Does She Have A Pimp Or Not?

That might be a true statement more then not the other bed is reserved for the pimp
chrissy's Avatar
This is a joke thread right? Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I think it is, but for us Indy's it is freaking hilarious, I love it! NOW I know what to watch for and whom when I check into hotels on my tours now, THANKS GUYS
chrissy's Avatar
you walk in the room theirs two beds Originally Posted by bigdaddy354369

That's soooo wrong man...I get 2 bed suites while I tour.. I don't want to lay where I have been busy...That's GROSS.. SO kindly take that one back please...Im INDY and well proven as one so that line offends me just a tad...I def do not want to be labeled in the "2 beds=pimp" category..