Drilling does not lower gas prices

oglfp12's Avatar
The reason we have politicans doing stupid shit is because we demand they do stupid shit to stay in office. We have no one to blame but ourselves. That includes both parties. Originally Posted by WTF
I couldn't agree more!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-25-2012, 01:30 AM
I couldn't agree more! Originally Posted by oglfp12
I respectfully disagree with you and WTF. The problem is, they are NOT doing what is good for the people of this country. They are to busy in a massive fucking circle jerk. Who the fuck cares about hearings of Roger Clemens, and the bullshit from that looser twat , that wants us to pay for birth control. Get a fucking job bitch. And Clemens who gives a shit if he took hgh. These cocksuckers, have been on the tit way to fucking long. All these hearings over chickenshit stuff. These bunch of fucking leeches need to do their job, period, what WE want them to do, NOT what they want to do.... Let me tell ya a lot of people are fucking tired of it, I'm one of them, and I sure as fuck am not alone. I have some good ideas for the whole fuckin bunch of them, federal, state, and local. But I won't post it here. God damn that felt halfway decent to get rid of that semi-rant...lol
I am afraid that our elected officials have lost track of the mission of government, whether it be city, county, state or federal. And the further it is from the electorate, the less efficient it is. I feel that our federal government is out of control and trying to control too much. Yeah, congressional hearings on roger clemens, the saints bounty, i bet hoodys are next.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-25-2012, 07:33 AM
I respectfully disagree with you and WTF. The problem is, they are NOT doing what is good for the people of this country. They are to busy in a massive fucking circle jerk. Who the fuck cares about hearings of Roger Clemens, and the bullshit from that looser twat , that wants us to pay for birth control. Get a fucking job bitch. And Clemens who gives a shit if he took hgh. These cocksuckers, have been on the tit way to fucking long. All these hearings over chickenshit stuff. These bunch of fucking leeches need to do their job, period, what WE want them to do, NOT what they want to do.... Let me tell ya a lot of people are fucking tired of it, I'm one of them, and I sure as fuck am not alone. I have some good ideas for the whole fuckin bunch of them, federal, state, and local. But I won't post it here. God damn that felt halfway decent to get rid of that semi-rant...lol Originally Posted by seedman55
I am afraid that our elected officials have lost track of the mission of government, whether it be city, county, state or federal. And the further it is from the electorate, the less efficient it is. I feel that our federal government is out of control and trying to control too much. Yeah, congressional hearings on roger clemens, the saints bounty, i bet hoodys are next..... Originally Posted by FatBastard
What I hear you two saying is our system of government is broken, without actually acknowledging so. What I do not agree with is that changing drivers will fix it. I think the system of government is broken for a global economy. For example the car is still the best mode of travel in a localized area but the plane is the best way to travel in a global market.

Our system of government fit when it was more localized. Changing drivers in a car does nothing to compete with a person that flies a plane.

More thoughts on this after a round of golf.
Typical WTF Rubbish; the car (auto/truck) is still the best way to travel; even in a global economy. In fact, a global economy depends more and more on the car/truck as the primary transportation node......

True, planes, boats and rail ship goods globally, but then once those products hit a port of entry; the car/truck is necessary for distribution of the goods produced by the global society !

Without trucks/autos, the global economy couldn't stay global !

PS: you probably lie at golf (and your handicapp) as well; or don't know the rules of the game of golf.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-25-2012, 09:12 PM
What I hear you two saying is our system of government is broken, without actually acknowledging so. What I do not agree with is that changing drivers will fix it. I think the system of government is broken for a global economy. For example the car is still the best mode of travel in a localized area but the plane is the best way to travel in a global market.

Our system of government fit when it was more localized. Changing drivers in a car does nothing to compete with a person that flies a plane.

More thoughts on this after a round of golf. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, our system is not broken, it is still the best in the world, the people who WE ENTRUST to run it are broken. Why all the chickenshit stuff? Just do what needs to be done, nothing more, nothing less.. maybe this is to simplistic, but it is the logical thing to do, and they AREN'T FUCKING DOING IT.!!!! There is just to much bullshit, and they all have their hands in the pie. I am to the point I don't trust a god damn one of them. And one side is having the strings pulled by Soros, the other side only god knows, some conglomerate of uppity WASPS. We will all know this november, wether we are gping down the shitter or not......

Hope ya had a good round, I use to play a lot, but now i'd razther go fishing.....
oglfp12's Avatar
WTF, our system is not broken, it is still the best in the world, the people who WE ENTRUST to run it are broken. Why all the chickenshit stuff? Just do what needs to be done, nothing more, nothing less.. maybe this is to simplistic, but it is the logical thing to do, and they AREN'T FUCKING DOING IT.!!!! There is just to much bullshit, and they all have their hands in the pie. ... Originally Posted by seedman55
The chickenshit stuff is easy, and they can pretend to be doing something by doing that. The important stuff is hard--they would have to actually think, and consider the needs of the country over their own needs, and even compromise (perish the thought!). They can't spare the energy to do the important stuff, because it would take away from fund raising for their next election.
And what IS "doing good" ???????

Many would say more regulations; many would say less.....many will say higher taxes and many will say less taxation....many will say more government, but many disagreee.....

Get the point?

I respectfully disagree with you and WTF. The problem is, they are NOT doing what is good for the people of this country. ,,,,,, Originally Posted by seedman55
I B Hankering's Avatar
Any release from the Strategic Reserve is purely a political action. I point out the FACT that last June (yes, less than a year ago) there was a release from the strategic reserve to counter the high gasoline prices at the time. What happened? Well, the price of gasoline decreased about 5 to 7 cents per gallon for a short time. So, in effect, you are also admitting that increasing the supply will bring about a drop in prices. That is all you had to say.
Then they rose again in July, and remained above seasonal average through October 2011.
Once again, this proves nothing. As Einstein said (paraphrased): Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.Too many variables are in flux for your statement to be an absolute truth: this year is not last year; 'drilling' is not the same as momentarily 'tapping' the strategic reserves. Originally Posted by oglfp12
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2012, 10:02 PM
Typical WTF Rubbish; the car (auto/truck) is still the best way to travel; even in a global economy. In fact, a global economy depends more and more on the car/truck as the primary transportation node......

True, planes, boats and rail ship goods globally, but then once those products hit a port of entry; the car/truck is necessary for distribution of the goods produced by the global society !

Without trucks/autos, the global economy couldn't stay global !

PS: you probably lie at golf (and your handicapp) as well; or don't know the rules of the game of golf. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First you need to re-read my post or ask me to help explain it to you.

Next I will play you in a game of golf any place you want to play. Loser pays for the provider of the winners choice.

WTF, our system is not broken, it is still the best in the world, the people who WE ENTRUST to run it are broken...... Originally Posted by seedman55

Of course it is broken or we would not keep electing folks that have their best interest at heart and not the people's.

But of course in a society such as ours, selfishness is rewarded