Odds on Trump's Impeachment

themystic's Avatar
I'm a moderate Liberal. very pragmatic. I believe in our rights as citizens as defined by our constitution, free speech, right to bear arms, etc. I can sum it up easily, " Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness", which I'm entitled to by the " Laws of Nature and Natures God". I'm basically a freedom loving Deist who believes in One God and equal rights. I'm a hard core Freedom Seeker.

Donald Trump as our President is almost surreal to me. But as a pragmatist, he is the president and I wish him well. Hang in there Donald, you can do it

President Mike Pence ?- Now That is Scary. Hes been "flying under the radar" pretty low key considering, almost in a "smug" like way. This man is dangerous. Google search him. If you are part of the far religious right with funI'm a moderate Liberal. very pragmatic. I believe in our rights as citizens as defined by our constitution, free speech, right to bear arms, etc. I can sum it up easily, " Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness", which I'm entitled to by the " Laws of Nature and Natures God". I'm basically a freedom loving Deist who believes in One God and equal rights. I'm a hard core Freedom Seeker.

Donald Trump as our President is almost surreal to me. But as a pragmatist, he is the president and I wish him well. Hang in there Donald, you can do it

President Mike Pence ?- Now That is Scary. Hes been "flying under the radar" pretty low key considering, almost in a "smug" like way. This man is dangerous. Google search him. If you are part of the far religious right, you will love him. I'm not

Donald, Pleas, I'm begging you " Make America Great"- whatever that means

If the Republicans have there way, Trump will be impeached
themystic's Avatar
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I'm a moderate Liberal. very pragmatic. I believe in our rights as citizens as defined by our constitution, free speech, right to bear arms, etc. I can sum it up easily, " Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness", which I'm entitled to by the " Laws of Nature and Natures God". I'm basically a freedom loving Deist who believes in One God and equal rights. I'm a hard core Freedom Seeker.

Donald Trump as our President is almost surreal to me. I did not vote for him. But as a pragmatist, he is the president and I wish him well. Hang in there Donald, you can do it

President Mike Pence ?- Now That is Scary. Hes been "flying under the radar" pretty low key considering, almost in a "smug" like way. This man is dangerous. Google search him. If you are part of the far religious right you will love him. Im not a fan. The Republicans LOVE Pence

Donald Trump as our President is almost surreal to me. But as a pragmatist, he is the president and I wish him well. Hang in there Donald, you can do it

Donald, Pleas, I'm begging you " Make America Great"- whatever that means

If the Republicans have there way, Trump will be impeached

"I will also quickly and decisively
bomb the hell out of ISIS

what ever happened to that? His TWEETS are more important.
Someone needs to take his phone away from him and close his twitter account
so, he can concentrate on being the fucking president of USA.

One can only pray and hope that that day will come. The sooner the better.
TexTushHog's Avatar
There you go making sense again, sir......


I doubt he quits.... unless forced to quit. Originally Posted by grean
I suspect he will quit. He's got to hate the job. His attention span os too short to,enjoy politics. He'll be gone before 2018 if I don't miss my guess. Hope I'm wrong for the Democratic Party's sake, but I think once the novelty wears off, there is nothing to keep his very scattered attention. What part of the job, other than graft and staff ass kidding, do,you think he enjoys?
  • grean
  • 02-21-2017, 07:02 AM
I suspect he will quit. He's got to hate the job. His attention span os too short to,enjoy politics. He'll be gone before 2018 if I don't miss my guess. Hope I'm wrong for the Democratic Party's sake, but I think once the novelty wears off, there is nothing to keep his very scattered attention. What part of the job, other than graft and staff ass kidding, do,you think he enjoys? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I think it's too much of a power trip for him to quit. Unless he is forced to, he won't resign. I do not know if the Democratic party wouldn't benefit from him leaving early, even if that does promote Pence briefly. "Your guy couldn't finish" or " your guy quit" will be like blood in the water come the mid terms, if he does quit. If he continues to get nothing done and is seen as using his office to attract more people to get memberships at Mara Largo then just quits, Republicans are screwed.

