Would a Meet & Greet work in New Orleans?

  • 1+1
  • 10-30-2016, 10:18 AM
Does that mean you are going Annie?
DallasRain's Avatar
what you COULD do is just have an impromptu meet up on Bourbon Street....like a yahoo group kinda get together cover story....
Shiet..... You don't need a cover story on Burbon St.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Every PARTY has a pooper that's why we invited youper PARTY pooper! Lol omg finally some fun up in this place. To answer the question. No. I personally never did ever partake in the reindeer games. However the older ones will remember. I always am there in spirit and send a token. So ...shall all proceed .. Ill of course do raffle or drinks ...food. (Cater) nobody eats my cooking. Alas...let me know and ill send ya a card. :mf_seehearsp eak: xxoo annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
Every PARTY has a popper that's why we invited youper PARTY popper! Lol omg finally some fun up in this place. To answer the question. No. I personally never did ever partake in the reindeer games. However the older ones will remember. I always am there in spirit and send a token. So ...shall all proceed .. Ill of course do raffle or drinks ...food. (Cater) nobody eats my cooking. Alas...let me know and ill send ya a card. :mf_seehearsp eak: xxoo annie
I want some Gawt Damn cookies.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've been to a few in the D.C. area but people stopped doing them after a while because a few folks kept trying to bring in cameras (to film people and record what they say).
If that can be avoided I'd definitely consider flying down to N.O. just for it lol.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Heard a bit of that also going on in upstate? I think phones should be dropped like panties and shoes(and them) at the door.. Xxoo Annie
Back in the good ole days here in Nola, providers and gentlemen would socialize. It was nothing to meet a provider and take her to a coffee, lunch or dinner where the gentleman treated; no hourly fees imposed by the ladies. Purely social. No "date" with no expectation of building any relationship. M&G's were also held. They were word of mouth and via emails and group discussions held on obscure members only boards far away and seperate from any board like this. Providers socialized with providers. Providers with gents. Gents with gents to discuss the hobby. People broke bread over a common interest. There was no money exchanged. It was friendly and non-business.

That was a different day. Seems things have been upended these days. What were Street girls and UTR girls advertising in Gambit and rag newspapers have now found an electronic avenue to advertise to the masses and the big fish with money. Thugs, pimps and cops all have too easy access and I'm sorry, but the "pool" has been diluted and diminished.

Is a M&G a good idea? It's not a new concept whatsoever. They've been going on since before many women reading this were barely in 5th grade. I say do it, but organize them off-channel. People are free to socialize in social environments. If I'm talking to a drug dealer and there's no cash or drugs present, good luck prosecuting that. If I'm talking to a provider and there's no room near, no benjies in my pocket and we're fully clothed, good luck prosecuting that.

Like I said... the pool has been crapped in. If you can't drain the water, least you can do is dodge the turds.

Play safe by socializing in closed, members only, membship by invite only, obscure discussion groups far and wide away from any referral board.

Just my two cents.
Thank you joethick I truly love this post, it's full of great info and insight. I like the portrait that you painted of the hobby in days gone by. Sounds like my kind of world.
annie@christophers's Avatar
It was...never to be again. Sigh annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
Cookie monsters...like those dam vampires abound. Lol Annie
Screw a Vampire.... Gimme some chocolate chip cookies, they are Guud...
n0laARIES87's Avatar
In theory, meetNgreets would be especially perfect for newbies. I'd like to partake, but in the long run I'd have to agree with ilovethemgirls, far too risky.
'Aries... Agreed.

Goes back to my point. It's risky because there are too many loose lips, too many of those with nothing or little to lose, too many phone pic snapping fools on Facebook and honestly... too many backpage types who now have 30mb internet connections and cheap hosting plans to advertise their wares. It's cheaper to run a website 24/7/365 now than it was to run a Gambit ad for two Fridays.

Used to be the internet market was cut from a distinctly different cloth. Not everyone was even accepted on boards; men and women alike. There were tight internet boards with scammer watchdogs like me who'd call out the frauds and protect the interests of the good folks. That separated us from the AOL, EarthLink and Angelfire bullshit artists. Nameswappers and touring scam artists were never tolerated and were berated into heading back to the hell ass-crack from which they caught a Greyhound bus out of with a bottle of Thunderbird.

It was a stressful time if you cared about your fellow good hobbyists. Lots of time in online fights till you exorcized the fraudulent tumors coming into town on a weekly basis. I even, with a little help from my local hobbyist bretheren, brought down a local board built upon lies and deceit run by a WhiteHat who'd do, promote and kiss ass any female who'd pay for a $30 p/mo ad no matter her reputation. Good fucking riddance back in 2003.

I'm an old schooler. I'm over that now. I choose to selectively pick the nice, ripe young fruit this hobby has to offer. I'm over the online street fights to thin the bogus herd. Leaving that up to maybe AlBundy who I've been watching hard. He reminds me of me back then in many ways. However, if and when I go to bat for anyone here against any dick or deserving bitch, you better fucking believe I've done my homework and the recipient deserves every digital packet I strangle them with.

Sorry I got off on a tangent, 'Aries... back to your point. Yes, it's risky to a degree because more online players on both sides are sketchy. Play safe in organized groups elsewhere and you'll have nothing to worry about. If the little head begins to take over to force a situation that might not be right; do as JT does. Pull up some Booloo.com, choose your fetish, rub one or two off and relax with a fine Cabernet till you no longer give a shit who's naked online.

There I Said It.