Kanye West For President 2020

adav8s28's Avatar
Kanye should run for POTUS - on the DPST ticket!
Give the party some "Diversity" - which they ain't got!
Biden is the 'Massa' of the Plantation!

when One spouts about Hollywood celebrities as role mode;s amd a reason to vote DPST - One has no idea how foolish One appears.

Taylor Swift - girl doesn't have 2 IQ points in her head to bounce off each other.
Originally Posted by oeb11
1. Like the Republican party has diversity. Have you ever gone to a Republican party convention or watched one? The only black people in attendance Ben Carson, Mike Steele and Herm (999) Cain.

2. Taylor Swift is not from Hollywood and she is not an actress. She is a singer from Tenn. She sells more records than Kanye and is a bigger draw at concerts. You need to get away from the computer newbie. You don't know what you are talking about. She is probably worth 700 million, just from singing. BTW, Biden already has enough delegates. Kanye can't run as a democrat this year. If Biden picks Harris or Demings or Bottoms (Atlanta Mayor) to be #2 on the ticket, there is your diversity right there. Give some credit to Amy K she stepped out of the way to make it easier for Biden to pay back Clyburn for saving his campaign.
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 02:03 PM
Oh my - 'a' - how WK of U.

Get ready for Sheila jackson Lee as POTUS if Bidn wins.
Or, brenda Snipes!
adav8s28's Avatar
Oh my - 'a' - how WK of U.

Get ready for Sheila jackson Lee as POTUS if Bidn wins.
Or, brenda Snipes! Originally Posted by oeb11
The truth hurts doesn't it. I forgot to mention one other black person that attends republican conventions, Candy Rice. So, that gives you at least four who attend.

The choice for VP will be between Harris, Demings, Bottoms, or Gov Whitmer (long shot, although if chosen she brings those precious Michigan electoral college votes with her). It will be one of those four. Biden wins with any of these four on the ticket.
Melania is fricken hot. She's 50 years old, bruv. Considering that
adav8s28's Avatar
Melania is fricken hot. She's 50 years old, bruv. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Melania can model a dress. Her only problem she can't speak English. Did you hear her at the Republican convention? English is not a 1st, 2nd or 3rd language for her, it's more like a fifth language.
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 07:22 PM
Thank u for the opinion 'a' - as one who has never listened to the First lady speak.

usual DPST lies and disinformation - XiNN does love the Ones who swallow their narrative.

Comrade Xi will make a pet of you if you enable the CCP takeover of America.

kanye - he barkin' up the wrong tree - he should be running for DPST VP - and become POTUS if biden is elected .
he can have kim testify he is actually female - to check the DPST box.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
1. Like the Republican party has diversity. Have you ever gone to a Republican party convention or watched one? The only black people in attendance Ben Carson, Mike Steele and Herm (999) Cain.

2. Taylor Swift is not from Hollywood and she is not an actress. She is a singer from Tenn. She sells more records than Kanye and is a bigger draw at concerts. You need to get away from the computer newbie. You don't know what you are talking about. She is probably worth 700 million, just from singing. BTW, Biden already has enough delegates. Kanye can't run as a democrat this year. If Biden picks Harris or Demings or Bottoms (Atlanta Mayor) to be #2 on the ticket, there is your diversity right there. Give some credit to Amy K she stepped out of the way to make it easier for Biden to pay back Clyburn for saving his campaign. Originally Posted by adav8s28

J.C. Watts, Nikki Haley, Candace Owens, the "Colored Conservatives", Condoleezza Rice and Terry Cruz among many people of color that vote republican. I know that you have never been to a Trump rally much less a GOP rally. You'd know better but you'd lie anyway.
Keep up with Taylor Swift, she said she is going political and she wants to be an actress as well. Check her out in CATS. She, like so many celebrities, is frozen at the emotional age she found success or about 15 years old.
Did Kanye say he was running as a democrat or is that you being a racist assuming that black people are always democrats?
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 07:44 PM
Little 'a' - cannot give up the idea that DPST plantation groups might learn to think for themselves as individuals - rather than just swallow the DPST rhetoric and welfare for control of the population.
Causes quite a stir of anxiety among teh DPST's - the thought they might lose control of one of their essential elements to control the population.
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 07:47 PM
1. Like the Republican party has diversity. Have you ever gone to a Republican party convention or watched one? The only black people in attendance Ben Carson, Mike Steele and Herm (999) Cain.