Now if Republican's grow a pair and start calling his shit and lead the call for his resignation or removal from office, they could be seen as the people's heros and keep a majority through the mid terms.
......so, he can concentrate on being the fucking president of USA. Originally Posted by Copierguy0

It's become quite apparent any preconceived ideas we might have had as to what "being the fucking President of the United States" meant prior to November 8th went out the door in the wee hours the following day.

Since that monumental date, like it or not, The Book on Being POTUS currently being written by Donald Trump, looks nothing like any of his predecessors.

Libs are absolutely hating it...and Conservatives are more than thrilled. They have a Commander-in-Chief that actually has a spine and is (surprise!) doing what he said he would.

It's obvious Trump is breaking the mold. For one, he does not speak Politicianus Elitus...that's a given. When he talks, he talks (to his base) as if he's holding court with a group of blue-collar workers hanging out at the local's fave watering hole.

The openly vocal War on Words President Trump is waging with the liberal media is something new, too (let's face it...we've never experienced anything remotely like this, have we?) Since it was exposed as to how deeply invested the corrupt liberal press was with the Clintons, everyone (well, make that conservatives) is more than happy to watch Trump grill the press at every turn.

The polls say his numbers (popularity) are an all time low for a new president. That may be, who knows? Considering pre-election poll numbers, I'm not certain myself as to how credible that information is anymore.

Bottomline....results are what everyone...libs & conservatives alike...are looking for. And time will tell the tale per how The Book of Trump is eventually written.
A few things that could end Trump's Presidency:
Release of his taxes.
His involvement with Russia during the campaign.
His crusade against the press.
The Russian "pee" tape, if there is one.
His stupid tweets.
His pathological lying.

About his travel ban...it was his desire to ban ALL muslims; he is on tape as saying this. Which is weird, considering Saudi Arabia (15 of the 19 911 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia) and Egypt aren't part of the ban...?

Trump is finding out he cannot just fire people who disagree with him now and it frustrates him to realize not everyone likes him. Previous Presidents knew how to work the press; he and his advisors don't have a clue.

A previous comment about Trump not causing any "deaths" would/could be false if doctors and patients on both sides of the ocean aren't allowed to do what they've been doing: saving lives.
  • grean
  • 02-21-2017, 11:32 AM
Libs are absolutely hating it...and Conservatives are more than thrilled. They have a Commander-in-Chief that actually has a spine and is (surprise!) doing what he said he would.

It's obvious Trump is breaking the mold. For one, he does not speak Politicianus Elitus...that's a given. When he talks, he talks (to his base) as if he's holding court with a group of blue-collar workers hanging out at the local's fave watering hole. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Conservatives are embarrassed not thrilled. Far right wingers are thrilled and people who haven't got a clue are thrilled.

Doing what he said doesn't mean he has a spine. He has yet to do anything that actually helps the blue collar middle working class. He is likely to hose over a lot of the low income uneducated folks that did vote for him. His economic plan is bullshit.

He lies which is right in line with Politicianus Elitus as you put it. Except he goes a bit farther and completely makes shit up, terrorist attacks in Sweden, for example. Then when the media corrects him, he says the media is lying.

He is also crass and demeaning. Whatever the presidency should or could look like under any president, not withstanding, I can tell you it should not look like it does now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I love hearing things like immigration problem. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants that have stolen the lands from the natives of America. One of our national symbols states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And we have the nerve to say immigrant problem. What would all of the amp guys do without the asain immigrants anyway. Originally Posted by PileinBangkoks

so illegal immigration isn't a problem to you? odd and rather obtuse of you.
if you actually knew any amp girls you'd know most come here legally on student visas or travel visas.

are they any less illegal if they stay? nope but at least they got here legally. most don't stay either .. they go back to SK once they have enough money.

you also need to read up on those native americans too. many tribes warred against each other way before any euro found North America. yet the history of the liberals says all native tribes were peaceful and we bad meanie euros took their country from them.

yeah right!

actually the truth is that most tribes were violent racists against everyone including other "Indian" tribes. native americans didn't occupy or control all of America. owning land isn't a concept to them. so whn settlers claimed land in most cases it was not tribal land in any way. yet them injuns didn't like it. they wouldn't have liked it f it were other Indians anymore than some white euro or some Spanish dude.

native american indians were not the peaceful peoples revisionist history wants you to believe. we didn't steal shit from them. we earned it from the savage redman.
Conservatives are embarrassed not thrilled. Far right wingers are thrilled and people who haven't got a clue are thrilled.

