Anyone who race baits to promote a political agenda is the worst kind of racist. BLM movement set the black community back 50 years.
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What proof do you have about that putting Black communities back 50 yrs?!
Sadly the entire development of BLM was spawned from the systemic and repetitive events of Black Men and Women being shot and abused by police within a very short period.
- George Floyd,
- Breonna Taylor
- Freddie Gray
- Ahmaud Abrey
- Stephen Clark
- Daunte Wright
- Michael Owen
- Korryn Gaines
- Atatiana Jefferson
- Philando Castile
and on and on- there are many more examples.
Most of these were ppl who were killed by police, and or shot while in police custody or abused and died after being in police custody. The common phrase that is on most cop cars is
"to serve and protect".
But in reality- it's not protecting people from police or sometimes even themselves?
How exactly is it, that any person should be found dead after being in police custody any time. I mean I understand that there are times where there are physical or emotional struggles, but there are also de-escalation techniques that are just not being trained or used.
You and any normal person walking around in common place USA should find it very suspect that any person is found dead after a police altercation, interaction or serving a warrant etc.- especially when that person is unarmed during that interaction.
BLM put a spotlight on how black people are not being considered having intrinsic value or have any sense of the same basic rights as white or non-black counterpoints, all by the callous views of this demographic as being of lesser or no-value.
It's horrifying to think that this is a political perspective whom the GOP continues to minimize- and therefore- increasing the callous views of one party vs. another.
Imagine how the tables would turn if all the sudden SWM's under the age of 40 were 5-10x more likley to die by police interactions vs. other demographics?
Some information for consideration:
Of all shootings by police involving no other weapon, i.e., from victims or others, 40 percent of victims (785) were described as non-Hispanic white, 35 percent were non-Hispanic Black, and 21 percent were Hispanic.
Which by itself- doesn't sound like disproportionate actions against blacks- HOWEVER, Black population overall is only 13.6% of the population. So the disparity of adverse actions involving blacks should be acknowledged and there needs to be training to address why only 13% of the population are almost 5.019% more likely to die while in police custody. Thats not even close.
That's why BLM is relevant and no- it didn't put anything 50 yrs behind- THat's a minimalist's ruse to try to submerge the reality of targeted racism and over profiling.
BTW- I'm White and certainly understand that social norms are different for different demographic neighborhoods and actions that are acceptable, but this downplaying of the results and why BLM occurred are NOT what you are saying they are. Only GOP members are saying this-