back biting

Guest022210's Avatar
I'm more of a lip biter or a shoulder biter--but seriously, I'm more of a lover than a biter and we should all try and remember that that's what the hobby is all about. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Amen. Well said from a lady who practices what she preaches.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-09-2010, 04:48 PM
Okay, I had a pretty long response to this thread but apparently the internet connection I'm on will time out after awhile.....Oh well, rather than re-type all that crap again, I'll just do the Cliff Notes version:

1: The owners have accepted me onto their staff and have pretty much given me the same areas that I had on ASPD, which means you guys are stuck with me on ECCIE;

2: Since most of you are from ASPD-AR, you already know that I do not care for drama, backbiting, rudeness, etc., so if you have something to show that someone is doing that, then don't ever be afraid to send what you have to me so that at the very least I can be on the lookout for that person;

3: Let's try to keep the same kind of friendly ambiance that we had on ASPD so that my job as moderating here will be as pleasureable here as it was there.....

Take care peeps.....
Nice to see that "Super Moderator" is here, Big C. We'll do our best to play nice.

If we'd wanted "drama", couldn't we just stay at home?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Vote time!!! Who votes for BCG to be the official court jester? He has my vote ... Anyone want to second it so we can make it official? lmao Originally Posted by kittendd
I suspect given BIG C's announcement downthread (congrats, BIG C, and I can say that's no surprise to me) the only vote that counts is his.

Whatever the decision is, I'm stickin' with my avatar; Alfred and I go back a long way together.


Now BCG just because Big C is in control doesnt mean you cant still be our court jester lol I am sure Big C wont mind some help every now and then lol
Oh and Big C congrats
heck..i just hate the vague post.. i mean in reality, people clash, don't see things the same way, but back biting? ya..the board has rules, but geez..we are all adults, might not always act like it, but unless someone is putting someone at risk, is harming them..words are just can't be personal..since no one here knows someone on that level..and if they do, then someone screwed up somewhere..

That and heck you gotta make it fun, post names or leave it alone and give it to the mods, but vague accusations with no one pointed out..hell it might be me..oh wait..thats i post all my junk on the board, i don't conversate off site with girls or guys, don't play the PM game, don't hide on the boards to create nope..rule ole deanna out..unless people just don't like what i say


and welcome BIG C.. i put in a good word for ya
baldnbashful's Avatar
---baldnbashful said on aspd about these people,"the anononimity of pages like this allow the shallow of heart and the little dicks to spew hate without recoarse"---wise words to the rest of us--

Too bad I can't use this reference of my great wisdom on my resume!

The sad reality is that every board, radio talk show, or format in which one can post or comment from the shadows can quickly and easily be overrun by the aforementioned semen challenged pigmy dicks. The only real way to get them to stop is to simply ignore them. They get their "rock" off through the exchange and by tearing down. I have "downsized" many of this ilk but absent that I choose a path less travled...ignore them and they will go away. If that does not work...then harass the hell out of 'em!!!
it also allows the shallow of heart and the little dicks a chance to hook up with hot looking perhaps its a trade off...sometimes the aforementioned semen challenged pigmy dicks may not know they are one..may not post like one on the boards..but is in fact one in real life hence the reason they are hear lookin for fame on a silly whore board

luckily, shallowed heart people, guys will little dicks, guys even that are semen challenged..are allowed here, some even make little creative post and comments and wk for the ladies..but none the less still have little dicks, are semen challenged and may be heartless, yet are all here paying like the rest of em
Good Morning Okay I am not quite awake to respond fully to the above mentioned post but Deanna and bald very well said... If you cant say something nice about someone dont say anything at all. Dont take anything in this business too personal... Have fun with it but always remember that there is a life outside of the "job". If someone says something hurtful as Bald said just ignore them... or if it gets to bad let Big C handle it

Now I am oughta here before I scare another client with the tons of boxes still in my living room floor (thank goodness for understanding regulars!!!)

Be good and play safe!!! and have lots and lots of fun
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-10-2010, 07:29 AM
I have always given the advice of just ignoring drama idiots because if you respond to them you only feed their desire to be noticed.....Ignoring them generally sends them away, whereas fighting with them generally gives them the undue publicity that they crave.....On the few occasions where that person won't go away, then it is best to get the mod involved and let them make a decision on how to handle the situation.....It is always a bad idea to get engaged in a pissing contest with that person because usually all that will do is just get both of you in trouble and I can tell you that saying "I was only defending myself," or "He/she started it" isn't really going to work in your defense.....
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Now BCG just because Big C is in control doesnt mean you cant still be our court jester lol I am sure Big C wont mind some help every now and then lol Originally Posted by kittendd
Well, then I shall snark in my accustomed manner until such time as Our Esteemed Super Moddy Rater Dude steps in and hammers my dick flat.

Seeings as how he did that several times (and deservedly so) at ASPD (RIP), I know that is briefly painful, but not fatal, and I have always learned my lesson therefrom.


And as a side note, its also a good idea to keep in mind that this board or any other and the mods on it are not the hobby police and can not control what people say that is not in public view on this board.. i.e emails, yahoo messages, phone calls, text etc.

Big C can correct me and probably will, but the mods are here to enforce the policy of the board they are a mod on.. not police the hobby, unless the board is being used to harass someone its really out of the mods hands..and hell I have seen nothing on the board to indicate "back biting".

In the event mods do begin trying to protect people even that may have proof of the "drama" then we have begun to return to the old "p" site and a certain admin that did that for people over there..we are all big boys and girls that can manage ourselves..the mods shouldn't be here to dictate how we hobby, nor what we choose to say to someone off the public view of this board.

let the mods maintain the BOARD, and adults can maintain their lives and problems with people that are not in plain view on this board..
Tempus's Avatar
IMO all internet drama can be thoroughly summed up:

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-10-2010, 02:42 PM
Big C can correct me and probably will, but the mods are here to enforce the policy of the board they are a mod on.. not police the hobby, unless the board is being used to harass someone its really out of the mods hands..and hell I have seen nothing on the board to indicate "back biting". Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
DeAnna is correct of course as I'm a big advocate of keeping personal off the board drama OFF THE BOARD ! ! ! ! !.....We are not the hobby police and to be quite honest, I've done my job of raising kids and am probably too old to be having to raise kids that are supposed to be adults anyway.....There are some exceptions to the rule where off the board conduct is going to have a direct impact on the board, but I think those occurrences are few and far between.....For the most part though, as long as people are willing to conduct themselves in an adult and intelligent manner, and as long as people are rspectful to each other, then I don't see much of a problem.....