LL, take a step back and think about who you are attempting to reason with.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm not trying "reason" with BL. Pointing out his bullshit isn't "reasoning," it's simply rebuking his whining, anti-Trump rhetoric....that he apparently parrots from the mainstream media. He's not convincing anyone, which probably includes himself. BL spent 8 plus years apologizing for his decision to put Obaminable in charge, and now he's trying to justify that awful decision. Trump is attempting to rebuild relationships in the Middle East, and Europe, and rekindle a sense of cooperation, both for security and economic growth.
But BL, and others, want to focus on whether he "bowed" and "kissed ass" like Obaminable did!
Those folks over there have known Trump for years. He's actually built shit in their neighborhoods. Obaminable didn't do shit before he was POTUS but TALK A LOT! Obaminable was a fake and he's showing it NOW!