice and we will see to it that Hillary can only get into the White House as part of the tour. All it's doing is fracturing the Republicans. When you have a Dem up against Tea Party loon I trust the Dem will beat out the loon.

What is so wrong with having a smaller government that works? How can anyone with any intelligence oppose that? LOL. This is a silly talking point that has no solid details behind it. Your small government theory is nothing but a fast track to U.S 3rd world status. You guys have no clue just all talk a bluster. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

^ See comments in red
lustylad's Avatar
If you have the intellectual goods to debate and discuss with common sense feel free to but if not you can keep your token commentary to yourself. Billboards and Platitudes? I've heard em all before. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Hey look - the pot is calling the kettle black! Zanziboy the BUZZWORD BOZO is back! And the intelligence level of this forum has just nosedived! The reason zany has heard all the "billboards and platitudes" is because that's all his pee-wee mind can wrap itself around! (Btw, how do you "hear" a billboard?) All you need to do is scratch a little bit to see there is no substance or deep thinking behind any of zanziboy's libtard platitudes. He thinks people will take him seriously if he peppers his posts with nutty phrases like "corporate fascism". He makes idiotic statements like "Capitalism caused Dubya to crash the economy" and then runs and hides when he sees he is out of his league...

I enjoy fucking with libtards like you, zanziboy. Just trying to see if there is any deep thinking behind all your slogans and buzzwords. Doesn't look like it. You keep letting everyone down, zanziboy. All I did was ask you to elaborate. Sorry if my question made you so uncomfortable. Telling someone to "think about your question" and "perhaps the obvious answer will come to you" is about the lamest thing I've read on this board. Go back to hiding your intellectual vacuity behind all those slogans and buzzwords, zanziboy. It beats stewing in the real world, huh? Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey look - the pot is calling the kettle black! Zanziboy the BUZZWORD BOZO is back! And the intelligence level of this forum has just nosedived! The reason zany has heard all the "billboards and platitudes" is because that's all his pee-wee mind can wrap itself around! (Btw, how do you "hear" a billboard?) All you need to do is scratch a little bit to see there is no substance or deep thinking behind any of zanziboy's libtard platitudes. He thinks people will take him seriously if he peppers his posts with nutty phrases like "corporate fascism". He makes idiotic statements like "Capitalism caused Dubya to crash the economy" and then runs and hides when he sees he is out of his league...

. Originally Posted by lustylad

What would you like to know Christian Lad on a hooker site?

Ohhh the one word answer to your previous question that I've made you wait on?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-11-2014, 01:36 PM
Ok, I will play along with this idiotic thread;

The Tea Party grand plan is to win more elections in November and put the Senate back in the hands of the GOP. A much more conservative GOP aligned along Tea Party agenda.

The next big change will be the GOP leadership of the House. The Tea Party has no interest (at this point in time) of winning the presidency. They are focused on changing the agenda/politics from within the GOP.

The Grand Plan at this point in time is to get control of the House and Senate and elect more like minded candidates !

? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sounds like the plan Newt had...the GOP took control of the WH and both houses of congress and proceeded to go on a huge spending spree!

The Tea Turds will follow suit. If allowed. I do not think they have a viable plan to win a national election. They will not come close to winning the Hispanic vote like GWB did. Without it, they can not win.

That is why they are trying all these voter suppression antics!

Pretty simple really....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Looks like someone is getting into their master's blow.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-11-2014, 01:41 PM
Looks like someone is getting into their master's blow. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD are not allowed to talk about drugs, or are you just wanting to blow your master?
flghtr65's Avatar
Ok, I will play along with this idiotic thread;

The Tea Party grand plan is to win more elections in November and put the Senate back in the hands of the GOP. A much more conservative GOP aligned along Tea Party agenda.

The next big change will be the GOP leadership of the House. The Tea Party has no interest (at this point in time) of winning the presidency. They are focused on changing the agenda/politics from within the GOP.

The Grand Plan at this point in time is to get control of the House and Senate and elect more like minded candidates !

If the TP is successful in the November 2014 mid-terms; Hillary may not even run.

But make no mistake; the TP will not support another presidential candidate like McCain or Romney who can't articulate conservative ideas and who won't stand up and fight against the Progressive Agenda gauntlet.

Why would she want to be president with a hostile House and Senate that is aligned along Tea Party principles? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Cantor lost because the democrats were able to vote in the Virginia primary. Cantor got hit from the left and the right. Whirly, your plan will not work nationwide.
You have the vote count of how many Democrats voted against Cantor ?

Why would the Democrats want Cantor out and replace him with a more conservative candidate?

You make no sense.

And there is only 1 national election in the USA; the Tea Party can have significant impact on the direction/agenda of the US without the presidency.

Cantor lost because the democrats were able to vote in the Virginia primary. Cantor got hit from the left and the right. Whirly, your plan will not work nationwide. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Baloney, you don't even know what percentage of the vote is hispanic do you ?

Because if you did, you wouldn't float such trash.

....... They will not come close to winning the Hispanic vote like GWB did. Without it, they can not win.
Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
Ohhh the one word answer to your previous question that I've made you wait on?

Deregulation Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

??? Zanziboy, you're digging yourself deeper into your hole. Are we playing "Password"? "Jeopardy"? "Wheel of Fortune"? I call you a BUZZWORD BOZO and you reply with - a buzzword. Once again, you only show yourself to be incapable of anything deeper than a "one word answer". If you want to participate in a real debate, you need to learn how to stitch words together to complete a sentence. Then you need to learn how to stitch sentences together to complete a paragraph. Then you need to learn how to stitch paragraphs together to construct an argument...

Sorry zany, one word answers don't cut it. You lack the "intellectual goods to debate" here. Go back to listening to your billboards.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You're right. They have one idea the most grand and noblest of them all which is to shut down the government if they can't have their way. Disgusting and pathetic. You people ought to join Eric Snowden in Russia because you're nothing but Benedict Arnold's, traitors, and turn-coats all cloaked in a horrible Halloween mask of "Patriotism" Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
It is so funny to see the children of sixties liberals who wouldn't fight for America, a bunch of fucking traitors to the real America, call the sons of the defenders of the real America traitors.
Go fuck yourself, faggot!!
??? Zanziboy, you're digging yourself deeper into your hole. Are we playing "Password"? "Jeopardy"? "Wheel of Fortune"? I call you a BUZZWORD BOZO and you reply with - a buzzword. Once again, you only show yourself to be incapable of anything deeper than a "one word answer". If you want to participate in a real debate, you need to learn how to stitch words together to complete a sentence. Then you need to learn how to stitch sentences together to complete a paragraph. Then you need to learn how to stitch paragraphs together to construct an argument...

Sorry zany, one word answers don't cut it. You lack the "intellectual goods to debate" here. Go back to listening to your billboards.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lol. You really are a bleeding heart corporate fascist sympathizer. (more on Corporate fascism later) I already know where you live intellectually all that bluster is a mask for a clear lack of education.

Carry on and if you want to know something just ask. I may actually be inclined to answer you now that I know you typically respond like a bored angry house wife.