Sugar daddy dating & info ??

Gotyour6's Avatar

Being a SB is so much more than sex, and so much more than money. The words "mutually beneficial" aren't bullshit. SDs are total princes who treat you like a princess AND pamper you. Not just "pay you to fuck". If you don't like your SD as a friend, it will not work out. Period. If you wear your green tinted glasses, it will not work.

I had a fantastic SD when I was 19 or so. We saw movies, went to dinners, exercised together, went on a road trip. It's not the same as providing, even though there is money involved. It's just so much more. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Thank you Missy

I take mine shooting, we travel all over together and we have fun. We miss each other when I am on long trips and I fly her to where i am. (It isnt about her going to a country excitment, she came to Saudi Arabia with me) We enjoy each other and I spoil her rotten. When we started it was dinner with me, a play, a movie and no money. She said she doesnt date people her own age because she cant get them off the xbox to go out.

It is much more than being a renamed hooker.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Missy there is someone for everyone .. its a simple matter of preference!!!!! Now I dont think im a trophy buti have alot to offer .. i think its funny how some think they are to have a SD.. HOW many SD did have u had .. was it 3 in the past and ohh not one asked u for bbfs is that u are so lucky .. u def gotta let me in on ur secret ...
First of all, there was absolutely no need to be hostile nor question my "credentials". Yes, I have had 3 SDs, with the arrangements being exclusive and 2 of them being multiple years long. I'm sorry if that means my experience is invalid in your eyes. And you're right, as I said there was no BBFS. I'm of the belief we were just paranoid people, so we were on the same page. I was quite lucky in that aspect I suppose? Two of my SDs were married, and did not want to have to explain a baby to their wives. The other just said he had been "burned in the past" with an abortion/extortion situation.

You're absolutely right in saying "there's someone for everyone". That's beyond true, and I use it a lot when talking about providers/hobbyists. However I don't feel that it's the same for SD/SB and I'm sorry if you take offense to that.

But frankly, SD/SB is nothing even remotely like escorting and the requirements are nowhere near the same. Anyone can escort and do well at it, not everyone can bring in a four figure number as a SB and I won't lie and say they can to sound PC.

I'm sure you personally do have plenty to offer a gentleman, I'm not sure why you thought I was even insinuating that you didn't - as I was speaking generally.

And GENERALLY speaking, I can tell you these things:

-Most escorts don't go to SBing exclusively and do all that well. It is a completely different lifestyle, the money aspect is different, and the time invested is different. If you're a single woman with a lot of time, you'll do great. If you're a mom with kids, it's probably not for you.

-SDs have higher expectations than clients. You can say you're "college educated" in your escorting ads all you want and never get looked up on it, but spend a ton of 1-on-1 time with someone, and you better be able to have a conversation at or above your advertised education level because that's what he's expecting. An honest experience, with a woman who portrayed herself honestly.

Now this isn't to say SDs only want college educated women - not always the case. They just want a woman who doesn't feel the need to lie about herself to
reel one in. They don't WANT to feel like a client, customer, SD, fish, whatever. They want you to help them make them feel alive.

-The "payday" from an SD is probably not as much as you make escorting UNLESS you are a 18-30 year old woman who is in good shape, with a good smile, and can fit in anywhere you go. That being said, if you are in that age range and you wear nothing but trashy, slut clothes you certainly aren't going to find an SD that will take you to 5* restaurants and hotels.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Thank you Missy

I take mine shooting, we travel all over together and we have fun. We miss each other when I am on long trips and I fly her to where i am. (It isnt about her going to a country excitment, she came to Saudi Arabia with me) We enjoy each other and I spoil her rotten. When we started it was dinner with me, a play, a movie and no money. She said she doesnt date people her own age because she cant get them off the xbox to go out.

It is much more than being a renamed hooker. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Try this as an experiment with your SB for 4 - 5 months:

1) Don't pay her airfare when she visits you
2) Take her to low cost diners vs 5 star restaurants
3) Don't buy her expensive gifts
4) Next time she totals her car - don't buy one.

Pretty much remove all financial interest for her from your relationship and see how well it goes.

There are 2 ways to exchange money for sex. Retail - providers. Wholesale - sugar babes.

Some ladies are good at retail sales others are excellent wholesalers. When we engage in professional companionship we sell fantasy one hour at the time and make sure we are paid upfront. Sugar baby gambles that she can collect in future on her time and efforts that she expands today. She may have to invest into several "auditions" before she strikes gold. But don't for one second believe that money is not her ultimate motivation or that you won't be left in the dust the minute you are no longer capable of maintaining her lifestyle.

