actualy yes when i stated regular i ment regular as in often not normal or abnormal
"regularly schedualed programing" twice a week will cut down the risk of heart attack
Sweetie, it was seeing you yesterday that caused me to make that decision...because of our discussion and the info you sent me.

Nothing wrong with a comparative "before" and "after" session! Lol
Guest022210's Avatar
Just a humorous observation
  • MrGiz
  • 01-09-2010, 12:35 AM
HMmmmmm.... I think Lookin4 may be in line for the next Nobel Piece Prize , or sumthin! What a Fine Humanitarian!! Or.... is that Canine?

Guest022210's Avatar
She was so wonderful before aforementioned service was added,it could be thought of as gilding the lily.It was my pleasure to serve,you can buy me beer anytime.
Bottom line you take a chance on when you play without a protection. So be safe, be wise in your decisions.
Personally any girl not dropping to her knees servicing a man in that oh so special way and looking him in the eyes as he blast her tonsils with his man juice and she gulps it down as if she has been lost in the desert and its water...i think thats just a huge thing to miss..but thats just me

But seriously, its funny, but a few years back bbbj was the norm, any girl not doing it you might see hang around for a bit, but never would make it long term, as the hobby evolves, I don't know if guys get more accepting or just get tired of setting standards and settle..

Remember, as the paying customer, client, hobbyiest.. you have in part the ability to set the "standard" by what you are willing to accept and give hard earned $$ for. You may not have ultimate control, but you do have a say, because if girls don't make the $$ they seek, they quickly find themselves out of the hobby..

As far as safety of bbbj and cim.. risk can only be minimized..frankly if I was worried that the guy i was with I couldn't trust to be mouth ain't going on his cock condom or bare..

If i am unable to trust and/or worry about the hobbyiest seeing me possibly being infected with std or it even crossed my mind, then I wouldn't see him and let him f*ck me, condom or 10 of them..

to get in your mind condoms are protecting you is nieve at reduces risk, but if your really afraid that person your sucking might have something, why put your mouth on it to begin with? just goofy I guess.

CIM and or swallowing.. thats a tough one, some girls don't should never do things you don't like just for money.. cuz it will ruin it for the guy..

If you DON'T DO IT..don't make excuses why you don't, just leave it as YOU DON'T..and move looks goofy to make up excuses why you don't.. especially if someone its saying your saving yourself lol..or its special..oh and apparently someones mouth isn't so special a cock can't go in it? apparently their pussy isn't so special that they can't go in there.. but letting a guy bust his nut in a girls mouth and/or swallow is just crossing that "special" line and its being saved beyond anything else about her sexually..for a special guy..

Fact is.. plenty of girls enjoy and allow bbbj and cim..why guys would seek any thing accept it, then complain about it..its even more goofy.. a girl that will eagerly gobble a man's a good girl indeed
Unfortunately, a person can't look at someone and decide based on the limited knowledge that we providers have of hobbiests...whether they have an STD or not. Most of them don't wear a sign.

I just exaggerated the risk in my own mind... And while there are still risks involved, they are not as big as I thought previously.

And I have ALWAYS absolutely loved oral, both giving and receiving, in my personal ventures. I was just being overly cautious on a professional level. Let's face it, the sheer number of people we see professionally versus personally requires extra caution to be taken.

I had my first professional BBBJ experience last night with a regular of mine...and I can't begin to tell you how much it added to the experience for me. No KY necessary, let's just say!!

DeAnna, I do concur with you on your opinion of CIM being saved for 'someone special.' You either like it or you don't... You either do it or you don't. Personally, I'll take my BBBJ alphabet soup...but please hold the CIM. post mentioned no names..and was not directed at anyone in particular..

I also never said that you can tell by looking at a hobbyiest whether he has an STD..I will simplify my post.. If in a providers head, she is worried about it, then you don't need to see the guy because service will not be at where it could be due to it.. If in my head I was worried that guys I was seeing even could potentially be infected with mouth, my body would NOT go anywhere near them..condoms or not..

Its the fact that you have to play safe yes, but at the same time, you have to kinda trust that guys aren't showing up with STD'S etc..but IF i did think that..I get out of the business and do not see those guys would eat at me to much to have to worry about that and put trust in a thin piece of plastic as my only saving grace..

And im lost on the whole "no ky necassary"..are you referring to greek? cuz astroglide works so much better.. and hell I have never in 6 years had to use lube for any other activities

But back to bbbj.. yes there is a risk, but hell there is a risk driving in your car, flying in a plane, there is a risk to give a bbbj to the guy you are dating or think you are in love with and the whole time he is out banging hookers and party girls and getting doing the same bareback with them..that you allow with him..cuz the girl thinks she is in "love" or thats her "man" and he deserves it.....

just cuz a guy is in the hobby doesn't make him unsafe..just like a guy that you met at a bar or in high school, or at work and are now dating is safe just cuz you are a "couple"...your still banging all the other girls that guy banged before he met you..

its mental people..mainly matter how "sexual" a girl likes to think she is.. if she can get by the mental aspects the doors open to that girl being a great provider that is comfortable in this job, comfortable with herself..the ones that think they are saving something, or safer in a relationship with a temporary boyfriend.. just goofy and its all mental

HOBBYIEST UNITE---BBBJ and goo gobbling, tickle my throat with your juices girls is what you deserve joking..i joke geez
Actualy regular ejaculations with intercourse approximatly twice a week has shown to promote heart health and reduces your risk of heart attack by like 30% must be the cardio work out involved Originally Posted by hotspringsfairy
Whatever it is, I'm in favor of promoting personally becoming more heart healthy!
DeAnna, I know you weren't personally referring to me with your statements...I'm just responding from a personal point of view. No harm, no foul.

I do think that with any situation involving intimacy, the only safe approach is to assume a person might be infected...and protect yourself as best as possible.

And maybe it's just me, but the condom thing in general has mostly required lube of some sort. Condoms have a weird way of making things uncooperative...for me, anyway...and not referring to Greek, because that's not on my menu. I was simply stating that the BBBJ was fun and put me in the right 'state of mind.' But when needed, I actually prefer KY Warming. Tingles are underrated, even when originating from a bottle.
This is hijacking the thread because a "smart-ass" comment entered my mind. How does the Private button work? Isn't everyone still getting used to the new features here?
Bimboknocker's Avatar
go ahead, ark, a good smart-ass comment is why we log on several times a day
heresy's Avatar
The 3 providers I reschedule with do BBBJ. And 2 of those 3 have CIM on the menu.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
This is hijacking the thread because a "smart-ass" comment entered my mind. How does the Private button work? Isn't everyone still getting used to the new features here? Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
What "private" button? Or is that one o'the things you Premium Access folks get (still workin' on mine)?

