Why do you think you're so unpopular in Texas?

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
..Boo hoo, Texas might lose some jobs, boo hoo hoo. I wonder how many jobs are currently in Texas.....that used to be in other states. Originally Posted by Doove
There are a lot of jobs in TX that moved here from other states, because TX is a hell of a lot more business friendly than states that elect tax-n-spend, pro-union, ass-hat bureacrats. Unfortionately, they bring the democratic locusts with them who still vote. The reason we need term limits is because i can't vote in districts where stupid sheople continue to vote for the same tax-n-spend, pro-union ass-hats.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Boo hoo, Texas might lose some jobs, boo hoo hoo. I wonder how many jobs are currently in Texas.....that used to be in other states. Originally Posted by Doove
Don't think too much about this DFW or Dave...You see, Doove is really quite an emotional fella. He's already crying...but he's been crying for a long time.

Hell, Dave...You even took the emotion of "hate" out of it...and just sighted the facts. Some folks...when they've got nothing else...tend to break down emotionally. I think we're seeing that here.
You elected a governor who talks about seceding from the union. Why should anyone give a shit what happens to Texas?

Boo hoo, Texas might lose some jobs, boo hoo hoo. I wonder how many jobs are currently in Texas.....that used to be in other states. Originally Posted by Doove

Well, Doovie it’s like this. The reason people care what happens in Texas is because we have shake. Independent, we would be the seventh largest economy in the world. We have fabulous natural resources. We have the oil bidness, which is a business sector that creates wealth that can’t be shipped to China. Like DFW said, we have a business friendly environment. We have multiple military bases. We have the largest medical center in the country. Now granted we don’t have the Oilers anymore, but I can live with that. But don’t hate us because we have a good lookin’ governor and just plain ole great.
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  • Doove
  • 04-29-2011, 01:42 PM
Don't think too much about this DFW or Dave...You see, Doove is really quite an emotional fella. He's already crying...but he's been crying for a long time.

Hell, Dave...You even took the emotion of "hate" out of it...and just sighted the facts. Some folks...when they've got nothing else...tend to break down emotionally. I think we're seeing that here. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
One of your weaker attempts at sarcasm at my expense, Rudyard. I've come to expect better from you. Maybe you just tried too hard?

We have the oil bidness, which is a business sector that creates wealth that can’t be shipped to China.....We have multiple military bases.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
So, my tax dollars go towards cleaning up the messes created by your oil bidness....and my tax dollars are funneled into your economy in the way of military bases. And i have to put up with Texans whining because their tax dollars might have to go towards helping my neighbor see a doctor? Go ahead, secede. Please.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-29-2011, 01:57 PM
33 states and the District of Columbia get back more Federal tax dollars than they pay in. Ironically, considering the Republican Party champions low taxes and cutting Federal taxes, 21 of the 33 states who get back more than the taxpayers in those states pay in are also states who voted for John McCain in 2008. In effect, the wealthier Blue states are subsidizing poorer, more rural Red states...much as urban counties usually subsidize rural counties on the state tax level albeit the red-leaning suburbs of urban areas (map showing red and blue counties at bottom) subsidize the dark blue super-urban inner cities of metropolitan areas. The blue city propers typically are net receivers of federal funds.

States with large military or Federal labs (typically in the South and West) appear to get more in Federal dollars. Large urban areas receive substantially more federal funds in the form of social welfare spending, as do minority-heavy rural areas particularly in the South. Large, urban states pay more in than they get back although it's unclear whether the larger outlow derives from red- or blue-minded taxpayers in those urban blue states (eg Wall Street in NY). http:/www.jeffersoncountygop.orgRedS tateMap.gif

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_state...#ixzz1KwaNNCEH
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, Doovie it’s like this. The reason people care what happens in Texas is because we have shake. Independent, we would be the seventh largest economy in the world. We have fabulous natural resources. We have the oil bidness, which is a business sector that creates wealth that can’t be shipped to China. Like DFW said, we have a business friendly environment. We have multiple military bases. We have the largest medical center in the country. Now granted we don’t have the Oilers anymore, but I can live with that. But don’t hate us because we have a good lookin’ governor and just plain ole great. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

And don’t forget good-looking, free spirited women, and I’m pretty partial to certain products made by Spoetzl Brewery!

