There is no as you say it, a shift of the argument, this is about do you or do you not believe in law and order. The right believes that all rioters should be treated the same but we differ on what happened in DC. We don't take our marching orders or have our minds ordered by the MSM. The left is habitually changing their beliefs based on who the offenders are. Prove me wrong and condemn the OKC rioters with same fervor that you have attacked the DC protestors. If you cannot...then go away.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Yes there is such a thing as "shifting arguments" and that is exactly what you are doing, and your doing a poor job of it at that. What happened in okc was not a "riot", the far right is just itching to use that term. There were loud protesters who were asked to leave and did. They halted the session for a few minutes, and then things reumed back to normal.
You have no way of defending what happened on Jan 6th, so you sir can leave...
"The peaceful protest got intense for a few moments after the group slowly filed into the House gallery on the fifth floor of the Capitol. That put the brakes on lawmaking for a couple of minutes, and a couple of protesters said they were asked to leave the building after what looked like a shouting match in the gallery."