Impeach bonn11

Whispers's Avatar
BTW - I'm looking forward to having Bonn on board as Mod! His tastes and mine are different but then one man's reason may be another man's excuse! Originally Posted by Louigi
Actually... his tastes and yours align quite a bit.... The one he desires the most is one of your favorites!
Whispers's Avatar
Oh! I see now, the OP only has one piddly ass review of an AMP visit that went south! No one seems to question the AMP reviews when he is setting up new handles.....

Hey, grow the fuck up Inspector then we will listen! Originally Posted by Louigi
LOL! He IS grown up.... He's just a very little man.....
Whispers's Avatar
I actually don't have a huge problem with Bonn11 being a mod except that this whole thing seems suspicious to me kind of like someone is playing puppet-master here. Now we all know Whispers SAYS he doesn't want to be a Mod. Does he say that just so he can be the rebel that he is or does he actually want a little more control than he already has. Rumors have floated for a while now that he has a lot more power than a lot of people realize. He will probably laugh this off and say he has no real power that he just sticks to guidelines, but remember this folks whispers has been around a long time (he keeps reminding us) and the rumors float around that he was and has been a "contributing" factor for this site which is why he gets away with some of the things he does. So it stands to reason that having someone in his back pocket in San Antonio would make sense. So to me it seems like whispers did one of two things (1. Either made the suggestion to the powers that be to make bonn11 a mod as it might draw a lot of drama in San Antonio which turns into page views which is his claim to fame.

A little too obvious in my opinion...

or more likely #2. Whispers has been "chatting/emailing/pm'ing back and forth with bonn11 to gain his trust and then one day casually suggested ( or as the above quote says "explained to him") to bonn11 that maybe he should become a mod that he would then have a lot of power. So having actually met with bonn11 at several socials and a few after-parties in the past he doesn't seem like a guy who wants a lot of power or would know what to do with a lot of power. I am not saying bonn11 is dumb because he is not he is actually a very smart individual, well rounded has been around the world a bit has probably experienced a lot in his life, but I would say he might be a little naive in what kind of control whispers can have on a person, so I could see bonn going for it especially if whispers is offering him all kinds of things. Let's face Bonn is a guy who is willing to try new things and Whispers is the guy to get him some of those things like maybe some of his young "stripper friends" to give up some ass pipe or whatever bonn is into these days, why wouldn't bonn go for it. All the while whispers is probably planning something waiting for his chance to do what he wants when it comes to the San Antonio Forums especially when a certain person that severely dislikes him comes back in the next week or two. You know just to have another person of power in his corner. You can never have to many allies right??

I mean look at it this way if you do some research and you look at the way Bonn comes back at somebody when he is being attacked does it seem Mod like at all are there any thought out arguments no it is mostly "come on man" or "you all are trying to control me" type of arguments. I don't know maybe I am wrong but it just seems like someone else is pulling the strings here. And we all know Whispers is a master at pulling strings.

anyway just a few thoughts that ran through my mind when I saw that bonn was the new mod. Again I don't really care if bonn is a mod as long as he is fair and enforces the guidelines and not whispers or one of his other "strings" interpretations of the guidelines.

And to Bonn11 I say congrats and good luck and watch who you trust

just my .02

...Or maybe I am completely wrong about everything and Whispers just wants Bonn11 to split his ass-pipe

Originally Posted by a10bomb

LMAO! That's one hell of a conspiracy theory ya got there.......

You are suggesting that the tried and true, years proven method of a briefcase full of cash no longer works?

Attachment 364764

Actually... his tastes and yours align quite a bit.... The one he desires the most is one of your favorites! Originally Posted by Whispers
The Apple at the top of the tree is always the most desirable, and the most difficult to pluck - confuses say!
inspector farquar's Avatar
Oh! I see now, the OP only has one piddly ass review of an AMP visit that went south!

Hey, grow the fuck up Inspector then we will listen! Originally Posted by Louigi
Thank you! Finally someone believes me that I'm not rick or hank or the crazy marine. Otherwise I would have a quite a few more reviews. In fact, more than you luigi!

But I don't think validation was your intent. In fact, I think you're suggesting my opinion is invalid because I lack reviews? Is that what you're saying?

That's nonsense of course. Are you into your cups already?
inspector farquar's Avatar
He IS grown up.... He's just a very little man..... Originally Posted by Whispers
I can assure you - I am taller, and leaner, than you. Considerably.
Thank you! Finally someone believes me that I'm not rick or hank or the crazy marine. Otherwise I would have a quite a few more reviews. In fact, more than you luigi!

But I don't think validation was your intent. In fact, I think you're suggesting my opinion is invalid because I lack reviews? Is that what you're saying?

That's nonsense of course. Are you into your cups already? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Ooops - slow fucking internet here in the sticks!
Whispers's Avatar
I can assure you - I am taller, and leaner, than you. Considerably. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Referring to you as a "little man" might not have meant physical stature.....

something to think about.....
Thank you! Finally someone believes me that I'm not rick or hank or the crazy marine. Otherwise I would have a quite a few more reviews. In fact, more than you luigi!

But I don't think validation was your intent. In fact, I think you're suggesting my opinion is invalid because I lack reviews? Is that what you're saying?

That's nonsense of course. Are you into your cups already? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
LOL - and you think every fucktard here has reviewed all the hooktards he's seen? Then I do suppose you might be a dumb fucktard!

I guess you just post like an ignorant fucktard!
inspector farquar's Avatar
Cups! He is in his cups!

I guess you didn't read my post.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Referring to you as a "little man" might not have meant physical stature...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Well, if we're grading on the curve I think I'll be okay. As long as the likes of you is around.

Now when you stop trampling reputations, bullying hookers and running bogus fundraisers, well, then I may need to up my game. But I doubt that will be anytime soon.
Well, if we're grading on the curve I think I'll be okay. As long as the likes of you is around.

Now when you stop trampling reputations, bullying hookers and running bogus fundraisers, well, then I may need to up my game. But I doubt that will be anytime soon. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
inspector farquar's Avatar
... you think every fucktard here has reviewed all the hooktards he's seen? Then I do suppose you might be a dumb fucktard! Originally Posted by Louigi

Oh! I see now, the OP only has one piddly ass review of an AMP visit that went south!

Hey, grow the fuck up Inspector then we will listen! Originally Posted by Louigi
Shall we just chalk this up to alcohol consumption, or an infertile mind? Call it Louigi Logic?
inspector farquar's Avatar
?????????????????????????? Originally Posted by Louigi
Dude, if you can't keep up, run along.

Please stop derailing my thread. Otherwise I'll request the Blue Weenie step in. If he's on duty.
Shall we just chalk this up to alcohol consumption, or an infertile mind? Call it Louigi Logic? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
No - i would say infantile mind - yours