Not here.
"Significantly degraded...??" 20 jets destroyed is significantly degraded? Are you Sean Spicer? Syria HAD at least FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY Russian made jets, Professor PUTZ.FTFYour stupid, 5th grade-ass, pro-plunged-ass. A 5% reduction in military capability in a matter of minutes is a significant degradation, pro-plunged-ass -- especially since Assad didn't anticipate such losses coming as they did from an unexpected adversary who has the military capability of doing it again at the drop of a hat ... or, more correctly, drop of another munition carrying Sarin.
But hey...just like your fearless leader, Trumpolini, you like to...STRETCH the truth.
"Significantly degraded"...LMAO!!! Originally Posted by Prolongus
Actully Obama wanted the Congress to take the blame for his decision or lack thereof. No matter what Congress did Obama would, and did, blame them for what transpired. Doing an airstrike like this does not require Congress to do anything. It is an executive decision just like if one of our ships got hit by a missile and the president ordered an immediate strike on the launchers where the missile came from. Trying to prevent a repeat. Trump made it very well known his thinking was, he's trying to prevent a repeat on either civilians or our 1,000 people on the ground in Syria put there by Obama. By the way, they didn't intend to destroy the runway. For that you use cluster munitions that don't go off just yet. They intended to reduce the capability by destroying the infrastructure. So you got your head up your ass. We hit what we intended to hit. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They didn't intend to destroy the runway, JD? Why not? They have another FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY jets...from their "significantly degraded" Air Force (still laughing at that one).
OK...if you want to call this a "message" to Assad, that's fine. We'll see what happens next. And there's always a "next" with that Loose Cannon-in-Chief, Trumpolini!. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Assad's base in ruins: Dramatic satellite photos reveal how airfield pounded with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles is 'almost completely destroyed' after punishment for deadly chemical weapon attack
New images from the Department of Defense show how 59 powerful US missiles obliterated an airfield that was allegedly being used by Bashar al-Assad's regime to mount chemical attacks.
Observers said al-Sharyat Air Base was 'almost completely destroyed' by the 1,000lb warheads in a 30-minute barrage of destruction that is said to have destroyed 20 planes, a dozen aircraft hangars and a fuel depot, as well as ripped up runways, storage sites and radars.
(Daily Mail)
Yep, those were the good ole days when Obama negoiated with the Russian (?) to rid Syria of ALL their weapons of mass destruction. Russia said Okay, and Syria said OK, and Obama said Oh boy and told us all that the crisis was over. Obama also told us that he taken care of Iran's nuclear program, that you could keep your doctor, and there wasn't a smiggen of scandal at the IRS. Obama is like syphillus, it goes dormant and comes back again and again. Originally Posted by JD BarleycornThe Obama Administration was unique in using it's combination of Naïveté' and Stupidity when dealing with World Affairs.
My guess would be that a lot of those 400 aircraft are not operational or don't have qualified pilots to fly them. That's why the Russians are there. I read follow up articles on the air base bombing. Those aircraft that took off from the base the next day weren't identified as Russian or Syrian jets from outside markings according to those who did the reporting.So Syria has plenty of RUSSIAN planes available....just how the fuck then was that a significant degrading of Assads air might vs the rebels?
With this war lasting 6(?) years and so many millions dead or displaced the Russians are pouring in a lot of supplies and equipment. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So Syria has plenty of RUSSIAN planes available....just how the fuck then was that a significant degrading of Assads air might vs the rebels?
Another question....just who the fuck do we want to win in this war? Assad? or ISIS? ....which babies do we want growing up fighting us?
Where the fuck id lustysnowflake? He is supposed to be keeping up with the babies!Originally Posted by WTF
You better ease up on the [forbidden topic], Meyerland Monkey Boy (MMB) wtf?Sounds like you have been fooled again by the "deep state"
Here Read and learn... http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/09/ji...s-a-great-guy/
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Munchie, such a small mind. Yeah, I don't like the title professor. It sounds pretentious without the elbow pads and tenure. Plus, I'm not a some socialist who loves to put himself above his students. When I was their age I was serving on board a ship. I was learning different things in the real world. My goal is to introduce them to a differnt point of view based on experience and logic. Yeah, (notice how I use "yeah" rather than the professional "yes"?) I'm outnumbered on campus but I like to think I leave an impression. At least I start a conversation in their heads that they can continue. I've run into a lot of people like you Munchie. You don't really believe in people thinking for themselves. You want to think for them. No problem. I've found that you don't think very well and it becomes obvious the more abusive you become. So carry on and I'll be thinking of you for the Dipshit of the Year award.
Back to the point; Syria recieved chemical weapons from Iraq during the invasion and when they used them (in violation of all international law) Obama drew his famous red line. Obama never had an intention of backing it up based on the lack of troop deployments and other military assets. The dope believed that just his words would be enough...moron! Assad gased his people, Obama blustered, and the UN decided that Assad was a criminal and voted for sanctions. So like Bill Clinton, Obama (and Trump) had the necessary legal reasons to take action. The difference is that Obama did nothing and Trump did something. It matters not whether these are newly produced or 20 years old. Assad is not supposed to have them and Russia is the guarantor that he does not. I guess he does after all. So Putin is a fool or complicit in their criminal behavior.
Funny how 48 hours can change things. Two days ago you charged Trump with working for Putin and now you're (YOU ARE) supporting Putin over Trump. I know you like the low road but do you have to work so hard to wallow in the filth? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn