Season In Jeopardy!

BJonesBaby's Avatar
While you are entitled to your opinion, sir, I am entitled to express mine without being painted as whatever it is you are trying to paint me. My comment apparently triggered a violent response, and for that I’m sad.

However, I am not surprised that you would take such a violent and disrespectful tone. You apparently hate everything about America and what it is in the year 2020. In many ways I agree with you. But in many more ways, I believe your hatred of people rather than circumstances makes you part of the problem.

Thank you, sir, for revealing your patriotism.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2020, 08:41 AM
Ah - here is the DPST line - anyOne of a different opinion is "Violent" - yet You espouse the Hannah -Jones model of "rioting and looting " - is just property destruction - and as long as it is not 'my' personal property - it is not violent.

As i said - I wish to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights - and i would give my life to protect your right to post your opinion. something you would never do - in marxist cowardice and desire to institute marxist control as OBLM plans. And blind allegiance to the DPST course of marxism that maintains the DPST plantation racial identity politics to keep their black people on the DPST plantation as DPST property!!!

patriotism - you choose to denigrate my dedication to our representative democracy - which You wish to take down for marxist rule.

lack of respect - yes - I have none for DPST marxist -
one thing I reflect on is that there seems always to be a hyper focus by some people on their own back story

or on what they might think is their "group's" back story

and somehow they think that they are put upon and abused by some "system" and that no one else ever had their own difficulties

to tell you the awful truth - everyone has a back story and has had trouble

and there definitely are way more whites raised in lower and humbler conditions than there are blacks raised in humble conditions

in listening to the recent conventions and the presentations in them, and while I know presentations in these conventions are not absolute proof, it just seems that there is a difference between dimocrats and republicans in attitude and in how they either overcame their circumstances or didn't

what has been the promise of America is that no matter what, you can overcome and that promise is what has built America into the most successful group of people in the world

and even many of our poor are rich by comparison

in socialism, you cant do anything but receive a stipend, good for a time until supplies run out
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2020, 08:52 AM
Well written - NGIT!
Maverick 07's Avatar
The hopes and dreams should be in a good education and long term job skills not bouncing a ball around for a few years....If you pin your hopes on less than .001 % chance your deceiving yourself.