Liberals: Preaching Tolerance and Compassion with Venom and Hate

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Guess you can't see the forest from the trees here. Assuming you consider yourself a conservative, you're trying to prove your points whilst spouting hate and whatnot. This goes back to my original bit about this being an overarching issue regardless of politics or views or what have you. Do you not see the regression caused by calling someone a "stupid motherfucker" or "fucking faggot" when they don't see eye to eye with you and how that hinders your cause /point more than helping it? Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Yes, that is obviously the case, if they were my audience. I've given up on convincing them.
I'm being as hateful toward them as I feel like at the moment. I'm just saying they present themselves as the champion of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the victims of hate - yet they are hateful motherfuckers when they do it - so it is inconsistent.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well, you did reply to someone without calling them a faggot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That should have at least made the non-faggots happy!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-24-2014, 02:53 PM
I do refer to black people with the N word.

I hate everyone. I am an equal opportunity hater: Jews, catholics, iranians, christians, chinese, mexicans, the rich, the poor, women, men, youth, old folks, muslims, everyone. People are the problem. I do not pretend to love my fellow man as I realize they are the cause for all my issues and hate.

All You Need is LOVE : Bullshit. Hate has been the motivator for mankind since the we got up on two feet. Love is rare, hate is rampant. Even your momma beat you. And you are dreaming if you EVER think any of these issues will be resolved. Ever. Unless there is a nuclear winter....

Hell, I even hate myself. The value of life is over rated, mine being the exception, of course.

Terrorist shield themselves with children, then refer to their enemies as baby killers. Anonymity is the best venue for free speech, because we can all be assholes without consequence. Guided missiles and drones are the messengers of Free Speech. Just ask the Ukranians.

Pea's out ... Originally Posted by crashkopf

No hypocrite there!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No hypocrite there! Originally Posted by WTF
So, do you believe what he is saying is acceptable in our multicultural society?
Yssup Rider's Avatar


You just posted another "Jews are the Master Race" thread.

What a fucking hypocrite and anti-American scumbag!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar


You just posted another "Jews are the Master Race" thread.

What a fucking hypocrite and anti-American scumbag!
I stand for peace, love and brotherhood. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm talking about the venom and hate by the side that justifies it's positions as being based upon the moral high ground. Conservatives do not disavow morals and compassion but instead use logic, in general, to advocate for their programs which oppose the liberals emotionally based and destructive policies.
America is as liberal as it has ever been, and it is falling apart. Own it, motherfucker!!!
JL why are you still here? The fight is in your homeland.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL why are you still here? The fight is in your homeland. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Too fucking old, but I'd love to fight

I don't think what I said and how I feel IS acceptable in our multicultural society, at all. But, that speaks to my point exactly. What is acceptable, isn't to me. Out multicultural bullshit is self rightousness personified. It makes the speaker feel better about themselves. They are covering their eyes in their own bullshit, stepping in their own dogma.

I do feel liberated by speaking my hatred of everything. Or course, there are exceptions. But I make those, all by myself. LOL ! I reserve that right.

Force is the only action which makes a difference. Sitting on the fence is absurd. And the only thing which makes a bully retreat is force. Mankind is a bully by instinct. Only equal or greater force will result in a paradigm shift of political opinion. Very old school thought here, but Putin is a subscriber. And the Ruskies love his bullshit. Obama is a pussy and that is reflected by our failing, diminishing influence in foreign power / stature. The Jews are a bunch of hard knuckled patriots who will not tolerate BS in their own backyard. If they weren't, they would be dead. And I, for one, am glad to hear recently from the Jews this will be a drawn out operation. Kill all of Hamas. Wipe them off the face of the earth. Some people do not deserve to live. They certainly do not have a right to....

The muslims are a bunch of cock sucking cowards. Surrounding themselves with their women while they fire on others. They all are liars as taught by their ' book '. Fuck them.

Anyways, I have come to this conclusion over many years, listening to and acting out from different postures. Force is admired, and force is what wins. Peace through superior fire power. People are the problem. Give them an inch and they will take everything.

Peace out...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

I don't think what I said and how I feel IS acceptable in our multicultural society, at all. But, that speaks to my point exactly. What is acceptable, isn't to me. Out multicultural bullshit is self rightousness personified. It makes the speaker feel better about themselves. They are covering their eyes in their own bullshit, stepping in their own dogma.

I do feel liberated by speaking my hatred of everything. Or course, there are exceptions. But I make those, all by myself. LOL ! I reserve that right.

Force is the only action which makes a difference. Sitting on the fence is absurd. And the only thing which makes a bully retreat is force. Mankind is a bully by instinct. Only equal or greater force will result in a paradigm shift of political opinion. Very old school thought here, but Putin is a subscriber. And the Ruskies love his bullshit. Obama is a pussy and that is reflected by our failing, diminishing influence in foreign power / stature. The Jews are a bunch of hard knuckled patriots who will not tolerate BS in their own backyard. If they weren't, they would be dead. And I, for one, am glad to hear recently from the Jews this will be a drawn out operation. Kill all of Hamas. Wipe them off the face of the earth. Some people do not deserve to live. They certainly do not have a right to....

The muslims are a bunch of cock sucking cowards. Surrounding themselves with their women while they fire on others. They all are liars as taught by their ' book '. Fuck them.

Anyways, I have come to this conclusion over many years, listening to and acting out from different postures. Force is admired, and force is what wins. Peace through superior fire power. People are the problem. Give them an inch and they will take everything.

Peace out... Originally Posted by crashkopf
Force is probably the only option left for America's conservatives. Public opinion and demographics has passed us by. Unfortunately, though I'm not averse to fisticuffs, I eschew other forms of violence. So, I have given up on America, cause I'm not willing to kill the people who need killing, or kill anyone for that matter, except in self-defense.
I would also oppose anyone else doing so. Without violence, there is no way for conservatives to win in the short run, if ever. I think long term what's right will win out, but I will be dead, so fuck it...I live for my family, Israel and then....
eat, drink and be merry!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JL, seriously. You think God loves you best, yet you complain about others taking the "moral high ground"? Get over yourself, you pompous ass.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL, seriously. You think God loves you best, yet you complain about others taking the "moral high ground"? Get over yourself, you pompous ass. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, how can you of all people miss the point along with the idiot liberals?
My actions are irrelevant to the central philosophical point: Liberals preach love with hatefulness - it just feels wrong!!
COG, how can you of all people miss the point along with the idiot liberals?
My actions are irrelevant to the central philosophical point: Liberals preach love with hatefulness - it just feels wrong!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
He is a bleeding heart liberal, and a raciest.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He is a bleeding heart liberal, and a raciest. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well, I find it hard to want to argue with you on that point - so I won't!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am the "raciest". Quite good looking, actually. With "bedroom blue" eyes, and a devilishly charming sense of humor. And quite liberal on some issues, not so much on others. But racy? Damn straight!