Looks like it was an accident, and not some illegal animal hellbent on killing Americans

It's damn sure NOT the dumbascraps' talking points or whatever Shrillary decides is the "theme" of the day ! And it's not pushing the "delights" of "social democracy " or being a closeted swishy walker pining for " jalapeno " dicks either ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're very stupid. It was a reference to you parroting republitard talking points.

What's the difference between a washing maching and reytardos wife? When I drop a load in the washing machine, it doesn't follow me around for 9 months.
You're very stupid. It was a reference to you parroting republitard talking points.

What's the difference between a washing maching and reytardos wife? When I drop a load in the washing machine, it doesn't follow me around for 9 months. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If it were possible for a EUNUCH to procreate, that would be your Momma / SEEster that followed you around for 9 months expecting you to do your duty and take care of the future fudge packee and help continue the familia business down at the 'holes ! But ONCE AGAIN, you nutless wonder, you dream of having a regular heterosexual life when you chose instead to follow the familia path of being a peter puffer ! Pobrecita puta y mamalon !
If it were possible for a EUNUCH to procreate, that would be your Momma / SEEster that followed you around for 9 months expecting you to do your duty and take care of the future fudge packee and help continue the familia business down at the 'holes ! But ONCE AGAIN, you nutless wonder, you dream of having a regular heterosexual life when you chose instead to follow the familia path of being a peter puffer ! Pobrecita puta y mamalon ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Someone is a mamalon, you see him every time you look in the mirror. Mas puto...
Someone is a mamalon, you see him every time you look in the mirror. Mas puto... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Funny, but I don't see YOU when I look in a mirror. That would be the only way for me to see a mamlon ! Pobrecita puta y maricon !
Funny, but I don't see YOU when I look in a mirror. That would be the only way for me to see a mamlon ! Pobrecita puta y maricon ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You are SO gay that you shit rainbows.
You are SO gay that you shit rainbows. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No. When I shit, it comes out brown like tu y tu gente and sometimes con maiz just like you like it ! Pobrecita puta y maricona !
lustylad's Avatar
This is a perfect example of getting the cart before the horse. When this incident occurred, people were ready to hang this guy. Illegal aliens shot to the forefront of the national debate and 'sanctuary city' was on everyone's lips. Now, it turns out that the entire thing was likely an accident. This is why you don't jump to conclusions.

http://www.newscorpse.com/ncWP/?p=29527 Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are grasping at straws. It's irrelevant whether it was accidental or intentional. The political fallout is the same. Fox didn't even dwell on the issue. The story is sensational either way. Fox was more concerned about the fact that the guy had been deported 5 times and still was released by the SFPD.

Funny how the freelance faggot from Arkansas likes to accuse conservatives of lacking "empathy" all the time. Yet look at how he reacts to this story - he couldn't care less about Kate Steinle or the fact that a sweet innocent beautiful woman was gunned down senselessly on that pier. The only thing he is distraught about is the political backlash against illegal immigrants. SO MUCH FOR LIBTARDS HAVING EMPATHY!

Fucking hypocrites.
You are grasping at straws. It's irrelevant whether it was accidental or intentional. The political fallout is the same. Fox didn't even dwell on the issue. The story is sensational either way. Fox was more concerned about the fact that the guy had been deported 5 times and still was released by the SFPD.

Funny how the freelance faggot from Arkansas likes to accuse conservatives of lacking "empathy" all the time. Yet look at how he reacts to this story - he couldn't care less about Kate Steinle or the fact that a sweet innocent beautiful woman was gunned down senselessly on that pier. The only thing he is distraught about is the political backlash against illegal immigrants. So much for libtards having empathy!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
As usual, you begin with a false dichotomy. In your mind it is somehow impossible to both simultaneously think a murder is tragic and worry about how it is framed politically. Your ilk don't care about victims in a mass shooting, you're too busy defending guns, you fucking dickwad.

You want to know what's funny, chickenshit, is that if this were a black homeless man who had been killed, you and your ilk wouldn't give two goddamn shits, but it was a pretty white girl, so you're interested. Take your empathy and stick it up your ass.

Anytime someone is shot and killed in this country, it's a tragedy. I'm the one who is for better gun control, not you. Perhaps it's YOU who doesn't give a shit, homey. Don't fuck with me, dipshit, you're going to get the horns. Every. Fucking. Time.
lustylad's Avatar
Oh my, did I push your buttons again, sewer rat? "Take your empathy and stick it up your ass"? Is that where you hide it when the politics of feeling empathy are problematic? Up your well-worn ass?

