WSJ: NSA Surveillance is Legal and Necessary

Hahaha, ok.I merely stated that you are an Obama supporter but you wouldn't support Biden. You need a link to a statement like that. I'll admit it may not be linked to any facts it's just what you seemed to be insinuating. Originally Posted by acp5762
Just as I thought. You do not base your thoughts on FACTS but on ASSumptions!
Didn't think you could.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

If that is your response it proves you got nothing.
Just as I thought. You do not base your thoughts on FACTS but on ASSumptions! Originally Posted by bigtex
Neither do you.
Neither do you. Originally Posted by acp5762
It wasn't me who made the false ASSumption that I could not support Biden. It was you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hahaha, ok.I merely stated that you are an Obama supporter but you wouldn't support Biden. You need a link to a statement like that. I'll admit it may not be linked to any facts it's just what you seemed to be insinuating. Originally Posted by acp5762
You just ran off at the mouth again with nothing to support your stupid fucking statement ... FOR A CHANGE, GOOOOBER!
You just ran off at the mouth again with nothing to support your stupid fucking statement ... FOR A CHANGE, GOOOOBER! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I believe acp had taken a few too many nips of the bottle. Perhaps he will have sobered up by the time he logs back on!
Oh, what a tangled web we do weave. The NYT publishes an editorial on the NSA data-mining stating that Obama has "lost all credibility"....which they later edited in the on-line version to add "on this issue."

In the meantime, the Wall Street Journal applauds the NSA surveillance effort:

Strange bedfellows. Originally Posted by timpage
I applaud the NSA surveillance effort. It kept terrorist acts like the Boston Marathon Bombing from happening.
Fucking Idiot...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gnadfly, Excellent point. The PRISM operation was in place when the Boston bombing occurred. IT DIDN'T WORK! That is NOT what it is for! That's what you people don't understand.

It is not going to work. It's not MEANT to work. They are not trying to protect the people!

THEY ARE TRYING TO PROTECT THE GOVERNMENT!! People be damned! They are only securing power and control for themselves.

Gnadfly, Excellent point. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
For once Hanoi COG is correct, Turdyfly does have an "Excellent point" on the tippy top of his aluminum foil hat.
Gnadfly, Excellent point. The PRISM operation was in place when the Boston bombing occurred. IT DIDN'T WORK! That is NOT what it is for! That's what you people don't understand.

It is not going to work. It's not MEANT to work. They are not trying to protect the people!

THEY ARE TRYING TO PROTECT THE GOVERNMENT!! People be damned! They are only securing power and control for themselves.

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Yah like two brothers are phoning each other to discuss the plan...Jeesh
Yah like two brothers are phoning each other to discuss the plan...Jeesh Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Letting Hanoi COG play with a computer must be part of his mental ward therapy program.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It wasn't me who made the false ASSumption that I could not support Biden. It was you! Originally Posted by bigtex
You made an assumption too.
No assumpting allowed