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courtesans had as many customers as any modern escort. A courtesan is defined by quality, not quantity. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Sooooo, just how much quality can you pack into back-to-back-to-back 15 minute sessions?
I'm not sure where you read that, but it definitely isn't the case; many well-known courtesans from history (for example, the Greek hetaerae) had as many customers as any modern escort. A courtesan is defined by quality, not quantity. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Well, as you are the expert on the topic, I'll have to concede that point. :-)

One thing I definitely believe is that a person has an absolute right to self-definition. An attempt to define someone from the outside is fraught with peril.
Sooooo, just how much quality can you pack into back-to-back-to-back 15 minute sessions? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Please, Charles, don't be absurd. 15-minute sessions, indeed.