Sugar Daddys

rogerdodger's Avatar
this has been a pretty interesting thread to read. obviously, this board is populated with both providers and the paying public so it's pretty definite which way the discussion would go with respect to the providers. i'm not criticizing but my powers of observation are my actual business so ... usually i get that right.

as GY6 discusses fervently, the SD/SB relationship is unique and requires some significant non-monetary investment to make it a success. i've had a couple of SBs who were confused and thought it was a good way to meet a boyfriend. A couple of others were definitely into the relationship part and had some situations i was able to assist with. it was not just a 'sex and run' arrangement. IMO much more than a FWB ... at least that was my investment.

my avatar is the latest which has been going on for several months. and ... it's not a significant monetary investment as compared to the time and integration which has occurred.

of course, when i discuss this arrangement with some friends, the discussion invariably shifts toward the 'how many times do i get to have sex for the amount of money i spend" ... i have met a couple of providers who, if i was only looking to get laid, would have my business 100%. that's not the SD/SB thing ... it's a part of it and i bet in some cases the sex is more minimal than you might imagine.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I will tell you this much, as long as money talks, that's where the enjoyment is. It doesn't matter which side of the coin you are on. For the SB, Diggers, or Providers there is independence and an outright spoiled lifestyle. For the SD or big spender, there is that feeling of being the Alpha and that's what I would probably enjoy the most if I got to the point of being a guy with the financial power to be an SD.

As some might say, you are living "Like a Boss".

To be fair though, I do understand wanting to feel young even if I myself am only in my early 30s.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I seen this cute little blonde working out, I bet she had to of been 20 at the most. She was perfect. Hard little body, beautiful face and a voice of an angel.

I asked my workout instructor "What machine do I need to use to get that??"

He took me out to the lobby and stood me in front of the ATM machine. I have been hooked ever since.
I have not had the chance to respond to each response .. But i appreciate the different inputs ...
As I said before there is someone and a situation for everyone ...
I think providers make the perfect sb for me. I'm not looking to romance some young thing that rolls her eyes when I call and she is with her friends. I just want a young thing that does the deed, smiles and says thank you.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I think providers make the perfect sb for me. I'm not looking to romance some young thing that rolls her eyes when I call and she is with her friends. I just want a young thing that does the deed, smiles and says thank you. Originally Posted by SkirtChaser

Then she is not an SB. You prefer providers.

If you find a girl that rolls her eyes when you call then you didn't screen in the first meetings that well.

I told my girl that I want her to look back on this and be able to smile. So she did something for me months later that kind of took me back a bit.
She is going to college for fine arts and a another class in business managament. She gave me this painting (It is now being framed so it can be hung in my study)

I asked why she did this and she said she wants me to be able to look back on this and look at the picture and smile as well.

She knows we wont be together forever, we wont get married and fall in love, have children and she knows there is an end. She also wants to be remembered in a good way.

You see the different mind set?

The title is sugar baby

macdeft's Avatar
It's been about a year since my last sb relationship--not that I haven't been looking. And though I can't articulate all the qualities of what I consider an sb, I knew her when I met her and she knew as well. I may never find another one so until then I will soullessly fuck my UTR $200 inflatable dolls.
John Bull's Avatar
Nonsense!!! Originally Posted by John Bull
Correct. All of it.
Hate to say it, but I agree wholeheartedly here. The main reason a SD is hard to find is because most women do not realize that you can't really "find " one. THEY are the ones who do the choosing. A gentleman who is capable of being the true definition of a SD is not at all interested in women who are looking to "find" him. In their eyes, women looking to find a SD are nothing more than gold digging vultures.

I have had a REAL LIFE SD before (I did NOT meet him online). It lasted for three years, and we parted on amicable terms once I expressed my desire to pursue a real relationship (he was married). We are very good friends who still keep in contact, and he has been a rock solid source as far as guidance is concerned. There is a LOT that goes into maintaining a healthy and successful SD/SB relationship. It requires a deeper level of sincere honesty, TREMENDOUS trust, patience, and sacrifice. These are things that MOST women can't conceive when dealing with someone (who they may have inadvertently labeled as a $ sign) that has not actually put a ring on their finger.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Well said, Elle.

I think if you are spending over $5-700 on a young lady a month you are pretty much a sugar daddy. Originally Posted by Fast Ricky
no then your a regular... 5-7000 a month your a sugar daddy Originally Posted by BeautifulBree
Very funny, Bree but oh so true.

Here's my opinion: Hobbyists say all the time that a provider cannot be a sugarbaby. Well.. I personally think a hobbyist cannot be a sugardaddy. Hobbyists that go the "sugardaddy" route or should I say.. what they THINK is the sugardaddy route are only looking for one thing: Cheap pussy. They trick unassuming, naive civie chicks into thinking that they're are sugardaddies when they're really just , in fact, cheap hobbyists.

A hobbyists that finds a provider he likes and takes care of her for an extended period of time is simply in an exclusive arrangement. She is being taken care of. And I don't mean paying a phone bill here and there. That is not taking care of someone. He's not a sugardaddy. Those words (sugardaddy/sugarbaby) do not belong in the escort world. I find it amazing that a man can give a girl $1,000 a month and think he's truly in an exclusive arrangement with her.

Gotyour6 said:

A provider has dinner with a SD and she is waiting to get paid. A sugar baby knows if she needs something its hers.
A lot of men have an issue with paying for "it" so I see how this arrangement is great for those men. This arrangement helps them feel better about themselves. Forgive me but it almost reminds me of pimping, a lot of pimped girls never hold the cash they're paid - instead the pimp keeps all the money and gives her money when she needs/wants it. I prefer the exclusive mistress arrangment where I am being taken care of as in he gives me LOTS of cash so that I can take care of myself.