Both relationship require suspension of reality, difference is to what degree.

Secret Encounters's Avatar
sensual i dont agree.. and thats all im gonna say .. every situation is diff with each person ..
I got my first and last SB at the ripe old age of 28. She did not identify herself as such, and if she had, I wouldn't have even known what it meant. I owned a couple of companies, was freshly divorced from the first girl I had ever kissed and extremely naive. The girl played me like a violin and before I knew it I was supporting her entire lifestyle. She was a hunter, I was prey. Its that simple. Oh yes, she "loved" me and she "missed me." Until I said "What in the world? I just realized I am paying your rent, your car, your groceries plus entertaining you! Let's see if you are my girlfriend when the money stops."

I know everyone will be shocked, but when the money stopped she was gone in less than a week.

Now maybe, as she understood those terms, she did love and miss me. But it was the kind of love you buy, because when the money went -- so did she. Just sayin'. An SB is just a different form of sex work. Except that SB masqueraded as a girlfriend, so I wound up only getting lucky about once a month, and poorly at that.

If an SB is a different thing, and her love and adoration are genuine, I think a reasonable question is how many SBs go to work in order to support their SDs if the SDs fall on hard times?

I hate to sound cynical, but personal experience will do that to you. LOL
Gotyour6's Avatar
Try this as an experiment with your SB for 4 - 5 months:

1) Don't pay her airfare when she visits you
2) Take her to low cost diners vs 5 star restaurants
3) Don't buy her expensive gifts
4) Next time she totals her car - don't buy one.

Pretty much remove all financial interest for her from your relationship and see how well it goes.

There are 2 ways to exchange money for sex. Retail - providers. Wholesale - sugar babes.

Some ladies are good at retail sales others are excellent wholesalers. When we engage in professional companionship we sell fantasy one hour at the time and make sure we are paid upfront. Sugar baby gambles that she can collect in future on her time and efforts that she expands today. She may have to invest into several "auditions" before she strikes gold. But don't for one second believe that money is not her ultimate motivation or that you won't be left in the dust the minute you are no longer capable of maintaining her lifestyle.

Both relationship require suspension of reality, difference is to what degree.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

I met her with a friend. She was getting nothing when we first started going out. I would take her to a dinner at TGIFridays and take her and the friend shooting. She had no idea I even had money or traveled.

Pretty soon we were emailing each other back and forth afterward and I asked if she wanted to go to Canada for a night with me. She said yes if she can get out of work. She couldn’t so we left Saturday night and stayed there and had a great time.

I had to fly to Japan that Sunday night and brought her home. Told her I was leaving for a week or so and would like to see her again. When I got back she said she had to work the weekend. After a few more dates I wanted to see more of her. We got along great and sex was amazing. I explained to her what I did etc. and asked if she wanted to go with me to South Korea, Japan, etc..

I told her to quit her job and travel with me and i would take care of the bills, give her spending money, Over all just be a sugar daddy. She said ok.

This was all so she could spend more time with me.
Now she is going back to college, I see her every weekend and we have a fun time together. I am taking her shooting this weekend. Not giving her any money, Haven’t paid for anything in at least six weeks because she said she is good on money. (She took a part time job at a health place)

She never asked for a car, I saw that it wasn’t in the driveway. I took her to the fleet dealer we use and bought her one that she liked.

Most of the girls i meet want to be treated good. As I said before, a 23 year old won’t open the door for them, won’t do anything with them, won’t take them to dinner no matter what they can buy. I took mine to McDonalds before. She doesn’t care.

So you are wrong in some ways and right in others. Some girls I met are in it for the money. But that is the point isn’t it?

The attraction to me is a young woman that doesn’t bang 10 guys in a day and is very attractive. The attraction for them is I am an older guy that can provide for them. Treat them the way they should be treated and if that means money or pay bills so be it.

Would they want to be with me if I didn’t have money? Doubt it, again, that is what attracted them to me in the first place.

Am I an old fat guy that can’t get a date? No, I am in great shape, I scuba dive, rock climb and sky dive. I am 43 years old with my six pack still in place. I got a date from an 18 year old at an ice cream shop just by handing her my card with no money involved. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

So to stereo type all SBs or providers is rather wrong. Some girls just want the door open for them and others want the door open for them in other ways.
When I meet a girl I tell them that I want them to look back on our relationship and be able to smile is the truth. I don’t want them to look back on it and have a regret.

