NR forums down ('twas inevitable!)

Katana502's Avatar
Thanks Mako113! And yes there is still time to get your Katana Experience
Abe Normal's Avatar
Katana, sorry we have not had the chance to meet, but our mutual friend speaks very fondly of you.

Best wishes on what I'm sure will be a blessed life ahead.
Ok let's liven up these Eccie Forums and make NR a thing of the past. I for one know I haven't played in about a month, and it is got me crawling the walls with anticipation of the time I get to do it again, which is real soon!!
I put a couple of new photos on my NR account and within an hour they were taken down! I understand no nudes (kind of) but one was a silhouette of my boob, hardly incriminating! I'm getting calls from guys wanting to know details and rates which puts me in danger of talking to the wrong guys. We can't even add our web site address to our adverts? That place is just setting us all up for busts! Originally Posted by badbadgirl2013
The funny thing to me was that they initially claimed the changes were being made to make EVERYONE safe. HAH!! They were covering their asses and making sure the only ones in danger were the providers & clients.

So I just wonder how many months/years a compliance review takes? Right now I put it right between BP and USASG on the usefulness scale. I have never and will never see a lady based only on what's available on those sites!
Ok let's liven up these Eccie Forums and make NR a thing of the past. I for one know I haven't played in about a month, and it is got me crawling the walls with anticipation of the time I get to do it again, which is real soon!! Originally Posted by Sinful Dream
Hope your recovery is going well Allie!
Hope your recovery is going well Allie! Originally Posted by chipjeep
Going very well. In fact I am working next week I will send you a text soon!
Katana502's Avatar
Hey fellas...... IM BACK!!!! Short and boring retirement really. I hope everyone has been well
So is NR a carcass yet or a shadow of what it used to be? Inquiring minds want to know.
Mako113's Avatar
People are still posting reviews as often as they ever did... 4 or 5 new ones per day. Although, as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, the reviews are skeletons compared to what they used to be. Short and sweet, but it's possible admins are editing them before they are released, so when they are done there are only a few unhelpful words left. I also think that all but 1 review I have read on there (since the changes) are positive. Before the changes I think they were more truthful. Now that the providers can review hobbyists everyone is afraid there will be retribution resulting in them being black-listed by other providers. Therefore I really don't trust anything I read there anymore.

That being said, I still see new providers signing up on there occasionally. So the site hasn't died, it just sucks, but not enough for me to stop checking in a few times per week. It's still better than BP or USA, but that isn't saying much.

I wish more Louisville providers would start using this site as it is way better than any of the ones I mentioned above.
SLJb*4%8WVJs@&@'s Avatar
I have a few problems with the new NR and would have to disagree that the new site is better than USA or Backpage.

1 you can rate the girls without a word in your note. Making it easier than ever for disingenuous reviews to get through.

2 Safety as a category seems strange to me. If a girl is willing to perform a BBBJ or kiss you or have any fluid exchange for that matter how could you award her 5 stars?

3 Provider reviews seems like a good idea at first. It ultimately encourages retaliation which you have already explained. A second more invisible reso

4 Lack of a forum.

Here is a recent review I just recieved

fun girl great to mett

Five words and one of them was misspelled. The site has went to shit. Fuck the new NR.
The forums were the best part of NR! The only thing good about NR now is we can advertise.
The forums were the best part of NR! The only thing good about NR now is we can advertise. Originally Posted by badbadgirl2013
After the forums were taken offline for "compliance" review I deleted my account and removed my links to it and never go there for anything at all. I used to look at the ads but with the reviews gone to shit and the forums down I had nothing to research the ad with so I never look at the ads now. Also I can't believe someone would say it's better than USA since there you can tell the real story at USA but can't at NR. NR went from Naughty Review to No Reviews.
SLJb*4%8WVJs@&@'s Avatar
Quick edit

For number 3 I meant to put that it also neuters the gentleman's reviews for fear of of retaliation.
Mako113's Avatar
The reason I hate USA so much is its utter lack of organization. You can't click on a profile of a provider and read or link to her reviews. The only option you have is to do a search on her name and hope that anybody who offered info on her spelled it exactly the same way, not to mention that many of the gals change names often. And it is all in one long thread that runs forever. And god-forbid you ask a question on there when your search fails, if it doesn't say 'senior' under your name you will either get no answer or bitched at for asking. And even if someone does offer info they will do so in a PM so nobody else can benefit from it.

At least on this site if you review a girl that doesn't have a profile it is under the correct type (massage, escort, etc), but is it's own thread so others can add to it and keep the info together for easy research.

And I agree, NR's best feature was their forums. If they brought that back their other changes would become almost negligible...key word - almost.
SLJb*4%8WVJs@&@'s Avatar
The reason I hate USA so much is its utter lack of organization. You can't click on a profile of a provider and read or link to her reviews. The only option you have is to do a search on her name and hope that anybody who offered info on her spelled it exactly the same way, not to mention that many of the gals change names often. And it is all in one long thread that runs forever. And god-forbid you ask a question on there when your search fails, if it doesn't say 'senior' under your name you will either get no answer or bitched at for asking. And even if someone does offer info they will do so in a PM so nobody else can benefit from it.

At least on this site if you review a girl that doesn't have a profile it is under the correct type (massage, escort, etc), but is it's own thread so others can add to it and keep the info together for easy research.

And I agree, NR's best feature was their forums. If they brought that back their other changes would become almost negligible...key word - almost. Originally Posted by Mako113
I have a ton of complaints about USA as well. It is definitely a harder to use site in the beginning. Once you get senior status others are more friendly with info and even providers. The search has finally improved and is usable. Like NR there is pretty much no standard for reviews so you could very well get the Pile of feces I quoted from there. Only most will chew you out so it is a self policing community.

There in lies the strength of USA. Its very vibrant and massive community with some quality contributors. If any other site such as EECIE had this it would easily be number 1. I do like EECIE's site layout and review structure. It just lacks the aforementioned community.

We could go on about each site's positive's and negative's. For me NR was the greatest site. Then the changes came and now I am loathed to talk about it other than my utter contempt for what is now a hollow husk of its former self. I can't see that site going on much longer as is.

You can try and polish that turd all you want. It will shine a little more. Once anyone gets up close and personal the will see they corn you had for breakfast.