Gotyour6, you go on and on bragging about yourself in every other post. I really don't get what you being young and hot has to do with the topic at hand. Who cares? Lots of young and hot guys here ..but you don't see them posting about it in every single post. Also you seem to put others down when they disagree with you. I used to do that a lot myself but it was as a defense mechanism. Please don't do that. It only takes away from your post.

Last but not least, I do have a few questions for the self-proclaimed "sugardaddies".

You are here so you obviously see "hookers". You pay $200 and up an hour for a hooker and then give your "sugarbabbies" significantly less. Most if not all of you, put these women (your sugarbabies) on a pedastal while putting escorts down in your posts, why is that?

Are your sugarbabies aware of your role in the hobby? Do they KNOW you see hookers? How do they feel about that?

How do you know your sugarbabies aren't hooking on the side?
I know a lot of escorts on sugardaddy sites. I also know a lot of ladies that
cry broke, have sugardaddies and make 100k a year.

Some of you post pictures of your sugarbabies. Do they women know that their photos are being scattered all over hookerboards? Do you not care about their privacy? Why do you post pictures of them here? Is this your way of showing us you're not lying about your findings?

To me, a sugarbaby is a really cheap prostitute that hasn't figured out how to use the internet to sell herself to the highest bidder. They're slow learners. They eventually realize they could have been paid in full and become full blown escorts.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I disagree, it's not about the money. I'm on the low end of the totem pole as far as being a rich guy. When I was hobbying, I was seeing a couple of providers a month, but I never found the connection that I wanted from them. It was good sex, but it's not all about the sex for me. I like the pre-sex activities, and the post sex cuddling, and I like to feel like the lady is all about me. I like the dates out on the town and the activities that don't even include sex for the night. So being a SD isn't about the sex for me, and for a good SB, it's not about the money. For me, it's a dating relationship that starts with trust, connection, passion, and leads to intimacy. I feel like I should help, and I do. I'm not dropping $1000 a month on my girl. I've had 3 SB's, and all were exclusive. It's about finding the right girl.

The first girl was working two jobs, and in the military reserves. She wanted cash to be able to go out with her friends after work and have drinks. We met maybe once a week, always on a Friday or Saturday night, and we spent the whole evening together. Normally, we would go out for dinner and drinks, maybe shopping for lingerie or toys or clothes for her, and then a nice hotel for her to try them on and show me. It was kind of a split provider/SD sort of situation. She had never done anything like that before so she didn't understand the dynamic, and neither did I. We met for a cash arrangement per meeting, but she would spend as much time as I wanted. So I never got the look "your time is up, gtfo". Sometimes it was an hour date, sometimes a 6 hour date. It was an intro into the world of being a SD. She left for basic training after about a year, and I think we probably both look back fondly at the experience.

My second SB had been in that sort of relationship before, and she taught me a lot about it. We still did cash transactions on a weekly basis, but we saw each other more often. She was very giving but distant. We just didn't have a serious connection. It was more sexual than intimate, and not what I'm personally looking for. She was probably the most sexual creature that I've ever known, but the connection, the passion wasn't there. We didn't talk on the phone or send texts to each other, it was mostly business, and it seemed like more of a client/provider relationship. That's what she thought a sugar baby was, and if that was the definition, I wasn't sure if it would be my definition.

My current SB is more of what my absolute definition of what the relationship should be. Now I'm not saying that this is for everyone, but it works for me. I actually met her from a craigslist ad I ran. Not the typical SD ad. I offered her $50 to go out with me. She accepted, and we went out for drinks, and we connected almost instantly. She's 20, and in college. She has a guy she says she loves, but he moved 2000 miles away. She needs money for gas to go to school. We worked out a monthly allowance, way under what it should be, but something that works with my budget and gets her what she needs. When she says she's always wanted this or that, I do my best to indulge her. I take her out to dinner, for drinks, to the lake, out on the boat, shooting, little day trips. I do things with her that she wouldn't otherwise be able to do, but we connect very well, and we both like each other immensely. Rarely does a day go by that we don't talk on the phone or at least text and email each other off and on all day. It's like a girlfriend relationship and I'm taking care of her needs, both monetarily, physically, and emotionally. She's taking care of my needs physically and emotionally.

Just being a sugar baby isn't something that you just do. It's not about money any more than it's about sex. It's not about the dollar figure at the bottom of the page. A good SD is very connected with his girl and if she needs something, he does it because he wants to, because she's so good to him. A good SB is also connected and she gives the time and energy with a great attitude because he's so good to her. It's like a GF or a marriage without the commitment, with the knowledge that it will eventually end, but living for the present and the short term future. The mark of a great SB/SD relationship is when it ends, both parties are happy and can still look back on the memories with a fondness and a smile on their face.
Gotyour6's Avatar

You can type till your fingers fall off and most people on this site wont get it.
Its ok.

I learn to say Lol and move on.

I designed a website for my SB to show off her art work.
She sold three paintings from it so far.

Not bad for a career start at the ripe old age of 19.
@bree: Why in the world would smone spend $5K for a single girl in the month.. you cna meet girls @200/hr so that would equate to meeting 25 different girls that means one girl everyday !!! Guys generally wd meet a girl per week so for them it can never go upwars of 800 per month and considering that they r meeting a single girl is shd definitely be less than 800... And that too will depend hw the girl behaves.. at $3000+ she better stay 24 hrs with the guy...
Gotcha. LOL