Thrill is gone?

cumalot's Avatar
Somebody needs to open a can of Kink and pour it all over your ass barney....ijs
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Because I almost exclusively enjoy this hobby for what it brings me from "another realm", I have been quite adventurous and experimental over the years. I've pushed my envelope so that I could experience many of my fantasies once I met a lady I felt compatible with. But I feel as if I've come to the end of my road in that nothing/no one excites me anymore.

Does anyone else feel this way? Ever? Is there any advice on how to rekindle the desire? Or any new ideas to try? Or should I just be a good cowboy and ride off into the sunset? (I'm in my 50's, so age may have something to do with it.)

Just my musing on a hot day in Texas. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
Why do you think it says "retired"under my name?
I feel ya. And I'm in my thirties.
spice-is-nice's Avatar
As another poster said, if you haven't had your testosterone level checked, do that for sure. It tends to be an "on/off" switch, where you feel entirely normal until you drop below a certain level, then libido takes a big dive.

I've experienced that, and there was a period of about 6 months where I simply wasn't interested, and not even stressed about it, but I was intellectually curious. It turned out that my testosterone level had gotten very low indeed, and injectable testosterone cured that. I could see how someone could be celibate if they felt like that.

I also was experiencing ED due to a condition called venous leakage. A penile implant is the only cure for the latter, and I got one 3 years ago.

Now, at 64, my health is excellent and I'm enjoying sex with both my SO and some of the lovely women in here more than probably ANY time in my life. I have the maturity and (hopefully) sophistication to enjoy a very wide range of activities, my libido is excellent, and I never have to worry about performing. I would never have guessed that the 60s could be so good sexually.

Keeping the mind engaged isn't difficult for me as long as I keep variety in the activities I engage in.
Sorry to hear that.
Maybe a nice vacation to the Bahamas would help.
...or a hike in the mountains to nourish your soul would help.
It works for me.
smokeater's Avatar
Trust the ones who mention the low T concerns. Mine dropped at midnight onmy 50th birthday it seems. Fatigue, and low libido will lead to depression for sure. Applying the gel every morning is working like magic. I'm back to waking up with a hard-on every morning. I supplement with vitamin C and the results are amazing... Not young and not ashamed to admit it ;-)
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
For me it's not a testosterone issue. i have no problem pitching wood trust me.
It's an entirely different matter.
Awwww well my advice would have to be to come see ME!!! I always guarantee to show a great time to everyone I meet. Anyway I hope you will allow me to rekindle that flame that so badly still yearns for it deep within