Why does everyone hate obama?

I was born in the states and left when I was a 1 year old. I grew up in Australia, graduated returned to the states where I received my degree in petroleum engineering at Texas A&M. I returned to Australia briefly and moved back. Mind you, I'm 40 years old and have seen the damage he has caused to the oil industry, health care and welfare system. I pay the same taxes as you. He is wanting a great republic to fall into the hands of a democracy, which will be the end of FREE America.

I will say, I hate the very air he breathes, in fact, if he had his way he would tax it.

I was one told the lowest form on life on earth was "TOAD CUM" and he has set the standard.

Look at the bright side, the end of the world is 12-21-12. We have less than two months of TOAD CUM "obama". Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun

Hurry back to the down under.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
This is the same crap that went around in '07 caused a huge sale in guns and ammo,and nothing came of it.Probably a rumor started by the gun lobby to get idiots to buy a lot of their product. Originally Posted by ekim008

i bet the same people who said that also said Romeny was gonna win. HA!

Where was this up roar and Up heavel when our soldiers were dieing by the dozens over a pointless war, that was really old beef between Bush Sr. and Sadam?

And i must say once again. Obama is NOT the only one who makes decisions and he can not get any decisions passed without the full approval of the rest of the houses. To say the president single handedly has ruined anything is unrealistical and exaggerating. I understand why SOME people hate his guts with out a doubt, i know exactly why. Obviously however he is loved by many and he did not win by a hair, he WHOOPED ROMNEYS ASS.... tehehe

And this shall be the last I will post about Obama. I know lots of guys probably wont like me for supporting the president, but then again those are more than likely guys whom are not interested in my likes what so ever. I do ask that you not let my politacal standing affect your views on me as a provider as this is a completely different hemisphere and aspect of life. Never the less I am glad that even though it seemed like the whole world was rooting against him, His supporters simply stayed quite and proved to the world that they are loyal to their president, and proud of him. just as we were loyal to Bush, the dumbest president we ever had. You may not like it, but he Won anyways, and for the next 4 years, he will be our Commander in Chief (or is it Commander and chief) Ither way.

God WILL Bless America!!!
Yep, the real world is a little tougher than a sex instructor.....

I worked for George Sr. when he had the beef with Saddam....

I was proud to support Jr. when they went to finish the job.

I guess if you have no clue.... it all looks stupid.

Back to Humor!
[QUOTE=Mya Michelle;1051871661]i bet the same people who said that also said Romeny was gonna win. HA!

Where was this up roar and Up heavel when our soldiers were dieing by the dozens over a pointless war, that was really old beef between Bush Sr. and Sadam?

And i must say once again. Obama is NOT the only one who makes decisions and he can not get any decisions passed without the full approval of the rest of the houses. To say the president single handedly has ruined anything is unrealistical and exaggerating. I understand why SOME people hate his guts with out a doubt, i know exactly why. Obviously however he is loved by many and he did not win by a hair, he WHOOPED ROMNEYS ASS.... tehehe

And this shall be the last I will post about Obama. I know lots of guys probably wont like me for supporting the president, but then again those are more than likely guys whom are not interested in my likes what so ever. I do ask that you not let my politacal standing affect your views on me as a provider as this is a completely different hemisphere and aspect of life. Never the less I am glad that even though it seemed like the whole world was rooting against him, His supporters simply stayed quite and proved to the world that they are loyal to their president, and proud of him. just as we were loyal to Bush, the dumbest president we ever had. You may not like it, but he Won anyways, and for the next 4 years, he will be our Commander in Chief (or is it Commander and chief) Ither way.

God WILL Bless America!!! [/QUOTE
How do you un-ring a bell?????
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Look at it this way, the blame game is over from now on he has to point the finger at his self now.
I hope all the DUMB-ASS people that voted for him is happy now you get 4 more years of him and his family flying around the world like ROCK stars at our expense.

And yes he does have power he has single handily made more executive orders and sign shit into law than the last 10 President's combined.

He is George Soros puppet and he is the man that wants this county to fall because if you read up on this ASSHOLE he has communist ways about him.

And for all the dumb-asses that voted for him he HATES America and what it stands for, the free money and hand outs you people get will soon be over with because what you people don't understand is he CAN"T be reelected now and he has nothing to lose, so hold on to your ass because it's his now.

I will bet in 4 more years you dumb-asses will be crying and singing the blues because all the money will be gone and we will be under the UN control and have one world money because the only thing the dollar will be good for is stating a fire to keep warm or to wipe your ass with.
spoken like a white bread who has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with you.If you are unable to adapt it will mean defeat for you in years to come.
Yep, the real world is a little tougher than a sex instructor.....

I worked for George Sr. when he had the beef with Saddam....

I was proud to support Jr. when they went to finish the job.

I guess if you have no clue.... it all looks stupid.

Back to Humor! Originally Posted by lookn4boobies

Yep that was one of the main reasons (this is the man who tried to kill my daddy)
boshif's Avatar
This division in the US is a precursor to Civil War.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I am an American Citizen. Read the beginning of my post. I have the option of leaving to avoid tyranny, by a Goverment, who's purpose is to bring down a "what is left of a great nation"
LaStang's Avatar
that being said i'll close this one before it gets out of hand