I tell them this is no different than your mother telling you you should find a rich doctor. I have a PhD in computer science so in fact, I am a rich doctor.

We are all whores one way or another. I am a whore to my company. I sell myself to the highest bidder because of my education. People want to buy my time.

With a provider I buy the time they offer. I enjoy my time that I buy with them and they sell me the illusion for an hour or whatever. Thank you for that.

With a sugar baby we get emotionally involved sometimes, spending the time together will do that. The experience is so much more different than a provider that it isn’t even close to the same category.

The reason why providers don’t make good SBs is because of the mindset you have.
ForumPoster's Avatar
You are absolutely correct in certain respects. There are exceptions to every general rule. YOUR particular young lady MAY BE still around if tomorrow you were to suddenly go broke. You never know until you are in that situation and I wish you never have to test that theory.

Yes, we all are whores. We all sell our brain, bodies, skills and time.

As for mindset, my personal mindset at the moment is that I would rather pay my bills by working as companion while building my mainstream business so I never have to consider finances as part of my future personal relationships.

More on the subject later .. gotta run

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Gotyour6, you are truly awesome
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I don't think you can fit all sugar daddy-sugar baby relationships neatly into any one box. From everything I've seen and experienced, there's a wide spectrum of relationships running the gamut from basically an escort-client relationship to essentially a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship and everything in between. Just because someone has had only one sort of experience doesn't mean that's all that's out there or even that it's the norm.
bladtinzu's Avatar
I got my first and last SB at the ripe old age of 28. She did not identify herself as such, and if she had, I wouldn't have even known what it meant. I owned a couple of companies, was freshly divorced from the first girl I had ever kissed and extremely naive. The girl played me like a violin and before I knew it I was supporting her entire lifestyle. She was a hunter, I was prey. Its that simple. Oh yes, she "loved" me and she "missed me." Until I said "What in the world? I just realized I am paying your rent, your car, your groceries plus entertaining you! Let's see if you are my girlfriend when the money stops."

I know everyone will be shocked, but when the money stopped she was gone in less than a week.

Now maybe, as she understood those terms, she did love and miss me. But it was the kind of love you buy, because when the money went -- so did she. Just sayin'. An SB is just a different form of sex work. Except that SB masqueraded as a girlfriend, so I wound up only getting lucky about once a month, and poorly at that.

If an SB is a different thing, and her love and adoration are genuine, I think a reasonable question is how many SBs go to work in order to support their SDs if the SDs fall on hard times?

I hate to sound cynical, but personal experience will do that to you. LOL Originally Posted by Laurentius

Sounds like you got the "redheaded stepchild" treatment.. The key to remember is this phrase... "Women are like buses. One comes around every 10 minutes or so. The key is finding the sane one to ride". Kind of a double edged sword I know. Saying women are easily discarded for another is one thing. Doing it is another. When you allow emotions to cloud judgement you get taken advantage of. Not that you have to be cold and callous.. Just "act" like you aren't..
Gotyour6's Avatar
Gotyour6, you are truly awesome Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Its the hair style isnt it
John Bull's Avatar
Missy there is someone for everyone .. its a simple matter of preference!!!!!
I was trying to be gentle when I said you need to be a 20 something beautiful girl. There is not someone for everyone in the SD/SB thing. You either meet the needs or you hit the road. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I know a 60 something year old that doesnt want a 20 year old.

Maybe you want a 20 something but there is someone for everyone.

I had one contact me that use to be a sb. I wouldnt pick her up in a bar.
Someone pampered her though.
That wont happen. Maybe you can ask the mods to create a sugarbaby forum or maybe just start a thread and keep it going.

Put your prices down that you would want per month etc.

The problem with SB/SD relationships is that with me. I do more with my SB. I take them shopping, shooting, out to plays etc..

Most think that it is I pay you so much money per month and get to see you so many times. That to me is a hooker on retainer. I have one of those called my lawyer. He fucks me all the time.

I have sugar babies that I take out to lunch, I bought a car for a girl last week because hers was totaled. Wasn’t a brand new one but $5000 is still a lot to drop.

You may want to set it up as a one price per month thing.

The reason why I don’t want a provider as a sb is because I enjoy being with my SB as a friend and not a 1 hour fuck for 4 times a week Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Will u be my sugardaddy?

Hello everyone! I've had a profile on and that site is ok. I also have tried and met a couple of guys I've talked to on yahoo messenger and they want to meet me but nothing yet. Then there's but that one I haven't had much luck on there.

Maybe some of you ladies might want to try that.