D&T 2010Q1 Performance Review

This is true, but for a world that is highly isolating, it is also a valuable community, not just an outlet. Online forums make a real difference, especially for women where companionship plays a central role, and they can't talk to anyone in their immediate lives, even other local companions. Often they join communities in an effort to reach out, decompress, and find a place that welcomes them, in a world that believes we're immoral or trash. I think a little kindness, empathy and compassion makes a huge difference - especially to new members. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
I could not agree with you more on this point. Very well said.

In all honesty,it is a somewhat cliquey group. Sometimes I don't get all the inside jokes,but I am OK with that......... sometimes I don't want to. Sometimes the group will tear apart a tread to death,going down roads I could never imagine.......but I also love this board. I tend to be a more quiet observer who only pops my head up when I feel I have something valuable to contribute or when I am looking for sound, intellectual feedback.
I looooove it here......B+........there is always room for improvement

We are all adults here...no one should run away or have their feelings hurt over opinions. I thought that was the point here??? People scream for an open debate and a chance to express themselves freely, but you have to take the good with the bad.

Don't turn and run because someone doesn't agree with you AND has the facts to back it up.

just saying... Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Word, Nicole I know that you are retired , but I hope that you continue to post here you have a very reasonable way of seeing things.

I would give it an A-.My only complaint is I would like to see more women post here,but hopefully that is something that will happen over time .Lauren is right this place, and before it aspd has been a valuable resource for many of us. I often think that both places have saved my sanity, because I have found that you do not have to fit into any molds to be successful as a companion .I have learned so much from lurking , and posting here it has really changed the way I view escorting.
John Bull's Avatar

If I recall, she stated that you approached her with a message that was titled "thin skinned" and went on to berate her for said thin skin.

I do think that when people leave because of mod intimidation it ultimately makes this place less interesting. Originally Posted by John Bull
She was advised, in a very polite manner, to not take to heart all that is said and to not be "thin skinned". Advice that is given to many newbies in this forum. That does not constitute "running her off". She was not "berated" and she was not subject in any way to "mod intimidation" and for you to say that speaks to your ignorance of the actual PM's.

This subject is closed for the simple reason that it is certainly boring to the group.
pyramider's Avatar
Where is the nekkid women Twister game?
Here ya go....