Your panties aren't in a wad over Kate Steinle. They're in a wad because this tragedy shows everyone just how broken our immigration system is and because it makes life harder for libtards like you who want to keep it broken and reward lawbreakers.

I'll call out your bullshit and fuck with you every time you post your hypocritical nonsense here, you libtarded POS. I will pound your stupid ass until someone with real empathy feels sorry for you and asks me to stop. Get it now, sewer rat?
Oh my, did I push your buttons again, sewer rat? "Take your empathy and stick it up your ass"? Is that where you hide it when the politics of feeling empathy are problematic? Up your well-worn ass?

Your panties aren't in a wad over Kate Steinle. They're in a wad because this tragedy shows everyone just how broken our immigration system is and because it makes life harder for libtards like you who want to keep it broken and reward lawbreakers.

I'll call out your bullshit and fuck with you every time you post your hypocritical nonsense here, you libtarded POS. I will pound your stupid ass until someone with real empathy feels sorry for you and asks me to stop. Get it now, sewer rat?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I know our immigration system is broken, dumbass. Obama tried to address that and you fucktards got all in a huff and showed your fucking asses. republicans present no real options for addressing immigration. YOU are the reason why people like this poor woman are dead. If you had been open to a real solution, perhaps this guy would have been where he belonged, but you drag your feet on everything.

Keep pounding shitsipper, there ain't nothing you got that I can't take. I will be here to point out your hypocrisy, every. single. time.

Remember, it was you who needed an 'enforcer', not me. Got it, cunt?
MC19's Avatar
  • MC19
  • 09-01-2015, 09:33 AM
lad ... refer to a young men

may i ask how old are you 75yr old lady lustying for lad ... hmmmm

is that why WR stole some of my money for his/her new franchise expansion in Arkansas .... i believe you call it tallywacker or something
lustylad's Avatar
YOU are the reason why people like this poor woman are dead. If you had been open to a real solution, perhaps this guy would have been where he belonged, but you drag your feet on everything. Originally Posted by WombRaider
More libtard nonsense. Did I make San Francisco a sanctuary city? Did Republicans say it was ok to flout federal immigration laws and release a 5-time deportee from custody? Look in the mirror, you lying phony fucktard. YOU are responsible for Kate Steinle's death. If you want to keep the murderers where they belong, you would support Kate's Law. But that's not what this thread is about, is it dipshit?

More libtard nonsense. Did I make San Francisco a sanctuary city? Did Republicans say it was ok to flout federal immigration laws and release a 5-time deportee from custody? Look in the mirror, you lying phony fucktard. YOU are responsible for Kate Steinle's death. If you want to keep the murderers where they belong, you would support Kate's Law. But that's not what this thread is about, is it dipshit?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
If I want to keep the murderers where they belong? Is that an insinuation that all illegal immigrants are murderers and criminals? Taking a page from the Trump playbook, I see. Maybe if republicunts hadn't pushed back so hard against any reasonable solution to the immigration problem, we wouldn't HAVE sanctuary cities. Can you wrap your tiny brain around that?

He spent years in jail and continued to cross the border. This all started in 1991. He spent over 10 years in jail, so don't make it like he was just roaming around all this time. He continued to come back. You want mandatory sentences for repeat offenders, this guy served time in jail, over 10 years worth and continued to come back. What else would you have them do?
I still find it hard to believe the claim that this incident was an accident regardless what anyone says. Here this guy was intentionally in public, armed with a rifle, that wasn't even legally his. The weapon was intentionally loaded, somehow his finger accidently pulled the trigger and the rifle went off killing an innocent bystander minding her own business. Forget the accident bullshit. It's still a murder and he should be charged accordingly.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It wasn't a rifle, it was a .40 caliber handgun that was stolen, either by him or someone else, from a federal agent's vehicle.
lad ... refer to a young men

may i ask how old are you 75yr old lady lustying for lad ... hmmmm

is that why WR stole some of my money for his/her new franchise expansion in Arkansas .... i believe you call it tallywacker or something Originally Posted by MC19
He does like young men, preferably ladyboys. You know how I found out he was gay? I was fucking him in the ass one time and I reached around and he had a fucking hard on

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