...They specifically chose targets that would not lead to human casualties. The only people who died were members, when a bomb exploded while assembling it. ......... Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are either a liar or an ignoramus. Which is it?


You prove my point...the American left tries to minimize domestic terrorism and killing if it accomplishes political ends they think are necessary.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-23-2015, 07:54 AM
Whirley, you start with a valid point--that there is little real difference between murderous fanatics of any ideology. But then you undermine your entire standing by picking up the wide brush. It isn't "the liberals" that support Ayres, it is some LWWs. Just as it isn't "the conservatives" who supported McVey, it was some RWW nut jobs.
Old T.....I agree not All LIBERALS....please note that I never used that label in this thread, instead I identified the culprits as "hard left" or "left"...not liberal.....

In my opinion, there are many liberals who have sensible ideas; despite disagreements...but the American left is despicable IMO, especially the ones I call "hardcore".

Whirley, you start with a valid point--that there is little real difference between murderous fanatics of any ideology. But then you undermine your entire standing by picking up the wide brush. It isn't "the liberals" that support Ayres, it is some LWWs. Just as it isn't "the conservatives" who supported McVey, it was some RWW nut jobs. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-23-2015, 09:09 AM
Old T.....I agree not All LIBERALS....please note that I never used that label in this thread, instead I identified the culprits as "hard left" or "left"...not liberal.....

In my opinion, there are many liberals who have sensible ideas; despite disagreements...but the American left is despicable IMO, especially the ones I call "hardcore". Originally Posted by Whirlaway
We are in complete agreement about the LWWs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There's a big difference you idiot - one murdered his victim in cold blood - did you not see the difference between John Gotti and his hitman ? What about a cartel boss versus the actual members who do the actual beheadings. Did Hitler physically kill anyone - were their not nazis who literally slaughtered thousands ?
You are making a political mockery out of this very sensitive case - you are true scum whirlaway Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say he killed his victim in cold blood, Ayres or Roof? You know, I'm pretty sure that Hitler did kill someone. He was a soldier in the first World War. So I guess you could say, for better or worse, Roof put his ass on the line and Ayres didn't. Also looks like Roof is confessing and Ayres lied about his involvement at the time.
You are either a liar or an ignoramus. Which is it?


You prove my point...the American left tries to minimize domestic terrorism and killing if it accomplishes political ends they think are necessary. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you actually read that? It proved exactly what I said. Members were the only ones ever killed.
You obviously can't read or are a liar...................for example (one of many incidences in which the WU targeted innocent civilians killing some)..........
Sept. 23, 1969 The group robbed a bank in Brighton, Massachusetts, carrying handguns, a shotgun and a submachine gun. The first police officer on the scene, Boston police officer Walter Schroeder, was shot in the back by Gilday when he attempted to stop the robbery. He subsequently died from his wounds
And spew your bulllshit to the family of Waverly Brown, a black Nyack NY police officer who was shot and killed by the WU in the famous Brinks Robbery. 4 WU members were convicted; Kathy Boudin plead guilty; she was later exalted by Columbia University with a teaching position.

But of course; you maintain the stupid notion that the WU never killed anyone and never targeted civilians.

You are a fucking moronic troll.


Did you actually read that? It proved exactly what I said. Members were the only ones ever killed. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You obviously can't read or are a liar...................for example (one of many incidences in which the WU targeted innocent civilians killing some)..........

Sept. 23, 1969 The group robbed a bank in Brighton, Massachusetts, carrying handguns, a shotgun and a submachine gun. The first police officer on the scene, Boston police officer Walter Schroeder, was shot in the back by Gilday when he attempted to stop the robbery. He subsequently died from his wounds

And spew your bulllshit to the family of Waverly Brown, a black Nyack NY police officer who was shot and killed by the WU in the famous Brinks Robbery. 4 WU members were convicted; Kathy Boudin plead guilty; she was later exalted by Columbia University with a teaching position.

But of course; you maintain the stupid notion that the WU never killed anyone and never targeted civilians.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waverly_Brown Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I clearly stated bombings. No civilians were killed in any of their bombings. The robberies you talk about did not involve Ayers and we're in conjunction with the Black Panthers. So, once someone serves their time, they are not allowed to be a productive member of society again?
Liar.....you didn't say "only bombings"....read your own words..........."they specifically chose targets that would not lead to human casualties"............"the only people who died were members, when a bomb exploded.."

You now try to deflect from your statement.

You are a turd.

Who exalts the guy? They specifically chose targets that would not lead to human casualties. The only people who died were members, when a bomb exploded while assembling it. You do realize this country was founded on violence, yes? Violent acts are what finally released the hold of British rule.

"Investigations by CNN, The New York Times and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers."

"Obama has condemned Ayers' past, and stated that he does not have a close association with him."

Obama, during a debate:

"This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense, George"

Ayers turned himself in and didn't serve any time because of governmental misconduct during the investigation. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I clearly stated bombings. No civilians were killed in any of their bombings. The robberies you talk about did not involve Ayers and we're in conjunction with the Black Panthers. So, once someone serves their time, they are not allowed to be a productive member of society again? Originally Posted by WombRaider
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Whirlaway as old t pointed out you tried to make this charleston killing into a political agenda with the focus on Obama. How many republicans have taking money from known white supramacist organizations ?

Whirlaway I would very much like for you to publicly apologize for making a political mockery from something that resulted in 9 deaths. If your ego is too big for you to apologize in this forum - you may send me an apology to my pm.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why should anyone apologize to you, WeeEndowed, the God Fauxing Christian? I doubt if you're even black.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Only difference - Ayers got away with it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why should anyone apologize to you, WeeEndowed, the God Fauxing Christian? I doubt if you're even black. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What the hell is your agenda with me ? I wouldn't be surprised if you have a white pointed hat and a white robe in your closet. You are one of the biggest frauds in these forums.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What the hell is your agenda with me ? I wouldn't be surprised if you have a white pointed hat and a white robe in your closet. You are one of the biggest frauds in these forums. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
And your too ignorant to post here... Mr Agenda.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
And your too ignorant to post here... Mr Agenda. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I am really debating whether to delete my account - I am constantly attacked by the same usual suspects and you of all people have the nerve to have God is love as your signature banner. Who do you think you are fooling ? You are one of the biggest asshole on here and you will agree with any statement whether right or wrong as long as it's stated by a conservative. Stand up and be a man for once in your life!