Last Chance!

robobird's Avatar
All that is sure is Louisiana's population has taken a major hit since Katrina and New Orleans lost the most. Now with the GOP in charge of every facet of this state and the loss of a congressional seat in the new Orleans area certain. Whose district will be cut up and placed into neighboring districts. The one represented by a republican or the one by a corrupt Democrat. Not that the Republicans have no corruption but to the victor goes the spoils. Many of the tea party candidates want to return to a constitutional congressional setup with 1 congressman representing no more than 30,000 people. Talk about a major change in congress. Cut the pay to $50,000 per seat and shred the staff budgets maybe then OUR VOICES would be heard. It will never happen but what a thought.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
30,000 per congressman. this would result in a congress having more than 437 seats. they're unlikely to do it as that would reduce the power of incumbency. alot of this was decided very early in the 20th century.

alot of the districts around the country aren't even equal either. you have say like a california district which may have 500,000 voters as compared to a montana district which may have something like 50,000 voters.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there was an article that was interesting. said article claims that white democrats are extinct or nearly so. Republicans had a sweep of most of the southern states with regards to the state legislature. something like that hasn't occurred since the Reconstruction area which I understand gave alot of democrats of the day a hissy fit. this does have implications of redistricting.
robobird's Avatar
The 437 cap was decided as a cap without any amendment. Just think right now more than 2000 congressmen and every one of them knowing the public they serve personally. Does anyone think that healthcare nightmare would have passed with that setup. The democratic party was hijacked some time ago and is now a socialist party. This will be the best spectator sport with the republicans split between the rinos (republican in name only) and the tea party. Get ready for some fireworks.