President Trump Just Addressed the Nation.

Missburger's Avatar
And you think that anybody that voted for Trump will decide it's his fault that the US economy suffered from a world wide pandemic? Please, that's just Progressives fantasizing again. Maybe Trump won't be re-elected but a down economy because of something he had no control over, won't be the reason he fails, if he does.

And you think the Democratic party loaded with open border, anti-capitalist, anti-corporations, anti bank people will bring back what might very well be a devastated economy? How? With free everything? Free health care for any illegal that can make it into the country?

And you think Joe Biden will carry that message with a plan? Good luck with that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

biden is not for that but again youre not understanding the facts, hes the president, hes already got a tough time winning because of his demanor, remember the house seats that were lost because of him,

hes in a tough spot, not his fault but if the economy tanks doesnt matter th at the issue is, hes done
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I can't see the indys voting for biden, not the way Biden is talking like he's crazy, the gaffe machine he is.

this is a different kind of crazy as compared to Trump who puts out "I know where I am" crazy. Biden is more like "I don't know where I am" crazy.
Missburger's Avatar
I can't see the indys voting for biden, not the way Biden is talking like he's crazy, the gaffe machine he is.

this is a different kind of crazy as compared to Trump who puts out "I know where I am" crazy. Biden is more like "I don't know where I am" crazy. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
they are both crazy,, independents vote for biden, hes blue collar a lot like them, trump is not he got them because of hillary not because of himself,, pa will go to biden and it wont be close,, ohio michigan will be touigh wins for trump,, if obabma comes out and gets the black vote out its game over, trump won because no one liked hillary not because they liked him, also voter turnout was cdrazy low, i have a feeling it will be high this november and thats a loss for trump
he has old dumb white people that are racist vote for him and some old dumb white women who are dumb vote for him lol

i did vote for him because i disliked hilary, im an idndependent and im telling you im voting for biden.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
biden is not for that but again youre not understanding the facts, hes the president, hes already got a tough time winning because of his demanor, remember the house seats that were lost because of him,

hes in a tough spot, not his fault but if the economy tanks doesnt matter th at the issue is, hes done Originally Posted by Missburger

how many house seats did Obama lose?

Under Obama, Democrats suffer largest loss in power since Eisenhower

Republican groundswell in state legislatures.

In 2009, President Obama’s party controlled both chambers of 27 state legislatures. Eight years later, Democrats control both chambers in only 13 states. Among the states that slipped from Democratic control are Wisconsin, North Carolina, Iowa and West Virginia; states key to the victory of President-elect Donald Trump last November. According to a report from the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Democratic Party has lost a net total of 13 Governorships and 816 state legislative seats since President Obama entered office, the most of any president since Dwight Eisenhower.

if you think the Republican losses during Trump's midterm were catastrophic then you don't know history. so how's your Cuban history, Fidel?

Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm

  • President Donald Trump on Tuesday night lost control of the House of Representatives.
  • Democrats seized at least 26 seats to gain a majority that could stymie his agenda and lead to investigation of his administration.
  • But he did way better than then-President Barack Obama in his first midterm election.
  • Presidents almost always lose a few dozen House seats in the midterms.Barack Obama lost 63 in 2010 and Bill Clinton lost 52 in 1994.
  • The elections haven't all been called yet, but Trump likely lost around 30 House seats, making it a pretty strong showing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they are both crazy,, independents vote for biden, hes blue collar a lot like them, trump is not he got them because of hillary not because of himself,, pa will go to biden and it wont be close,, ohio michigan will be touigh wins for trump,, if obabma comes out and gets the black vote out its game over, trump won because no one liked hillary not because they liked him, also voter turnout was cdrazy low, i have a feeling it will be high this november and thats a loss for trump
he has old dumb white people that are racist vote for him and some old dumb white women who are dumb vote for him lol

i did vote for him because i disliked hilary, im an idndependent and im telling you im voting for biden. Originally Posted by Missburger

you're voting for a guy who doesn't know where he is???
HoeHummer's Avatar
You can’t compare Biden to Trump.

Trump is a blight on your nation and a pox on the industrialized nations of the world.

Biden might be a bit goofy, but he doesn’t make people hate their countrymen.

Yous fucking idiots would loyally follow trump to the boneyard. And yous will soon.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
O Canada .. O Canada .... yous is FUCKED

Federal government warns up to 26 million Canadians could get COVID-19; allocates $1B for fight

'I would say it is safe to assume that it could be between 30 per cent of the population — that acquire COVID-19 — and 70 per cent'

26 million Canadians!!


When Evil Lord Trump annexes an empty Canada what will yous say about that?


let's hear that national anthem one last time ..

before it becomes this .. the 51st State!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2020, 06:40 AM
what could he have done sooner?. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Shorted your stocks!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2020, 06:50 AM
biden is not for that but again youre not understanding the facts, hes the president, hes already got a tough time winning because of his demanor, remember the house seats that were lost because of him,

hes in a tough spot, not his fault but if the economy tanks doesnt matter th at the issue is, hes done Originally Posted by Missburger
His supporters were shocked at the 2018 election results and if the market keeps tanking and we fall into a recession...they will be in for another surprise come this November.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-12-2020, 06:53 AM
The president looks like a fool the stock market he took so much credit for is a absolute shit storm. He cut taxes and created a huge deficit with no way to pay for it now the dumb ass wants more tax cuts with no hope of paying for it. No reason to pass that dumb shit. Lets see how much people love trump's america come November.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar

Bold steps. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I've got a new name for that individual we are stuck are stuck with that’s occupying the WH...


