The new phony campaign against elitists by empty-headed Republicans

Clearly the OP is not familiar with the critical race theory,inter-sectionalism and post-modernist views being foisted on young people in universities currently and for the last several years. It began in the social sciences and humanities and currently dominates those fields. Their next move will be to come after the STEM fields. We are beginning to see it with things like the declaration that math and sciences are "racist" as well as attacks on "biological essentialists". Do some research about the fiasco at Evergreen College about 3 or 4 years ago. It was an absolute precursor to what is playing out now on the national level. Jonathan Haidt, among others, has written and lectured extensively on the subject. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Fuck, they have been teaching bullshit at these shithole Universities for a long time.

I had to pretend to be a liberal to get good grades in plenty of my classes. I hated those fuckers 25 years ago and I hate them now.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fuck, they have been teaching bullshit at these shithole Universities for a long time.

I had to pretend to be a liberal to get good grades in plenty of my classes. I hated those fuckers 25 years ago and I hate them now. Originally Posted by friendly fred

this includes K12 public education. don't know about private education.
Ducbutter's Avatar

Brett Weinstein, the professor at the center of the controversy, objected to a change in a university tradition where students of color would stay off of campus on a specific day. It was called "a day of absence". The proposed change involved essentially banning whites from campus for the day. That was the catalyst.
There's plenty more stuff on YouTube. Weinstein was on the Rogan podcast to discuss.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Inter-sectionalism is rooted in post- modernism. It's where the idea that everything is all about "Power structures" comes from. Espoused especially by people like Foucault, Derrida, Rorty and others. Significant critics include people like Chomsky and Paglia, neither of whom would be considered to be on the right.
Also rooted in Marxism. Disillusioned by their inability to divide society by class, the post modernists just substituted race, gender and sexual orientation etc.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
With what?
Inter-sectionalism is rooted in post- modernism. It's where the idea that everything is all about "Power structures" comes from. Espoused especially by people like Foucault, Derrida, Rorty and others. Significant critics include people like Chomsky and Paglia, neither of whom would be considered to be on the right.
Also rooted in Marxism. Disillusioned by their inability to divide society by class, the post modernists just substituted race, gender and sexual orientation etc. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
The Marxists are doing an excellent job dividing up the country by race aided and abetted by leftists.
Ducbutter's Avatar
With what? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
They substitute class with race and gender, etc.
Ducbutter's Avatar
The Marxists are doing an excellent job dividing up the country by race aided and abetted by leftists. Originally Posted by friendly fred
And these pukes own social media. Google, Instagram, Youtube are squelching conservative voices constantly.
And these pukes own social media. Google, Instagram, Youtube are squelching conservative voices constantly. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Conservatives should demand free speech on those platforms or not advertise on them.
  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2020, 05:33 PM
Do not use the platforms - no visits - no money - the liberal platform pukes die.
good riddance.

Boycott china and their liberal co-conspirators
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
go to as an alternate social media.
go to as an alternate social media. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I hope it or something like it catches on...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I hope it or something like it catches on... Originally Posted by friendly fred

theres a report that parlor is the #1 most downloaded app at the apple store.
This whole notion of elitists and elitist universities poisoning the minds of our children and society in general is such empty-headed nonsense. It's a baseless ruse created by political activists looking for some new wedge issue. Even Donald Trump brags about his time at an Ivy League school. Now we see that Tucker Carlson's lead writer is an Ivy guy. Have any of you heard Carlson ranting and raving about the evils of elite Ivy universities? It's revealing to understand that those rants were probably written by a proud graduate of an Ivy school. This is how disingenuous the nonsense has become. There's a reason so many Republicans are jumping ship on their own party's president. He's a rudderless, amoral egomaniac, that's why. This culture war he is elevating and throwing gas on is a side-show, a distraction. Both political parties have it's extreme weirdos. Looters and phonies on the left, and skin heads and phonies on the right. We need to find a solid footing. We need to choose leaders who care about the people they lead. I see Ben Sasse as someone to pay attention to. Not Mitch McConnell. I like John Kasich. He's a guy who is conservative yet reasonable and committed to his constituents. The swamp has worsened under President Trump. Special interests are brazenly directing government agencies with a goal to amp up profits and make public interest regulations disappear. Commonsense servant-leaders have been quieted as a self-indulgent, untrustworthy president relentlessly blathers his foolishness in speech after speech. One week it's this hoax, the next week it's another hoax. More excuses. More failures. Is it a conspiracy that more and more former high-level White House staffers are exposing Trump's shallow values, inattention to detail and his disinterest in reading critical information? And is it a conspiracy that there are so many different people writing books about the Trump train-wreck? Swallow hard, accept that we were fooled by this flim flam man, and move on. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
The nation's educational system and corporate world has been controlled by a class of left leaning people primarily located on both coasts for several decades.

The left leaning faculties churn out poorly educated students who have been propagandized into self-loathing and utter hatred for their own country and history.

The business leaders strive only to maximize their own profit and do not give a fig about US workers or Main Street businesses. They care only about the next quarterly report and how it impacts their bonus. If this country turns to shit, they will simply move to some European or Asian country and pick up where they left off. They have zero loyalty to the US and would sell their soul for a piece of the Chinese market even though the Chicoms will fuck them over in the long run.

If you cannot see that you have not been paying attention.
The nation's educational system and corporate world has been controlled by a class of left leaning people primarily located on both coasts for several decades.

The left leaning faculties churn out poorly educated students who have been propagandized into self-loathing and utter hatred for their own country and history.

The business leaders strive only to maximize their own profit and do not give a fig about US workers or Main Street businesses. They care only about the next quarterly report and how it impacts their bonus. If this country turns to shit, they will simply move to some European or Asian country and pick up where they left off. They have zero loyalty to the US and would sell their soul for a piece of the Chinese market even though the Chicoms will fuck them over in the long run.

If you cannot see that you have not been paying attention. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Why can't you be this reasonable and enlightened on your other posts?