This is what the Democratic party supports?

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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 11:12 AM
10,220 comments in 18 hours... I would say the American people are concerned about electing this communist Cunt. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Hildabeast is going to get yer guns and a muzzie will chop off yer head after dark

you should move
want2c's Avatar
uh, just so you'll know all those funds were set aside and made available by the Bush admin''

The Energy Department's loan guarantee program was created as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, passed by a Republican-controlled Congress and signed by Bush.

In his signing speech, Bush lauded the bill's support for clean technology, though he didn't specifically mention the loan guarantees.

The loan guarantees were designed to "support innovative clean energy technologies that are typically unable to obtain conventional private financing due to high technology risks."


there ya go Metro IIFFO, click that link Goober Originally Posted by CJ7

Bush also approved the Pipeline and a secure fence along the US and Mexico boarder. Obama has stalled and refused to fund either one. Obama pushed this out under the Stimulus Program, not the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 01:46 PM
Bush also approved the Pipeline and a secure fence along the US and Mexico boarder. Obama has stalled and refused to fund either one. Obama pushed this out under the Stimulus Program, not the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Originally Posted by want2c

maybe that's because the border fence and the pipeline have nothing to do with clean energy

both are nothing but jokes ... one has more holes in it than a derelicts drawers, and the other transports low grade oil that this country can't use ... Republican brilliance !!!
maybe that's because the border fence and the pipeline have nothing to do with clean energy

both are nothing but jokes ... one has more holes in it than a derelicts drawers, and the other transports low grade oil that this country can't use ... Republican brilliance !!! Originally Posted by CJ7
I heard from a very reliable source the boarder fence causes more immigration problems than helps. Before the fence the people came here worked took the money and went home, after they had to bring their families here because it was too hard getting back and forth.
Bush also approved the Pipeline and a secure fence along the US and Mexico boarder. Obama has stalled and refused to fund either one. Obama pushed this out under the Stimulus Program, not the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Originally Posted by want2c

Good point, but I doubt they understand it.
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 02:32 PM
I heard from a very reliable source the boarder fence causes more immigration problems than helps. Before the fence the people came here worked took the money and went home, after they had to bring their families here because it was too hard getting back and forth. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 02:33 PM
Good point, but I doubt they understand it. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

and you do? Originally Posted by CJ7
That is easier than a tunnel.
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  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 03:29 PM
That is easier than a tunnel. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

shhhhh, you're disturbing MetroIIFFO's understanding process

LexusLover's Avatar
10,220 comments in 18 hours... I would say the American people are concerned about electing this communist Cunt. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Her "numbers" looked better in the latter part of 2007 coming into the 2008 primaries than they do now. Her demeanor and behavior when last testifying is an ad managers wet dream for designing high impact video ads with sound ...

.. the more she talks the lower her ratings will be. Her dilemma is she is AWOL while all of these "major" events are occurring in the world and nation, so she has to say something. Her namesake will not pull her FAT out of the fire, and being a grandmother is ridiculously transparent. I'm waiting to see who invites her to help their campaign this year. And how they do. She may pick and choose carefully, but if someone is close enough to pull out a win they may not want her "help."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 04:49 PM
Her "numbers" looked better in the latter part of 2007 coming into the 2008 primaries than they do now. Her demeanor and behavior when last testifying is an ad managers wet dream for designing high impact video ads with sound ...

.. the more she talks the lower her ratings will be. Her dilemma is she AWOL while all of these "major" events are occurring in the world and nation, so she has to say something. Her namesake will not pull her FAT out of the fire, and being a grandmother is ridiculously transparent. I'm waiting to see how invites her to help their campaign this year. And how they do. She may pick and choose carefully, but if someone is close enough to pull out a win they may not want her "help." Originally Posted by LexusLover

she's got some talking to do ... the closest Republican to her is Jeb with an overwhelming 13% of voters , opposed to her 64% ( down 6 points from Jan)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
really ... the Republicans passed the program and allocated the 16$ billion dollars for the DOE ... ergo: every dime passed through the House Originally Posted by CJ7
So, it is the Republican's fault that Obama used the funds appropriated to reward campaign donors.


CBJ7, you have taken deliberate ignorance to a new, never-before reached, level.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 11:23 PM
So, it is the Republican's fault that Obama used the funds appropriated to reward campaign donors.


CBJ7, you have taken deliberate ignorance to a new, never-before reached, level.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Obama didn't use the funds
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama didn't use the funds Originally Posted by CJ7
No. He only distributed them. You are right. And it's the Republican's fault. Right, CBJ7?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 11:59 PM
No. He only distributed them. You are right. And it's the Republican's fault. Right, CBJ7?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Obie didn't do jack shit ... the $$ has been there since 2005, the DOE vetts and decides who gets the $$
and you call yourself a lawyer?... that's rich.