Nine-year-old girl accidentally shot her gun instructor dead with an Uzi

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-30-2014, 08:12 PM
Hell, if the incident happened in NY the little girl would be put to the grand jury and probably indicted. Originally Posted by pyramider
Or not.
Guest042416's Avatar
Hell, if the incident happened in NY the little girl would be put to the grand jury and probably indicted. Originally Posted by pyramider
not treated as an adult though
not treated as an adult though Originally Posted by bjwstw
However in some of our 'fine' redneck States she would be tried for murder as an adult!....
Guest042416's Avatar
However in some of our 'fine' redneck States she would be tried for murder as an adult!.... Originally Posted by Celso
That is correct.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
bj and Celso disagree; I can sleep well tonight.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
disagree with both on this topic
and you will sleep much better
JohnnyCap's Avatar
disagree with both on this topic
and you will sleep much better Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
yes, I did not write that last post clearly. BJ & Celso both disagree with me, that I find relaxing.
disagree with both on this topic
and you will sleep much better Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
LOL....Guess your never gonna sleep well as long as you remain in the Empire State then.....

New York is not populated with enough frothing at the mouth, backwoods, gun-totting, gunpowder snorting, inbred mountain folk and will NEVER allow children into any sort of Burgers & Bullets type shoot-em-up galleries to play with machine guns!!!.....

We in NY are too advanced, educated and civilized for that.....EXCELSIOR!!!....
Guest042416's Avatar
I sleep very well no matter what.

nothing that happens on this hooker board effects my sleep lol.

I would be worried but still would sleep well if I was on the same side of jc in this argument.

I don't think JC knows anything about our economic system or the laws in place.

He cries about age laws and limits,
but then in other threads he cries about how much money lawyers and bankers make.

He wants limits on them

offshoredrilling's Avatar
LOL....Guess your never gonna sleep well as long as you remain in the Empire State then.....

New York is not populated with enough frothing at the mouth, backwoods, gun-totting, gunpowder snorting, inbred mountain folk and will NEVER allow children into any sort of Burgers & Bullets type shoot-em-up galleries to play with machine guns!!!.....

We in NY are too advanced, educated and civilized for that.....EXCELSIOR!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
yup NY is a never teach a man how to fish State
why teach how to feed self for life over enslavement
Chica Chaser's Avatar
We in NY are too advanced, educated and civilized for that.....EXCELSIOR!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
I love a state that allows the freedom for this to happen, though I would rather it didn't. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

We in NY are too advanced, educated and civilized for that.....EXCELSIOR!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
Nice sense of humor! ....I mean....this was....a.....joke....right?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-31-2014, 07:52 PM
yup NY is a never teach a man how to fish State
why teach how to feed self for life over enslavement Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
What an ignorant load of crap.

The only difference between places like NY and places like Texas or your typical red state is that NY actually looks to take care of its poor.

Enslave, my ass.