LC Stu Scheller battalion commander...TELLS IT LIKE IT IS!!

texassapper's Avatar
I bet you he will have a LOT more power as a Congressman, or perhaps even a Senator "when" not "if" he decides to run for office.

Actually this sounds almost like a public announcement of an upcoming run for Congress to me. Originally Posted by GaGambler
Yeah, I agree. I think that once he posted the first video he got contacted by a number of interested parties. The LTC then announced he would be resigning and that this isn't the end... I would wager money he will be calling some generals in to account at some point in his career, but that homo milley will probably be gone by then.
texassapper's Avatar
LOL you didn't have to, dummy, to expose your ignorance. Officers do not get dishonorable discharges, dummy. That indicates that you don't know a damn thing about what you are writing on.

You're so ignorant you don't even understand how ignorant you are...

stupid democrats Originally Posted by texassapper
Dismissal notice which is the same as a dishonorable discharge. What the fuck difference does it make, he fucked himself...

Typical trumptard getting panties wadded up in semantics...
You and a few mental "little peoples" on here along with his staunchest looks like the LSM is finding it harder and harder to support this POS. You do your very best to twist yourself into a pretzel to defend this sorry excuse for a human being much less a leader who is incapable of any assemblance of ANY kind of "leadership".
Just tell us of any "success" AKA accomplishment he has achieved...
  • oeb11
  • 08-31-2021, 06:56 PM
'r' and DPST minions do hate anyone not 'woke' and Communist.

As most of our US military which protects 'r' with their lives
and is rewarded with disdain and hatred.
You have no evidence of my hate for the military, which there is none.
You have no evidence of my hate for the military, which there is none. Originally Posted by royamcr
We do have evidence of your grasp of reality...ALL YOUR FUCKING POSTS!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just comply with the woke cultists its okay LOL
texassapper's Avatar
Dismissal notice which is the same as a dishonorable discharge. What the fuck difference does it make, he fucked himself...

Typical trumptard getting panties wadded up in semantics... Originally Posted by royamcr
LOL.. it's not semantics. It's the very consequential difference from having been enlisted and holding a commission. You've done neither, I've done both... so yeah your ignorance is substantial.

What you apparently fail to grasp is that Senior commissioned officers are questioning the national command authority. That's not bad just because it's bad, it's bad because it's proof that Biden and the Pentagon don't know what the fcuk they are doing.

For this one officer to stand up and throw away 17 years of service is not only incredible... it's an indication that the things he is saying are widespread...

If you were a vet or knew any, you'd know that most service members (Army is all I can speak to) are LIVID with what's happening.

I get that you're an ignorant turd and don't think past what Mom is gonna bring down to you for a snack, but for us grown-ups, this is a serious problem... and it needs to be addressed, not buried. You don't ignore a cancer on the Service like this.. and the cancer is NOT the LtCOl... he's the systems reaction to the cancer. The cancer is the illegitimate regime currently bent on destroying the nation domestically and internationally.
Biden is the grown up and took care of business. Trump never had a plan to exit the region.
texassapper's Avatar
Biden is the grown up and took care of business. Originally Posted by royamcr
I'm sure the American citizens that were left behind might have a different view..
Trump never had a plan to exit the region. Originally Posted by royamcr
he didn't have to, he wasn't President during the execution of the exit. You're basically trying to argue Beijing Bidens fuckup is better than something Trump never had to do.

Is that your standard? It's better than someone else might have done? I'm sure that will be of great comfort to the families of the 13 Marines, sailors, and soldiers killed in the suicide bombing...

I'm sure that everyone that will die at the muzzle of the 500K+ automatic weapons we left behind will think as they bleed out... "it could have been worse.. it could have been Trump that fcuked up and resulted in me dying!"

You're a ridiculous loser and a

rexdutchman's Avatar
T had a plan look it up 8/21/2017 NYT has the transcript ,,,, the insanities of denial is unbelievable
T had a plan look it up 8/21/2017 NYT has the transcript ,,,, the insanities of denial is unbelievable Originally Posted by rexdutchman
He probably still thinks that Trump colluded with the Russians.

After all, Adam Schiff and his slimy minions had PROOF.

Just keep repeating the lies.

Jen Goebelles will tell you all you need to know.
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