The much more humane method for the unborn baby is after injecting that saline solution into the uterus, and the abortionist chops it up with glorified egg beater and then sucks It all out with a vacuum hose.
How more civilized can you get than that.
I have a question for the members here. If you enjoy paying Hookers to suck your dick, does that disqualify your having an opinion on abortion?
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sure you can...
Jackie this law is like any extreme measure.
Human trafficking does not mean we have to outlaw consenting adults from engaging in sex. But that is wtf one group is doing. It is using that excuse to shut it all down. This is another step in that process.
School shooting do not mean we have to ban guns but that is what one group wants.
Late term abortions do not mean that we have to ban all abortions including Plan B , something you take the DAY AFTER . But that is what a certain group of people want.
Whore Mongers can not even agree on a fucking Hooker Board that they post on whether this new law is a good idea. Amazing really.