Failing President Trump replaces campaign manager Brad Parscale with GOP veteran Bill Stepien

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Specifically, he's not stopping himself from being an unqualified asshole, and specifically he's continuing to be an unqualified asshole. I think that should pretty well answer your ridiculous question. Originally Posted by Lapdog

was he an unqualified asshole when he called out NATO for not paying their fair share of NATO costs? was he an unqualified asshole when he got both Canada and Mexico to redo NAFTA in more favorable terms for the US? was he an unqualified asshole when he forced Mexico to stop the illegal caravans to our border? was he an unqualified asshole when he got China to negotiate trade? seems like a lot of accomplishments for an unqualified asshole.

Lapdog's Avatar
Yep. He's been an unqualified asshole from the get go. You know that. You're just too deep into your blind support to admit that you see it.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yep. He's been an unqualified asshole from the get go. You know that. You're just too deep into your blind support to admit that you see it.

BAHAHAHAAAAAA! Originally Posted by Lapdog

so none of this is an accomplishment to you, doggie? that figures

was he an unqualified asshole when he called out NATO for not paying their fair share of NATO costs? was he an unqualified asshole when he got both Canada and Mexico to redo NAFTA in more favorable terms for the US? was he an unqualified asshole when he forced Mexico to stop the illegal caravans to our border? was he an unqualified asshole when he got China to negotiate trade? seems like a lot of accomplishments for an unqualified asshole.

BAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

you'll love this ..

Obama Speaks of What He Knows, Being ‘Unfit to Be President’

A Commentary By Charles Hurt

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Donald Trump is “woefully unprepared,” President Obama said Tuesday. “Unfit to be president.”

Well, at least this is one area where the president is a bona fide, qualified expert.

If ever there was a man who entered the White House woefully unprepared and unfit to be president, it was Mr. Obama.

Sure, he hummed a good tune about unifying the country, ushering America into a new “post-racial” era. And he spoke of calming the seas and easing global violence and sprinkling peace between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Middle East and around the world.

Lord, if we could just have 2008 back again. Those were the good old days.

Back before cops were targeted for assassination on the street. Before every police action became viewed first and foremost through the lens of radical racialism. Before the leader of the free world saw it as his duty to routinely insert himself into police matters from Baltimore to Cambridge to Ferguson, Missouri, to Sanford, Florida.

Those were the days before the president denounced people as xenophobes and racists for wanting to enforce the nation’s duly enacted immigration laws. Before tens of thousands of haggard families, children and slaves came rumbling through Mexico on “death trains,” drawn by the president’s illegal invitation. Back in the good old days, before 2008, everyone — including Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton — all agreed on building a fence to secure our southern border.

And those were the days before America’s first half-Muslim president traveled the world to apologize for American exceptionalism. Before he traveled to Cairo and told Muslims that “it is part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” Still looking for that one in the Constitution.

Before 2008, civilized Americans had never heard of people being burned alive in cages. Drowned in cages. We were not familiar with the practice of throwing gay people off of rooftops for religious purposes. Priests were not beheaded on their own altar.

Yet it is this same president who has presided over all of this these past eight years who has the gall to declare Donald Trump “unprepared” and “unqualified” to be president.

“I said so last week,” he responded when a reporter asked if Mr. Trump is unqualified. “And he keeps on proving it.”

“The notion that he would attack a Gold Star family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia means that he’s woefully unprepared to do this job.”

Some gall.

And then on top of that, the president gives us his hand-picked successor, who is the one person in all of America who could possibly rival him for the blame of so many of our woes around the world today.

For 25 years, Mrs. Clinton has been part of the problem around here. For the first four years of Mr. Obama’s presidency, she helped craft his disastrous foreign policy.

Indeed, if Mrs. Clinton is what Mr. Obama considers “qualified” and “fit” for the presidency, we probably should settle for “unqualified” and “unfit.”

Charles Hurt can be reached at; follow him on Twitter via @charleshurt.

Lapdog's Avatar
Fuck him. He's an asshole. Nothing else matters.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fuck him. He's an asshole. Nothing else matters. Originally Posted by Lapdog

to you that is ..
Lapdog's Avatar
He's a fucking asshole. All you can do is deflect and bring up Obama, or Clinton, or who the fuck cares who else? Trump's a fucking asshole, get it? Quit deflecting and changing the subject. He's a fucking asshole. And he's NOT GOING TO BE REELECTED!

sportfisherman's Avatar
Good question ;

1.Chump doesn't take responsibility for his actions or his inactions.He is a Blamer.I hate blamers.They are very lame.Always some excuse.

2.Chump has a very myopic view of things.A singleness of vision that always centers on himself and not a statesmanlike view.It leads to him doing things or not doing things to his benefit and not for the good of the country.

3.Chump practices excessive executive over-reach.Eschewing all the oversite he can.The only significant thing Chump passed legislatively was his fucked up tax bill.Chump got rid of alot of inspector generals.

4.Chump is an Elitist,born to privilege,and he is always whinin' and complainin' about how bad he has it.How unfair he is treated.The media is the enemy of the people so he claims.Poor little Donnie.

5.Chump doesn't allow our governmental conventions to operate the way they were intended.Chump has two bozos,Pompeo and Barr,who let him serve as his own Sec of State and Sec of DOJ.Chump gives his daughter and son-in-law input over departments and bureaus for which Chump and they have no experience or business doing.

