Something evil about Obamacare

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is a nickname of the Affordable Care Act. I guess a play on words is the best you have. As you read in the link there are a few ways to appeal "Obamacare"
So back to the point, yes you can appeal it and no you cant divert the topic. Originally Posted by slingblade

What play on words are you talking about???? Obama called it Obamacare, so it is Obamacare. Why can't you keep with the adults?
Why can't you keep with the adults? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why would slingblade (or anyone else for that matter) want to keep up with an adult Idiot?
LexusLiar and Sara Palin are have trouble with that concept. Originally Posted by WTF
Is anyone surprised?

LLIdiot and Governor Quitter are two peas in a pod.
What play on words are you talking about???? Obama called it Obamacare, so it is Obamacare. Why can't you keep with the adults? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Adults comprehend that "Obamacare" is a nick name penned by the Republicans because they are fascinated by weird sounds for some reason.
If you notice they try to put a buzz word on everything. Reminds me of the Old star trek episodes where they would encounter planets that you had sing everything or it had to rhyme. Are you guys the original aliens?
I have also noticed that you post something that is False or out of context and then cannot defend it so you insult or divert it off to some irrelevant detail. Which in most cases you are wrong again.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-25-2014, 08:14 AM
Adults comprehend that "Obamacare" is a nick name penned by the Republicans because they are fascinated by weird sounds for some reason.
If you notice they try to put a buzz word on everything. Reminds me of the Old star trek episodes where they would encounter planets that you had sing everything or it had to rhyme. Are you guys the original aliens?
I have also noticed that you post something that is False or out of context and then cannot defend it so you insult or divert it off to some irrelevant detail. Which in most cases you are wrong again. Originally Posted by slingblade
JD will not let facts get in the way of his Parroting....

IN THE SPRING of 2009, as the titanic fight over President Barack Obama's health care proposal was beginning, Frank Luntz—an infamous Republican consultant who specializes in the language of politics—drew up a confidential 28-page report (PDF) for congressional GOPers on how they could confront, and defeat, Obama on this crucial issue. He suggested that they use a particular phrase: "Government takeover of health care." And they did. Again and again, for the entire months-long debate. During one Meet the Press appearance, Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), then the House minority leader, referred to Obama's plan as a "government takeover" five times (without once being challenged).
It was a clear falsehood. Obama's system relies on private insurance and the market—especially after he abandoned a public option—albeit with additional government regulation., a fact-checking site operated by the St. Petersburg Times, declared Luntz's formulation the "Lie of the Year" of 2010. (Luntz didn't have to make an acceptance speech.) Yet the line stuck. A Bloomberg poll conducted as Congress approved the legislation found that 53 percent of American adults believed it amounted "to a government takeover." A USA Today/Gallup survey indicated that 65 percent thought the new law would expand government's role in health care "too much." Several months later, a Gallup poll found that 10 percent selected "government involvement in health care" as the No. 1 health care problem facing the nation—over access or cost. In 2008, only 1 percent had cited government interference as the top problem.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Every commercial enterprise in this country is subject to government mandates spelled out in Odumbocare. Every insurance company is required to provide policies with government stipulated mandates spelled out in Odumbocare. Every citizen is required to comply with the mandates spelled out in Odumbocare. In each and every case compliance is enforced by the IRS -- a government agency!

If the morons at Mother Jones cannot see "government takeover" of this nation's healthcare system in Odumbocare, they are blind as well as being stupid.

BTW, slingblade, "war on women" is a fraudulent buzz phrase created by dim-retards. Calling "abortion" "women's healthcare" is another dim-retard fraudulent buzz phrase, slingblade. Having American taxpayers pay for abortions is misappropriation and outright theft, slingblade.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, YOURE the cocksucker, IBIdiot!
Having American taxpayers pay for abortions is misappropriation and outright theft, slingblade. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Too bad your Mama Idiot didn't have one. I would have paid for that one out of my own pocket.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I want to thank you all for paying for my new CPAP machine, my ongoing treatment on my bad back and the incredibly expensive surgery that I'll have at the end of the year.

What? I paid for that?


OK, then FUCK YOU! Seriously. Fuck YOU!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Too bad your Mama Idiot didn't have one. I would have paid for that one out of my own pocket. Originally Posted by bigtex
No, YOURE the cocksucker, IBIdiot! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Banana Sling, people such as yourself used to call themselves homosexuals and now you've adopted other names like queer and gay. Queer and gay used to have different meanings but your kind has changed that. Just like Obama calling his monster Obamacare himself. It just is.
You fuckers are lucky he cares for you LOL
Banana Sling, people such as yourself used to call themselves homosexuals and now you've adopted other names like queer and gay. Queer and gay used to have different meanings but your kind has changed that. Just like Obama calling his monster Obamacare himself. It just is. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I guess I win! You always go for the name calling when you have nothing left. Thanks for playing!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You lost when you started this. I tried logic, I tried common sense but you are immune to both of those things.



[oh-bah-muh-kair] /oʊˈbɑ məˌkɛər/ SpellSyllables
noun 1. a federal law providing for a fundamental reform of the U.S. healthcare and health insurance system, signed by President Barack Obama in 2010: formally called Affordable Care Act or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
I guess I win! You always go for the name calling when you have nothing left. Thanks for playing! Originally Posted by slingblade

You guessed wrong, Carl... You know two men ought not lay together.