So, my tax dollars go towards cleaning up the messes created by your oil bidness....and my tax dollars are funneled into your economy in the way of military bases. And i have to put up with Texans whining because their tax dollars might have to go towards helping my neighbor see a doctor? Originally Posted by Doove
Speaking of messes, I guess you really don’t want to talk about those Wall Street Banks now do you?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2011, 02:43 PM
Speaking of messes, I guess you really don’t want to talk about those Wall Street Banks now do you? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did i brag about Wall Street Banks being located in New York?

Didn't think so.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-30-2011, 06:31 AM
There are a lot of jobs in TX that moved here from other states, because TX is a hell of a lot more business friendly than states that elect tax-n-spend, pro-union, ass-hat bureacrats. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Yeah, why not be business friendly when you can just have the federal government (meaning us tax-n-spend pro-union liberal ass-hat New Yorkers) bail your ass out and balance your budget for you? You sound like the welfare queen who not only is on welfare, but brags about how she doesn't have to work.
pyramider's Avatar
How many times has NY and NYC been bankrupt? Once each that I recall and both were bailed out by the Feds and both have infrastructures are crumbling around them.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Yeah, why not be business friendly when you can just have the federal government (meaning us tax-n-spend pro-union liberal ass-hat New Yorkers) bail your ass out and balance your budget for you? You sound like the welfare queen who not only is on welfare, but brags about how she doesn't have to work. Originally Posted by Doove
Keep talkin'... it shows your true ignorance.

How many times has NY and NYC been bankrupt? Once each that I recall and both were bailed out by the Feds and both have infrastructures are crumbling around them. Originally Posted by pyramider
ssshhhh!!! since he compared himself to one of the ass-hats, he must be one of the bureacrats or sheople that vote in the state spending that drive out the companies and working class people. He's appears angry in all of his posts that attack conservatism, because he votes the same way and gets the same results, i.e., nothing. He just hasn't realized his vote has negative consequences.
Remember; "TEXAS IS A STATE OF MIND" Originally Posted by texasbrowning

Actually Doovie, we do not have the right to secede. We negotiated an even better deal when the Republic of Texas joined the union. We have the right to split into five states – and that would give us 10 senators. Picture that! We would have 18% of the senate at our beck and call. We would be asked to leave with all our goodies. Our deep water port, our miles and miles of coast, our oil business, our banking business, our immigrant labor, our agro business, and on and on. What does New York have going for it ‘cept the Big Apple – Nada that’s what. That’s why y’all don’t brag. I am a citizen of the Great State of Texas; I love it.

We've never asked for a bail out. When the auto and banking businesses were screaming for federal dollars, we were down here makin' money the old fashioned way - by creating jobs for the middle and lower classes you scream up and down about caring for.

Also, did it ever occur to you and your Yankee sensibilities that if the State of Texas wasn’t handling the State Department and the Home Land Defense Department’s jobs of policing the sovereign border of the United States of America and absorbing millions of illegal immigrants, we may not need any federal dollars to deal with the wild fires.

Why all this hatred towards Texas?
Remember; "TEXAS IS A STATE OF MIND" Originally Posted by texasbrowning
Not just a state of mind but a way of living too! Most who are not from here will never get it...

Actually Doovie, we do not have the right to secede. We negotiated an even better deal when the Republic of Texas joined the union. We have the right to split into five states – and that would give us 10 senators. Picture that! We would have 18% of the senate at our beck and call. We would be asked to leave with all our goodies. Our deep water port, our miles and miles of coast, our oil business, our banking business, our immigrant labor, our agro business, and on and on. What does New York have going for it ‘cept the Big Apple – Nada that’s what. That’s why y’all don’t brag. I am a citizen of the Great State of Texas; I love it.

Ahhh... someone who is educated and knows the facts of history. How refreshing!

We've never asked for a bail out. When the auto and banking businesses were screaming for federal dollars, we were down here makin' money the old fashioned way - by creating jobs for the middle and lower classes you scream up and down about caring for.

Also, did it ever occur to you and your Yankee sensibilities that if the State of Texas wasn’t handling the State Department and the Home Land Defense Department’s jobs of policing the sovereign border of the United States of America and absorbing millions of illegal aliens, we may not need any federal dollars to deal with the wild fires.

Fixed that one for 'ya.

Why all this hatred towards Texas?

Olivia... but you already know why.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Thank God for Texas!

Have you Texans started any large desalination plants yet? Might want to think about it.
They are not economically feasible yet. We ain't that short of water yet. Go ask las Vegas. But, the idea is discussed a lot.