I am guessing I won't have to dind out. Originally Posted by PapacornPapcorn, this is almost a Freudian slip. I first read it as "dine out".
(1) Did the sex (quality/quantity) really decline right after getting married? Right now, mine is pretty much everything I could want it to be, but I've never been married, so I dunno. I have lived with a few women, and eventually got bored, but they were quite different from my fiance. Originally Posted by npitaFor me, there wasn't much drop off until the first pregnancy (you know how some women supposedly get all horny when they're pregnant?--well not my ex). It then picked up again but not quite back to pre-marriage levels. When we had trouble conceiving for the next pregnancy, sex became a chore for both of us that needed to be done at the right time no matter how tired or stressed either of us was at the time. During and after the second pregnancy, sex just dropped off her to do list and never returned.
(2) Do many of you that hobby just do it for variety or is it mostly due to the sex (or lack thereof) at home?I never hobbied while married. Started after I got divorced because I wasn't in an emotional place to have a relationship but needed sex. Have since had a couple of LTRs and stopped hobbying during both of those. But it was very difficult even thought there was no lack of sex or attraction in either relationship--I just craved the variety and thrill I had come to love in the hobby. I sometimes wonder if my involvement in the hobby ruins me for a future relationship because I know I will always have that craving for strange. I didn't really feel the same way in my marriage, which was before my exposure to this. If you feel the same way, I suggest that you totally divorce yourself from review boards. I didn't during my LTRs and reading about things and looking at pictures just fed my desire. I'm not sure if I would have ever slipped back into the hobby if those relationships had lasted longer, especially whenever we hit the inevitable rough patch.
(3) For those who do it for lack of adequate sex aty home, would you hobby if your home sex life was what you wanted it to be? Were there any signs before getting married that you ignored or didn't notice that would have alerted you to what would happen after getting married? Originally Posted by npita
I have a few questions for married or divorced hobbyists. I am planning to get married in about a year and I'm no longer hobbying. The reason I'm still active on this board is that my best friend in real life is a provider who is well known here, we will always be friends and even though I can't contribute reviews, I'd still like to contrbute what I've learned to ECCIE when possible. I'm 51 and it will be the first time I've gotten married. Here are my questions: Originally Posted by npitaIf you are serious about getting of the hobby, you need to get away from these hobby boards. After awhile you will start to get bored, then the reviews you just skimmed through, you will start looking at more carefully. You will see an ad just posted by some hotty and she will be the type of gal you looked for in 'the good old days', then things will slowly and surely progress until you are in the hobby again.
The absolute best piece of advice I can offer is..... NEVER stop kissing each other. Don't let the kisses you do have turn into just "pecks". Once the kissing goes, the passion goes out of the relationship.A big +1 to that!