Hur: We Have Recordings of Biden Improperly Sharing Classified Information

txdot-guy's Avatar
Well, he wants to show why he'd lose in court if he prosecuted Biden. That way he can deflect criticism from Republicans. The biggest reason is that the case would probably be tried in Delaware or Washington, D.C., and there's a snowball's chance in hell juries there would convict the President. But senility's a pretty good argument too.

I probably wouldn't vote to convict Biden, or Trump, on confidential records charges if the penalty involved jail time.

Waiting for Blackman to call this post drivel. Originally Posted by Tiny
I can imagine that handling top secret documents is handled quite differently between those at the top of the administration and those who serve the administrative state. Starting with the brouhaha over Clinton’s emails the partisan prosecutions have just gotten worse. Although I’m loath to create another government bureaucracy maybe we need an agency responsible for the process of handling the changeover of government between one administration and the next. I think that if someone was responsible for making sure that the things taken out of the white house after the election maybe some of these issues could be avoided.
  • Tiny
  • 03-13-2024, 10:24 PM
I can imagine that handling top secret documents is handled quite differently between those at the top of the administration and those who serve the administrative state. Starting with the brouhaha over Clinton’s emails the partisan prosecutions have just gotten worse. Although I’m loath to create another government bureaucracy maybe we need an agency responsible for the process of handling the changeover of government between one administration and the next. I think that if someone was responsible for making sure that the things taken out of the white house after the election maybe some of these issues could be avoided. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I don’t think it’s a huge issue, as I don’t believe ex presidents and ex vice presidents are going to be giving away state secrets to our enemies. Yeah, maybe to the occasional Australian billionaire, but that’s innocuous.

And I don’t think Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted for poor judgement.
adav8s28's Avatar

And I don’t think Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted for poor judgement. Originally Posted by Tiny

Neither did Comey, the head of the CIA. Lack of intent was key.
Except it doesn’t prove anything because that’s not connected to reality. A bunch of random sock puppets saying so on the political forum of it sex industry blog it’s not exactly credible on staffing so fucking hard I can’t hardly dictate it
Pretty sure that “corrupt, lying piece of shit”
It’s definitely NOT the hill any tRumper thumper wants to die on….🤣🤪🙈
  • Tiny
  • 03-13-2024, 11:17 PM
Except it doesn’t prove anything because that’s not connected to reality. A bunch of random sock puppets saying so on the political forum of it sex industry blog it’s not exactly credible on staffing so fucking hard I can’t hardly dictate it Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Please do not refer to me and other valued board members as random sock puppets. And please stay on topic. And finally, please realize that using the “f” word does not help make a point unless you’re coherent.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I can imagine that handling top secret documents is handled quite differently between those at the top of the administration and those who serve the administrative state. Starting with the brouhaha over Clinton’s emails the partisan prosecutions have just gotten worse. Although I’m loath to create another government bureaucracy maybe we need an agency responsible for the process of handling the changeover of government between one administration and the next. I think that if someone was responsible for making sure that the things taken out of the white house after the election maybe some of these issues could be avoided. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

we already have one

Presidential Records

Presidential records are defined as “documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise and assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.” [44 U.S.C. § 2201(2)]. These records can be in any format such as textual, audiovisual, and electronic records. Presidential records are governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA). Learn more about the laws that govern presidential records.


Neither did Comey, the head of the FBI. Lack of intent was key. Originally Posted by adav8s28


and Jimmy "Longshanks" Comey did state Clinton received and sent classified documents to and from her private server. the emails were NOT marked classified. but the contents were.
txdot-guy's Avatar
we already have one

Presidential Records

Presidential records are defined as “documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise and assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.” [44 U.S.C. § 2201(2)]. These records can be in any format such as textual, audiovisual, and electronic records. Presidential records are governed by the Presidential Records Act (PRA). Learn more about the laws that govern presidential records.


and Jimmy "Longshanks" Comey did state Clinton received and sent classified documents to and from her private server. the emails were NOT marked classified. but the contents were. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Thanks for the info. I was unaware of most of that. If there is an agency in charge of the process and classified documents still ended up in Biden’s garage and the bathroom at maralago maybe we need to make another addendum regarding enforcement to the process.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks for the info. I was unaware of most of that. If there is an agency in charge of the process and classified documents still ended up in Biden’s garage and the bathroom at maralago maybe we need to make another addendum regarding enforcement to the process. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

exactly. this gov outfit failed both Biden and Trump since they were supposed to be in charge of sorting and deciding what is personal record vs. government property.

i mean .. this GOV entity is largely responsible to sort and pack what is ALLOWED by Law for personal or not for a departing president.

how many other presidents did they allow to keep records they shouldn't have? Barry? Bushy Jr? Slick Willie?

who knows?

it should be noted that this agency was created in the aftermath of Nixon's infamous 18 minutes that were erased.

it should also be noted that Nixon wasn't the first president to record conversations .. at the least both JFK and LBJ also did

I’m not sure if that’s really bad agitprop or incredible density. Like singularity stuff. I don’t suppose there’s any point in going on
Donald Trump hasn’t been charged with inciting insurrection and we all Washington do it. Please
It’s the tribalism that deliver this to this Third World shit hole. Neither constituency knows damn thing about good governance or quality policy.