6.Chump is head of a Democracy for which the basis is voting.Chump doesn't want people to vote.Chump claimed vote fraud in 2016.Chump actually formed a task force to look into it.Chump did this because not winning a majority made him look bad.They found nothing and just faded out.

7.Chump fucked up the economy.He took the reins off a good solid economy that Obama built after coming into a disaster and he ran it like a Yuppie with a huge house note,car notes,and maxed out credit cards and when a crisis came it crumped.Now he is running basically 0 % fed rates and prop up the Dow Jones and our deficit is the largest and still growing.

8.Chump has had a disastrous response to the virus.Very slow.Halting.
It has caused much more trauma than necessary to our populace medically and economically.
Lapdog's Avatar
Plus, he's an asshole.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Thanks LD ; here's my revised list ; It should be ;

1.Chump is an asshole !!

And I didn't even get to his dated views and rhetoric on the social unrest.
bambino's Avatar
Plus, he's an asshole. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You are. You know it. You parents do too.
bambino's Avatar
Thanks LD ; here's my revised list ; It should be ;

1.Chump is an asshole !!

And I didn't even get to his dated views and rhetoric on the social unrest. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
What are yours? Inquiring minds want to know. Did you paint BLM in your parking spot at your apartment complex?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I've asked this question for months now: What specifically is President Trump not doing that he should be doing and/or what specifically is he doing that he shouldn't do? Originally Posted by gnadfly

I've asked the same question multiple times and I haven't seen an answer yet. Wasn't this issue settled by Gov. Cuomo and company when the Governors told Trump he did not have the "ultimate" authority in these matters or do Liberals convenient forget that demand they made?

While the argument could be made ( incorrectly IMHO ) that the President didn't do enough in the beginning, an incorrect assumption IMHO, that argument ended very quickly when it became obvious that the President was not the "ultimate decider".

Now of course, it's just used by the left as an argument, an irrational argument hopping nobody will notice how it contradicts their last argument.

The left gets so tied up with TDS, they end up making opposite arguments any time they feel like it and don't care if they make themselves look silly because anybody with TDS won't notice.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Good question ;

1.Chump doesn't take responsibility for his actions or his inactions.He is a Blamer.I hate blamers.They are very lame.Always some excuse.

2.Chump has a very myopic view of things.A singleness of vision that always centers on himself and not a statesmanlike view.It leads to him doing things or not doing things to his benefit and not for the good of the country.

3.Chump practices excessive executive over-reach.Eschewing all the oversite he can.The only significant thing Chump passed legislatively was his fucked up tax bill.Chump got rid of alot of inspector generals.

4.Chump is an Elitist,born to privilege,and he is always whinin' and complainin' about how bad he has it.How unfair he is treated.The media is the enemy of the people so he claims.Poor little Donnie.

5.Chump doesn't allow our governmental conventions to operate the way they were intended.Chump has two bozos,Pompeo and Barr,who let him serve as his own Sec of State and Sec of DOJ.Chump gives his daughter and son-in-law input over departments and bureaus for which Chump and they have no experience or business doing.

6.Chump is head of a Democracy for which the basis is voting.Chump doesn't want people to vote.Chump claimed vote fraud in 2016.Chump actually formed a task force to look into it.Chump did this because not winning a majority made him look bad.They found nothing and just faded out.

7.Chump fucked up the economy.He took the reins off a good solid economy that Obama built after coming into a disaster and he ran it like a Yuppie with a huge house note,car notes,and maxed out credit cards and when a crisis came it crumped.Now he is running basically 0 % fed rates and prop up the Dow Jones and our deficit is the largest and still growing.

8.Chump has had a disastrous response to the virus.Very slow.Halting.
It has caused much more trauma than necessary to our populace medically and economically. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Uh, what was the question you are referring too because if it was the one I just addressed, I don't think you spoke to it.

What could Trump do right now, to stop people from dying?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I believe I and others in the past, made compelling arguments using timelines to say that Trump was following the advice of Dr. Fauci who as late as Feb. 24th ( I believe it was, too lazy to check again ) made his now famous and incorrect statement that there was no reason for Americans to change their behavior ( not to mention don't use masks because the first responders needed them, more on that in a minute ) and others will now say yeah, but he meant "that could change" but notice nobody ever gives Trump that benefit. They think when Trump says something, that means he will always be wrong and gave no indication that he thought things might change.

Then there was the woeful effort, no effort at all, by the Obama administration, to leave the country with enough PPE in case of a pandemic such as we have now and Obama should have known better having gone through SARS and Ebola. There should have been millions and millions of PPE available but there was not.

Then we have Trump shutting down air travel from China and Biden and the Democrats objecting, not because it shouldn't be done but because the rule was to object to everything Trump did whether it was good or bad.

Then very quickly, as I said, the Governors demanded that they had the ultimate say how they were going to control the actions of their states.

So it is incorrect to say that Trump had the ultimate responsibility to see that things didn't get out of control, that was the job of the Governors and they failed miserably, most of all Cuomo, who will be facing an investigation of why he demanded nursing homes take in COVID patience's, killing thousands of the elderly and he will not take responsibility but the courts may see it differently.
Lapdog's Avatar
You are. You know it. You parents do too. Originally Posted by bambino