AA Gents... Would you reconsider?

Dayna Love's Avatar
This has nothing to do personally with you Amy! Every week a thread pops up about this sore topic. Now you lift your ban Bravo to you sweetie! Congrats for being a super provider! chit is hard I know. But Is it really fair to AA gents that wanted to see a provider, but was denied due to policy? Should he consider why she had the NBA in the first place? Or take a risk with his $$$ and have a not so great experience. Cause her gals have cheered on it's all about the "green"!! Let's say You weighed 300lbs lost 150 of those pounds and no one would see you when you were at your biggest. But you still always had a heart of gold and could polish a pole that would leave them breathless! But because they had a no over wieght policy.Would you honestly see them after all the bashing? just saying! It's not always about the "green" Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist

no one has bashed anyone....amy didnt bash AA men ever so try another one...at the same time i do understand where your coming from...I feel what u are saying...If you didnt wanna F*** with me before why now... that like me being a BBW and lose weight and now wake up or deer hunter wanna come see me...ummm hell no but they have bashed BBW very bad...but at no time did she bash anyone about race...she just had a policy and she lifted it and thats not bashing... thats her business and its not for any one to judge...if AA men choose to see her or not see her thats there business once again that not for us to judge.. I personally could give to shits about what color you are as long as you treat me with respect and you got my green then im rock your world...unfortunately yes GREEN plays a big part in every thing...Green is what makes the world go round...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
So, the escort who won't see blacks because they are, in her opinion, unattractive bashes the provider who decides she WILL she blacks. Then this escort tries to enlist the help of the blacks - who she refuses to see - in bashing the provider who will see blacks. You can't make this shit up. Originally Posted by KinkLover

Great point ....
ibechill's Avatar
so who is SS?
starflash's Avatar
so who is SS? Originally Posted by ibechill
Could be wrong on this, but her wording sounds a whole lot like Sophia to me..............
guest061512-2's Avatar
Could be wrong on this, but her wording sounds a whole lot like Sophia to me.............. Originally Posted by starflash
Wrong! I sure miss the almond oil! Hope all is well sweetie
Sarunga's Avatar
so who is SS? Originally Posted by ibechill
Could be wrong on this, but her wording sounds a whole lot like Sophia to me.............. Originally Posted by starflash
Ask the simple question: Who has the strongest motivation...in other words....the obsession....to want to do something like this? Then, you will know who it is.

For example...take a look at this thread:

There was a new handle (Poundink9) that popped up...only when the thread was active. Same story. Ask that question...and you will know who it is.

The thing is....they have to be pretty desperate to try stuff like this...since having multiple handles is a severe offense. However, not technically difficult, unfortunately.
ibechill's Avatar
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I know an nba gal that lifted her policy and you better believe a buncha guys are gonna see her
I had one last night, and one at 6:30 am today. And plus the 3 last week. And not one has came with less than $100, or showed me no disrespect. I think I am a all around provider now
Hmm. Any provider is entitled to their own set of limitations. I am AA. If a provider who was attractive to me lifted her NBA policy, I'd see her. That simple to me. Whatever the provider's personal justifications for having an NBA policy in the first place are her business.
I'm not AA but I do understand where you're coming from. You've got a legitimate point of discussion that presented in a more neutral format, could be debated. But given its association with another person, and it's proximity to a similar thread, it leads the reader to believe you had other, more judgmental motives in your post. That calls into question, and essentially invalidates, the legitimate point.

As for my position in the debate, I think anytime a provider changes a policy it is her business. I either accept it or I don't. If I file a complaint, I'll do it with her personally, not in the public forum. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
Someone's motives I believe can cause serious questioning.. Sure.. But "invalidates, the legitimate point". Really?

Maybe she has her own reasoning for writing these post that is disagreeable to most users in this thread. But her personal reasons for making these post, doesn't invalidate on it's own what she is saying.

I personally think it was very courageous for Amy to change her policy. She had to know that there was a chance the community or at least parts of the community would react negatively to her. Not to mention what if her reasoning for the policy in the first place proved true for her after she announced the change? What would be the reaction if she decided to go back to being NBA? Last but certainly not least, she was incredibly honest regarding why she held the policy in the first place. I found that admirable even though I completely disagreed with her initial reasonings for the policy. Because of those threads, I now find Amy to be a pretty cool person even though we haven't met.. yet. And I hope we do.

At the same time, I think the OP has a valid point. It may not valid or appropriate regarding Amy's thread but, it does make sense in the hypothetical proposition she voiced.

If someone wouldn't see you because they believed enough in racist stereotypes to ban doing business with you (at least publicly), do you really want to see her when others tell her you're just another John, take the cash?

I think this is what SS was trying to communicate.

The point I think SS is missing is the type of business this is. Some people guys and gals.. are ok with just being treated as object. Whether it's girls who are perfectly fine being a product that is used or leased by the hour.. Or guys who know very well that the girl has seen 6+ other people earlier that day, and he's just #7. That's part of what's great about this hobby. It's consensual. Ideally, everyone knows what they want.. they agree on terms.. win/win.

To put it bluntly SS, A lot of guys have no issue with being an just another object that dispenses cash; As long as the provider has no problem giving the service level he desires.

Of course this doesn't apply to everyone. Take me for example. You wouldn't know it from my reviews or lack of them.. But I like to make sincere connections with people that goes well beyond an erotic encounter. We don't have to become bestfriendsforever!1! but, I do like to connect with others in more ways than one. I enjoy meeting the person they are, and not the person they think I want them to be. This includes flaws and all.. None of us is perfect, and I like it that way.

I noticed on here that a lot of people don't think multiple yet disagreeable ideas can co-exist. They can. BTW, though its highly likely this is a response to Amy's thread.. I don't think SS connected them on her own. Other users did that for her. What's wrong with debating her post on it's own merits? If SS post is so incredibly wrong, why not debate the obvious error in her logic? Why result to making it more than that? If she's a definitely troll.. she would have outed herself in her responses. Talking about motives.. What are other people's motives when they are debating SS (Amy aside)?

Again, I feel the need to say I'm really not taking "sides" in this. Quite often EC and HD feel like HS; Where there's a lot of group intelligence and decentralized decision making. It would be a fun alternative to have a place and or time where adults can have adult conversations in a more open way without all the finger pointing.
Sarunga's Avatar
Most issues could be debated along a number of different paths....with no resolution. Even...so called..."universal facts".

What is more interesting....and enlightening...are the diabolical, ulterior motives behind initiating such debates.

There are plenty of such examples on this board...here's a PRIME one that failed catastrophically.....leading to collective "hara-kiri":

dearhunter's Avatar
35 pages of pure failure........if you could be so lucky......heh
People change their mind. It is that simple. Sometimes people make too much out of nothing. This was probably a dumb thread to begin with. Just change it, and see what happens. But, no issues need to be made about it.
Where's Quanell X when you need him? Isn't this his thing? lol