The man of inaction who consistently puts out lies and misinformation about this virus pandemic.
South Korea are testing 10,000 folks per day in order to get the real numbers of the spread.
The UK for instance has increased its testing by 500% but the minister of health over there has tested positive for the virus...

And what’s Trump the US doing.? Not much in the way of testing, since he got rid of the pandemic alerts created by Obama. So how would he know how many are infected. Claims there’s very little risk for healthy folks. WTF. Trumps got his head in the sand, i guess he just wants to go and play golf and tweet.
And he’s gagged his lackeys to say nothing,

As usual he’s ignoring the advice of the real experts and doing whatever he wants.
Health experts in the field of pandemics say that as many as 70 million could easily catch the virus in this country in a short period of time but Trump and his sidekick Christian Warrior Pence just ignore all of that.

Oh but wait...didn’t Trump say that this virus pandemic is a HOAX put out by the Dems?

And you Trump sheep just suck it all up as the truth.
I've got a new name for that individual we are stuck are stuck with that’s occupying the WH...


The man of inaction who consistently puts out lies and misinformation about this virus pandemic.
South Korea are testing 10,000 folks per day in order to get the real numbers of the spread.
The UK for instance has increased its testing by 500% but the minister of health over there has tested positive for the virus...

And what’s Trump the US doing.? Not much in the way of testing, since he got rid of the pandemic alerts created by Obama. So how would he know how many are infected. Claims there’s very little risk for healthy folks. WTF. Trumps got his head in the sand, i guess he just wants to go and play golf and tweet.
And he’s gagged his lackeys to say nothing,

As usual he’s ignoring the advice of the real experts and doing whatever he wants.
Health experts in the field of pandemics say that as many as 70 million could easily catch the virus in this country in a short period of time but Trump and his sidekick Christian Warrior Pence just ignore all of that.

Oh but wait...didn’t Trump say that this virus pandemic is a HOAX put out by the Dems?

And you Trump sheep just suck it all up as the truth.
Pathetic Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
You are about a week behind on the news cycle.
HoeHummer's Avatar
O Canada .. O Canada .... yous is FUCKED

Federal government warns up to 26 million Canadians could get COVID-19; allocates $1B for fight

'I would say it is safe to assume that it could be between 30 per cent of the population — that acquire COVID-19 — and 70 per cent'

26 million Canadians!!


When Evil Lord Trump annexes an empty Canada what will yous say about that?


let's hear that national anthem one last time ..

before it becomes this .. the 51st State! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What the actual fucks is your point?

Canada isn’t lying to her people about this.

Trump is still shaking hands and kissing babies. And contradicting all experts.

If you find your posts a source of glee, then yous are every bit the worthless piece of shits your online persona pretends to be. If the misfortune of other countries gives you something to cheers about, and beat your wimpy chest, then grab your tiki torch and head to the next Tdump rally. No mask.

Don’t wash your hands, Pedsy. Maybe this virus will do what the Democrats can’t ... rid the world of evil, racist assholes like yous.

You’ve exposed yourself again, shithead.
HedonistForever's Avatar
biden is not for that but again youre not understanding the facts, hes the president, hes already got a tough time winning because of his demanor, remember the house seats that were lost because of him,

hes in a tough spot, not his fault but if the economy tanks doesnt matter th at the issue is, hes done Originally Posted by Missburger

Well, you did get one fact right, he is the President but those tens of thousands of people that show up to his rallies will vote for him like I will not because of his demeanor but because of his policies which is apparently what you fail to understand. Did we not know his "demeanor" before voting for him? Many people will tell you that his "demeanor" is precisely why they voted for him because he will not take shit from anybody. Me, while I don't care for his "demeanor", as an Independent, I vote policy and policy only. It is in fact my only consideration.

And those House seats you speak of, they have taken a big hit because of the Pelosi impeachment. While I don't take a great deal of stock in poll numbers, they do show Pelosi with negative numbers since the impeachment.

You explain your own faulty reasoning by saying it isn't his fault but that doesn't matter. Of course it matter's. Is that the kind of thinking you think most Independents adhere too? I don't. I'm a registered Independent because I simply will not align myself with a party, any party which is what most Independents do but all Independents "lean" one way or the other and I believe those leanings are based on policies.

IMHO, no "thinking" person says "I know it's not his fault but I'll blame him anyway" ESPECIALLY when you don't agree with a single policy being put forth by his opponent.

So what is it you think Democrats will do if Biden is elected and Pelosi still runs the House if the economy is in the tank as you believe it will be? You talk about adding to the deficit, what do you think all those Progressive policies will do to the deficit? And don't give me this crap about Biden "isn't for that" crap. The Democratic party has been pushed very far left at the House level and if they stay in power, they will control Pelosi just like they did on the impeachment.

I see no way the Democrats could/ can control the Corona virus outbreak and restore a devastated economy IF that happens.

My guess is, like all other cold related viruses, this will pass as we get further into spring and summer. The stock market will rebound and whether Trump gets credit for that from Democrats, which he won't, according to your "economic theory", if the economy is doing better, then Trump will be re-elected because most Independents will compare Trump policies to Biden who is obviously under the spell of the far left of the party.

Sanders says even if he is not elected, he and "his fellow travelers", will demand Biden push his agenda and I think he will from what I have seen like telling us bat shit crazy O'Rouke will be in charge of his "gun policy".
  • oeb11
  • 03-12-2020, 11:34 AM
HF - Thank you , Sir.
