what new movies are you waiting for?

JusticeMutt's Avatar
I am a PotC fan, went to both midnight showings of Dead Man's Chest & At World's End. Can't wait for Stranger Tides. Was going to see Sucker Punch on Saturday but went to Mizumi Con 4 this weekend instead. Had a good time with a great person & since no one will actually come outta the closet & SAY IT...THAC0 stands for To Hit Armor Class (zero) Hows that for being a NERD lol But anyway back to movies, How bout YOUR HIGHNESS? It looks like a D&Desque film with both Natalie Portman AND Zooey Deschanel WOW talk about a dream double Oh and for you SyFy (new channel name) fans out there, you gotta see PAUL, its fucking hilarious!
I love Zooey Deschanel!
Johnphil's Avatar
Zooey Deschanel - Beautiful woman...beautiful eyes. Anytime I see her on TV or movies, I can't take my eyes off her!
oldtiger's Avatar
Sexwaffle's Avatar
Hang over p2 ! Oh Im going to Battle Los Angles tonight! Woo Hoo! Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield
Saw that one opening night! Good stuff, though I'm still hung up on a couple things and the fact that Army guys show up for all of 6min then suddenly vanish was totally BS!

Anyways, I haven't been out to the movies since B:LA might have to see what's coming out the next few months and see if there's a nugget of good in there. Though it seems like everyone wants to see Transformers...Draft House M&G?
oldtiger's Avatar
oldtiger's Avatar
Saw that one opening night! Good stuff, though I'm still hung up on a couple things and the fact that Army guys show up for all of 6min then suddenly vanish was totally BS! Originally Posted by Sexwaffle
Was a little disappointing to see the Soldiers get gacked like that, while the Airman survives, hell thrives.

But, it was a movie about Marines and the Airman was played by a headliner.

Best part was the pool scene, called the grenade the first time it went for a dive!
Sexwaffle's Avatar
tiger I saw that coming just from looking at the title....
That one I might chalk up to watch online...
Well, I liked it lol and I do want to see Apollo 18 for sure! Also Capt. America, forgot about that one too!
Sexwaffle's Avatar
Was a little disappointing to see the Soldiers get gacked like that, while the Airman survives, hell thrives.

But, it was a movie about Marines and the Airman was played by a headliner.

Best part was the pool scene, called the grenade the first time it went for a dive! Originally Posted by oldtiger
Tell me about it! Not to mention the damn AT4 scene...
Come on since when can an Airman even shoot? They have a weapon for all of 2 days in basic! And shooting better then a marine?! Damn the twitching has started again I'm going to stop now lol!
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Zooey Deschanel - Beautiful woman...beautiful eyes. Anytime I see her on TV or movies, I can't take my eyes off her! Originally Posted by Johnphil
I totally agree...She may not be the hottest or sexiest woman in the world but I have yet to meet ONE PERSON (male or female) that finds her unattractive. Plus she just seems like a totally cool person to hang out with
SAKnight1982's Avatar
X-men: First Class

Green Lantern


Captain America

The Amazing Spiderman

Transformers 3

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1409024/"]Men In Black 3[/url]

Wolverine 2 Originally Posted by geniusman
All of the above...But next weekend taking my son(3yrs) to go see that movie Hop. Looks cute and funny. The preview made him laugh.
oralee's Avatar
Lincoln Lawyer sucks.
JusticeMutt's Avatar
I love Zooey Deschanel! Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield
I feel your love pepper, lets watch a Zooey Movie tonight
Your Highness, most definitely. I have seen both Red Band trailers and they had different jokes in each.

Super 8. JJ Abrams and Steven Spielberg...nuf said.

Cowboys and Aliens cause Favreau does great flicks and the cast looks awesome.