2. Taylor Swift is not from Hollywood and she is not an actress. She is a singer from Tenn. She sells more records than Kanye and is a bigger draw at concerts. You need to get away from the computer newbie. You don't know what you are talking about. She is probably worth 700 million, just from singing. BTW, Biden already has enough delegates. Kanye can't run as a democrat this year. If Biden picks Harris or Demings or Bottoms (Atlanta Mayor) to be #2 on the ticket, there is your diversity right there. Give some credit to Amy K she stepped out of the way to make it easier for Biden to pay back Clyburn for saving his campaign. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Diversity - the DPST all-white debate platofrm - refused Stacy abrams and other prominent DPST's of color - and refuse to see their own Hypocrisy!!!
Diversity - yeah - Stacy Abrams ass diversity of the DPST party. They are as white as a KKK cowl and robe.
Ripmany's Avatar
He only on bollit in a few min election terrious.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Did Kanye say he was running as a democrat or is that you being a racist assuming that black people are always democrats? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

why Dumbocrat??? Kanye can run as an independent candidate.

however, he's very late to the game.

ballot registration deadline has passed on at a number of states totaling 100 electoral college votes.
adav8s28's Avatar
J.C. Watts, Nikki Haley, Candace Owens, the "Colored Conservatives", Condoleezza Rice and Terry Cruz among many people of color that vote republican. I know that you have never been to a Trump rally much less a GOP rally. You'd know better but you'd lie anyway.
Keep up with Taylor Swift, she said she is going political and she wants to be an actress as well. Check her out in CATS. She, like so many celebrities, is frozen at the emotional age she found success or about 15 years old.
Did Kanye say he was running as a democrat or is that you being a racist assuming that black people are always democrats? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
J.C. Watts was a good wishbone QB at University of OKLA. Seriously, I gave you 4 blacks that go ( I added Rice in post 33)
you could only add three more? Nikki Haley is not AA. You can count on two hands the TOTAL number of black people that go to a Republican convention.

Why would a black person want to be in the party of "Strom Thurman" the Stauch segregationist who was a dixie crat but joined the Republican party. He also fathered a child with a Black woman. But was still a segregationist. The bottom line is there are far more registered black democrats than registered black republicans. Hillary got 88% of the Black vote. Biden will get at least that amount and probably more.

Question for you JD. How many black people went to go see Trump in Tulsa? Herm (999) Cain went and he ended up getting CV19. Was there anyone else besides him? How many black people went to North Dakota to see Trump. Did you see any black people in the audience? I didn't see any.

It's ok JD, you can continue to keep thinking that there is significant number of black people who are registered republicans.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you could only add three more? Nikki Haley is not AA. You can count on two hands the TOTAL number of black people that go to a Republican convention. Originally Posted by adav8s28

nikki haley isn't black, but she is a person of color tho. she's of a mixed heritage. she's Indian which is basically black or brown caucasians.
  • oeb11
  • 07-08-2020, 10:43 AM
J.C. Watts was a good wishbone QB at University of OKLA. Seriously, I gave you 4 blacks that go ( I added Rice in post 33)
you could only add three more? Nikki Haley is not AA. You can count on two hands the TOTAL number of black people that go to a Republican convention.

Why would a black person want to be in the party of "Strom Thurman" the Stauch segregationist who was a dixie crat but joined the Republican party. He also fathered a child with a Black woman. But was still a segregationist. The bottom line is there are far more registered black democrats than registered black republicans. Hillary got 88% of the Black vote. Biden will get at least that amount and probably more.

Question for you JD. How many black people went to go see Trump in Tulsa? Herm (999) Cain went and he ended up getting CV19. Was there anyone else besides him? How many black people went to North Dakota to see Trump. Did you see any black people in the audience? I didn't see any.

It's ok JD, you can continue to keep thinking that there is significant number of black people who are registered republicans. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Little 'a' is very good at counting the 'blacks".

as if DPST's have no "quotas" for the Plantation.

Look at the DPST debate stage - it is telling.

Perhaps little 'a' can put on blackface and a dress and be nominated for VP with Senile Joe.
Like being drooled on????