Why Should the US Postal Service Need More $$$ to Handle a Brief & Modest Bump In Mail Volume?

HoeHummer's Avatar
Proud son of the Great White North here.

Standing taller in the face of another crass ECCIE conspiracist, Whacky WeeWee

Expands your search to “everybody,” you dimwit.

on a related subject near and dear to the lefties .. those "racist" voter id laws! someone doesn't agree.


BAHHHAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This is a really enlightening video. It would appear white liberals stereotype black people and reveal their own racism.
HoeHummer's Avatar
only Yssup Rider called me WWE ..

did he move to Canada?


btw that was a big mistake you made, saying that "BAHHAHAHAA" annoyed you. first rule of internet posting on ECCIE .. never admit what annoys you or everyone else will annoy you with it ....

Like being called WWE?

I’ll admit that was a cheap shot, WWE. But we’ll documented. And yous are lying again, as is also well documented.
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2020, 09:07 AM
Show the ignorance and racial stereotyping of the 'Party of diversity" - Yeah - with their all white debate platforms - and Have the DimLibs even had a DNC speaker of color so far????
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 10:07 PM
Let's assume 140 million people vote in this year's Presidential election. And let's assume (unrealistically for illustrative purposes) every one of them votes by mail. Then let's assume (again unrealistically for illustrative purposes) they all mail in their ballots on the same day. What would happen?

....Which brings me back to my question - Can someone please explain to me why the dim-retards say they need an extra $25 fucking billion to handle this? Originally Posted by lustylad
Thirty-three million Americans voted by mail in 2016, including the absentee ballots. So it's fair to subtract that number from your figure of 140 million. The Post Office would have had to handle that many mail in ballots anyway, if there had been no Covid. So you're left with 107 million voters. How many of those will vote by mail this year instead of in person? Well, it depends a lot on what the states come up with. Instead of being super generous like you, I'll be generous and say 75% vote by mail. That means 80 million more Americans vote by mail than would have otherwise.

So take the amount that Pelosi wants to throw out to alleviate this problem, $25 billion. Divide by 80 million votes and you get $312 per vote. That's $156 to send the letter to the voter and $156 for her to send it back.

$312 in this part of the country gets a pretty darn good provider for an hour. Can the government just give me an hour with somebody like Danielle, Ellen, Alyssa or R.M. and I won't vote?

Note how I slyly kissed up to every provider who posts in this forum.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is a really enlightening video. It would appear white liberals stereotype black people and reveal their own racism. Originally Posted by friendly fred
black people are becoming "woke" to the fact that libtard white idiots don't really understand them. and they don't like it. go figure.
lustylad's Avatar
black people are becoming "woke" to the fact that libtard white idiots don't really understand them. and they don't like it. go figure. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It has a long history. Both sides use and despise each other. Remember "radical chic" back in the '60s? When rich, decadent, hoity toity libtard fucks in Manhattan's Upper East Side would invite Black Panthers like Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to their cocktail parties to show how hip they were?

Well, it's happening all over again with BLM.

So... what's that got to do with the Post Office?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So... what's that got to do with the Post Office? Originally Posted by lustylad
Distraction, I guess.


Go ahead . . .

. . . RTM and point me.
pleasurem's Avatar
Dim-Dems... yep, if they were giving away “ free money “ they’d be lined up!
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 09:26 AM
Distraction, I guess.

Go ahead . . .

. . . RTM and point me. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

RTM button is your little Friend. RTM yourself - do the rest of us a favor!
Factoid #1: The US Postal Service currently processes and delivers, on average, 472.1 million mail pieces each day.

Factoid #2: Roughly 138 million Americans voted in the last Presidential election (2016).

Let's assume 140 million people vote in this year's Presidential election. And let's assume (unrealistically for illustrative purposes) every one of them votes by mail. Then let's assume (again unrealistically for illustrative purposes) they all mail in their ballots on the same day. What would happen?

Well, do the fucking math. It would merely produce a one-day, 30% spike in the average volume of mail currently handled by the Postal Service. You know, something akin to what the USPS sees each year during the peak holiday season.

Of course, the actual blip will be substantially lower, because 1) not everyone is going to vote by mail and 2) the ballots will trickle in over several weeks rather than on a single day.

Which brings me back to my question - Can someone please explain to me why the dim-retards say they need an extra $25 fucking billion to handle this? Originally Posted by lustylad
You COMPLETELY miss the point.

For God's sake, GIVE THEM THE MONEY!!!

Give them EVERY FUCKING DIME the Democrats demand.

Do you not see that Trump and the GOP are being set up for the next election scandal???

For God's sake, GIVE THEM THE MONEY!!!

If you don't give them the money, the left will claim Trump stole the election by sabotaging the Post Office.

For God's sake, GIVE THEM THE MONEY!!!

Trump won't even be sworn in for a second term and the Dems will start NEW impeachment proceedings.

For God's sake, GIVE THEM THE MONEY!!!

Do you REALLY want to see that fat cunt Jerry Nadler chairing another proceeding, calling witnesses, pontificating endlessly?

For God's sake, GIVE THEM THE MONEY!!!

Just for ONCE, think ahead.
LexusLover's Avatar
CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rump theatre ..... by PissLousy!

Another failed effort to discredit our Great President!

PissLousy and the DumboCrats just shit in the diapers, AGAIN!

PissLousy and the DumboCrats can come back to DC to vote for a raise for the Postal Union, but they can't vote help to the U.S. citizens who are suffering from the economic impact of COVID19.

The Biden-Harris WANT-A-BE socialism at work.....ala Obaminable! Bribes for Votes!

They actually believe the U.S. LEGAL voters are stupid.
rexdutchman's Avatar
No , and free money to the progressives just means Somebody else pays u know like us little people