Michele Bachmann Goes Totally Nuts and Even Her Own Party Attacks Her

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-25-2012, 01:53 PM
Political correctness requires that we err on the side of optimisim when it comes to protecting ourselves from Jihadists. If there is any doubt at all about someone's loyalty to the country, they've got no business being in government.

When it comes to Muslims, we should be erring on the side of caution, not optimism. This is the same kind of nonsense that caused the massacre at Fort Hood. Originally Posted by joe bloe
It's comments like this that make me shudder to think you are not unique in your view of democracy: "freedom for those who think like I do".

OK, remove legal rights from Muslims because of 911. If you're a Muslim, no right to arms, no serving in government, no voting, and off to the internment camps with you.

Then let's remove those rights from Chrisitians because of Oklahoma City.

I'm sure we can keep this rolling and find a bad Jew, a bad Hindu, and a bad atheist.

Maybe we'll get to the point that the only ones with any right left will be the Native Americans who are still practicing their ancestral religeons.

You know, there would be a bit of ironic justice in that.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 01:59 PM
It's comments like this that make me shudder to think you are not unique in your view of democracy: "freedom for those who think like I do".

OK, remove legal rights from Muslims because of 911. If you're a Muslim, no right to arms, no serving in government, no voting, and off to the internment camps with you.

Then let's remove those rights from Chrisitians because of Oklahoma City.

I'm sure we can keep this rolling and find a bad Jew, a bad Hindu, and a bad atheist.

Maybe we'll get to the point that the only ones with any right left will be the Native Americans who are still practicing their ancestral religeons.

You know, there would be a bit of ironic justice in that. Originally Posted by Old-T

scalp Joe because hes a white man
joe bloe's Avatar
It's comments like this that make me shudder to think you are not unique in your view of democracy: "freedom for those who think like I do".

OK, remove legal rights from Muslims because of 911. If you're a Muslim, no right to arms, no serving in government, no voting, and off to the internment camps with you.

Then let's remove those rights from Chrisitians because of Oklahoma City.

I'm sure we can keep this rolling and find a bad Jew, a bad Hindu, and a bad atheist.

Maybe we'll get to the point that the only ones with any right left will be the Native Americans who are still practicing their ancestral religeons.

You know, there would be a bit of ironic justice in that. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're right. We should just pretend that Islam is a perfectly fine religion, no different than any other. Then, after the terrorists nuke New York or Chicago or Houston, we can take comfort in knowing our diversity is still intact.

I'm glad to hear that I made you shudder. I was actually trying for a grand mal seizure.

We are not a democracy. We are a republic.
joe bloe's Avatar
scalp Joe because hes a white man Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm part Karankawa.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 02:13 PM
I'm part Karankawa. Originally Posted by joe bloe

In common with other coastal tribes of Texas and Louisiana, the Karankawa practiced ritual cannibalism of blood enemies In 1768, a Spanish priest wrote an account of the Karankawa ritual ceremonies. He portrayed the Karankawa as believing that eating the captive's flesh would transfer the captive's power and strength to those who consumed him. The natives tied a captive to a stake. While dancing around him, they would dart in, slice off a piece of flesh and roast it in front of the victim in a prepared campfire. Then they would devour it.

and Obama ate dog

joe bloe's Avatar
In common with other coastal tribes of Texas and Louisiana, the Karankawa practiced ritual cannibalism of blood enemies In 1768, a Spanish priest wrote an account of the Karankawa ritual ceremonies. He portrayed the Karankawa as believing that eating the captive's flesh would transfer the captive's power and strength to those who consumed him. The natives tied a captive to a stake. While dancing around him, they would dart in, slice off a piece of flesh and roast it in front of the victim in a prepared campfire. Then they would devour it.

and Obama ate dog

Originally Posted by CJ7
Nice catch. I was afraid someone would come up with that! Truthfully, I was told my family has a distant relative that was half Indian. I think someone said they thought he was Karankawan. That passage you posted is horrible.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 03:04 PM
Nice catch. I was afraid someone would come up with that! Truthfully, I was told my family has a distant relative that was half Indian. I think someone said they thought he was Karankawan. That passage you posted is horrible. Originally Posted by joe bloe

you might be part German and part Frenchman and just about part anything that came in port at Galveston
joe bloe's Avatar
you might be part German and part Frenchman and just about part anything that came in port at Galveston Originally Posted by CJ7
Right back at you.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Right back at you.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI0RoJz7Tno Originally Posted by joe bloe
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 03:52 PM
apparently both of you are still having problems with context

Joe (seemingly) took my last comment seriously even with a smiley face attached

and COF's kindergarten response speaks for itself
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-25-2012, 03:57 PM
[QUOTE=joe bloe;2966329]You're right. We should just pretend that Islam is a perfectly fine religion, no different than any other. Then, after the terrorists nuke New York or Chicago or Houston, we can take comfort in knowing our diversity is still intact. What scares me the most is you don't even understand what you are pushing for. Are we now guilty until proven innocent? Or does it depend upon your religion whether the default assumption is guilt or innocence? Muslins are assumed guilty. Southern Baptists are assumed innocent? Unless of course they had an ancestor who fought on the wrong side of some war in the past--then they and their decedents for 7 times 70 generations are evil.

So, from what has come to light in this thread we should put anyone with Karankawan blood in the guilty until proven otherwise bucket? I forget, how many cannibalistic acts equal one bomb?

You and some of the other shoot first/stand your ground/etc folks are the biggest threat to our freedoms, not an outsider group. Go watch Starwars again--or Hitler's rise to power. "The terrorists are the threat! Dangerous times call for a small, temporary suspension of liberties! Trust me, I'm one of you! I will be the benevolent dictator who protects you!” Remove or limit any group's rights because some in that group are evil and you threaten MY rights as well.

If you want to have a true national debate about how to balance privacy, freedom, and security I am all for it.

I'm glad to hear that I made you shudder. I was actually trying for a grand mal seizure. That isn't very nice of you.

We are not a democracy. We are a republic. True. And that changes the topic of the discussion how? Is it OK for some to be guilty until proven innocent in a Republic but not a Democracy? I don't see the point.[/QUOTE].
joe bloe's Avatar
Like it or not Islam is different from other religions. Committing acts of violence in order to spread the religion has been done for fourteen hundred years. Violence is required by the Koran; it's part of their faith.

America's first war on foreign soil was to fight Muslims. Alexander Hamilton warned: “We ought not to fight them at all unless we determine to fight them forever.”
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sorry, Old-T. I have to assume Muslins are guilty until proven innocent. Muslin fabric gives me a rash. I much prefer percale. Percale is much more innocent.
Right back at you.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI0RoJz7Tno Originally Posted by joe bloe
Thanks Joe...!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why do we dismiss Islam as being just like other religions but listen to people complain if you say Nazism is just like democracy. We would never allow a Nazi politician but we allow Muslim politicians despite their stated goals regarding our country.