Racism and Hate alive and well. Black woman set on fire.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Is that why I voted for Clinton? or for Kerry?

You guys are just simpletons. Originally Posted by markroxny

I don't mean to bring attention to your handicap but you do realize there was no black choice then. You should have run nipples. Then we could all cower under the might of your awesomeness.
And then you did it anyway!!!! LMAO

You clowns can't get past your "left" "liberal" hate, and then you wanna deflect it on us.

SMFH Originally Posted by markroxny
I don't think you can get any credit for posting this thread. Cause you're not exactly a bearer of goodwill yourself. You've gone as far to post invitations to members to come to Harlem so you could beat the shit out of them. Ijs.
markroxny's Avatar
I don't think you can get any credit for posting this thread. Cause you're not exactly a bearer of goodwill yourself. You've gone as far to post invitations to members to come to Harlem so you could beat the shit out of them. Ijs. Originally Posted by acp5762
After they threatened to have me "slapped" absolutely.

markroxny's Avatar
I don't mean to bring attention to your handicap but you do realize there was no black choice then. You should have run nipples. Then we could all cower under the might of your awesomeness. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
You missed the point as usual Stinky. I didn't vote for Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton when they ran.

You are fat, smelly and slow. Not a good combo.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Holy shit guys this guy is a black panther.

Let me fill you in sweet stuff... You wouldn't be able to handle Texas folk with guns. My dogs would tear you apart before I had to waste one single bullet. It's best you stay up there surrounded by ignorance and safety of your panther brethren.

All you have is a silly whore board. If you ever tried this shit in person..... Oh please do. Please.

Edit. I will give you a head start simply because you didn't vote for those fools.
markroxny's Avatar
Holy shit guys this guy is a black panther. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Malcom X was not a black panther you idiot.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-23-2012, 11:00 AM
Right. Why the left constantly tries to gain some advantage by dividing us is beyond me. It is why Obama is losing independents; it is why he appears to win debates, but can't get traction with voters...............Americans are tired of being divided by this administration. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Get real! The division tactic has been a tool of both parties for as long as there has been politics. The only difference is where they draw the line and what trait they use to divide.

Oh, when MY party draws divisions they are REAL and substaintive; when the OTHER guys do it is dirty divisionism. BS! Just like this thread--both sides point out selective cases of violence. COG has it right this time--thugs and sub-humans come in all flavors, colors, and political believes. Neither party is pure.

And the comment that the KKK were Dems 150 years ago is moot. If you want to say that particular sin of the Dem party flows in their blood a century and a half later, then you better also believe decendents of white plantation owners owe the decendents of slavery a lot of repairations. If not you are selectively hypocritical (again).

Personally I don't support either of those views on the KKK or repairations after 150 yrs.
LovingKayla's Avatar

You are fat, smelly and slow. Not a good combo. Originally Posted by markroxny

It must burn you up that I do better than you financially. And you fail babe. You had all night to come up with better insults. Do you realize that I've been here happily for 9 perfect years. I've been called fat and ugly in so many different forms, yours arent even laughable. Make it fun. Say I have toothpaste stuck in my toes because I'm too stupid to figure out where it actually goes. SOMETHING original. You make yourself just look like some idiot from ny that only socializes with rats and roaches. Not much back and forth with rodents I guess.
rodog44's Avatar

I am a black man, raised in the black church. What you just said is beyond stupid and ignorant. Originally Posted by markroxny
Simple common sense logic just dosen't work with you leftists, does it?
Ugh this thread is as ugly as it gets, can't we just say there are alot of bad people in a multitude of colors who do disgusting things. The topic of this thread is a topic no one will win, as long as there are humans on this earth we will have radical and evil people and their colors will always vary. There is no one race or party that is absolutely perfect. COG seemed to have the only decent response in this post. That lady will be in my prayers and I hope the perpetrators will doused in gasoline and napalm and burn to death.
joe bloe's Avatar
Is that why I voted for Clinton? or for Kerry?

You guys are just simpletons.

Kayla, I could find 100 more examples of white on black crime and violence over the years than you can find black on white. We blacks are only about 12% of the population and we have suffered racial injustice for 400 years, so don't go there.

MLK a republican?

http://www.politifact.com/tennessee/...er-king-jr-wa/ Originally Posted by markroxny
White people are dramatically more likely to be victimized by blacks than the reverse. Eighty five percent of violent interracial crime is black on white.
Blacks are also far more likely to be victimized by other blacks than by whites.

Yes, MLK was a Republican. Most blacks were Republicans until the 1960's when the Democrats cranked up the welfare programs.

You talk about "violence over the years." What about today? Who's being violent right now? Blacks are tremendously more likely to commit violent crime than any other race. Very often, the victims are white.

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
  • Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
  • Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
  • Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I love you skyler.
markroxny's Avatar
You are showing numbers of the REPORTED crimes. I grew up in a black household, most of the shit done to us by whites is NEVER reported. Why? Because we don't get justice. You can't win this one because you have NO idea of the reality.

Joe, show me where White people in this country were dragged away from their homeland and enslaved for generations by black people.

I'll wait.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
After they threatened to have me "slapped" absolutely.
Originally Posted by markroxny

You're a fucking liar...and it can be easily proved.

Do you want me to post the link liar?
markroxny's Avatar
You're a fucking liar...and it can be easily proved.

Do you want me to post the link liar? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Dont wast your time. The promise still stands. Any of you fuckers who want to come see me or try to hurt me are welcome to come try. You all talk shit on this board but are pussies outside of it, I don't have that problem.

I won't start violence, but I will damn sure end it if you fuck with me.

Got it?