Doing what he said doesn't mean he has a spine. He has yet to do anything that actually helps the blue collar middle working class. He is likely to hose over a lot of the low income uneducated folks that did vote for him. His economic plan is bullshit.

He lies which is right in line with Politicianus Elitus as you put it. Except he goes a bit farther and completely makes shit up, terrorist attacks in Sweden, for example. Then when the media corrects him, he says the media is lying.

He is also crass and demeaning. Whatever the presidency should or could look like under any president, not withstanding, I can tell you it should not look like it does now. Originally Posted by grean
Some things you've touched on are spot on; I would agree. Others, however, I think you might be reaching a bit (or simply revealing your liberal bias). No matter.....

Trump is president today and will be for the next Forty-Seven months. He won't get bored or grow tiresome of "the job" as some have suggested. Nor will he be impeached...that's a bogus story the juvenile talking heads of the Clinton News Network want to fan the flames of, that's all. The challenges ahead are great and he relishes the opportunity to affect the changes that are necessary to insure our country's future.

All in all, I think common ground can be found for everyone pertaining to where we are today. Going forward, all should be thrilled that Hillary Clinton was not given the keys to the hen house. I know, as a Trump supporter, I surely am.
  • grean
  • 02-21-2017, 01:17 PM
Some things you've touched on are spot on; I would agree. Others, however, I think you might be reaching a bit (or simply revealing your liberal bias). No matter.....

Trump is president today and will be for the next Forty-Seven months. He won't get bored or grow tiresome of "the job" as some have suggested. Nor will he be impeached...that's a bogus story the juvenile talking heads of the Clinton News Network want to fan the flames of, that's all. The challenges ahead are great and he relishes the opportunity to affect the changes that are necessary to insure our country's future.

All in all, I think common ground can be found for everyone pertaining to where we are today. Going forward, all should be thrilled that Hillary Clinton was not given the keys to the hen house. I know, as a Trump supporter, I surely am. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Don't get me wrong. Colin Powell said it best that HRC messes up everything she touches because of pure hubris. I don't like her but I don't think she is the scary thing everyone believes. Plus I thought that if she won it would be because of Republican's voting for her but voting Red for Congress. She would not be able to get any laws that swung way left passed through congress.

However, we will see if he makes it through 47 months. I see something getting him, whether it's business conflicts or Russia.

Yes, what has been revealed so far in regards to his dealings with Russia has not been illegal. However, so far is just that, so far.

Mishandled classified data at his Florida resort.

Tweeting about his daughters business. More importantly, the US president calling out a business on behalf of his daughter.

China has suddenly green lit a bunch of Trump's projects he has been trying to get. Even if it's all on the up & up, the timing absolutely brings the motives into question.

Spine? How does a Muslim ban show spine? No matter the wording, the intent will be that, always. Freedom of Religion as long as you believe in baby jesus???

Our international relationships are going south. Sure let's make Americas interest first. However that doesn't mean we have to shit on every one else.

Trump has Mexico making jokes....Mexico!
TexTushHog's Avatar
How is illegal immigration in any way a problem? The economy would be very seriously damaged if these workers were not here. They're here because there is a demand for their labor. If that demand were suddenly unmet, jobs would either go unfiltered, or be filled by less qualified or more expensive replacements. That ECON 1301.
I hope not. That is I hope he surprises allot of people and does a great job and fulfills his campaign promises, most notably the immigration problem and bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and I mean jobs back to America for us non immigrants. Something that bothers me about him is he is seeming to be pathological liar. Originally Posted by camero73
Did you expect the government to tell you the whole truth & nothing but the truth?
How is illegal immigration in any way a problem? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I really hope you are not being serious!