Hate Mail!! I'm officially a celebrity!!!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
He's the most articulate of all you lefty fuckers. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
That really narrows it down.

It's Al right?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! WTF is upset because he lost to Randy in a "Who's the Biggest Asshole" contest. God, I love this place!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
JAY-sus!!! Hal-a-luckin-foolya!!! (and pass the collection plate) - You TPer guys must not EVEN be reading the same threAD.....

.....hmmmmm, on second thought - I rest my case, a case of minimal expectations.
JAY-sus!!! Hal-a-luckin-foolya!!! (and pass the collection plate) - You TPer guys must not EVEN be reading the same threAD.....

.....hmmmmm, on second thought - I rest my case, a case of minimal expectations. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
LOL Randy..
My comment was about as much "playing the race card" as it was "a straw man".

You ain't bright. Originally Posted by Doove
Last I checked Ozambies come in all races.

Same as Us Patriots. LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
IIFF, what I just love about you "patriots" is how you have to go around like parrots ("parriotriots"?) continually chirping about how much better Americans you are. Sad part is that you have to continually remind yourselves. There's therapy available which can help with your inferiority issues. You ought to get that looked at, it's pretty disgusting.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-14-2012, 05:00 AM
continually chirping about how much better Americans you are. Sad part is that you have to continually remind yourselves. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
They're like FOX News who has to continually tell people how fair and balanced they are simply because nobody would know just by watching it.

Or the guy at the party who has to go around telling everyone he goes to the gym, because just to look at him you'd have no way of knowing.

They think their words can speak louder than their actions.
Same as Us Patriots. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Or the guy at the party who has to go around telling everyone he goes to the gym, because just to look at him you'd have no way of knowing. Originally Posted by Doove
IIFFY is not much different than the total loser at the party who constantly brags about how well hung he is, because no one else will!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Whatever happened to wellendowed?

I bet he's on his way back from Columbia.
They're like FOX News who has to continually tell people how fair and balanced they are simply because nobody would know just by watching it.

Or the guy at the party who has to go around telling everyone he goes to the gym, because just to look at him you'd have no way of knowing.

They think their words can speak louder than their actions. Originally Posted by Doove
IIFF, what I just love about you "patriots" is how you have to go around like parrots ("parriotriots"?) continually chirping about how much better Americans you are. Sad part is that you have to continually remind yourselves. There's therapy available which can help with your inferiority issues. You ought to get that looked at, it's pretty disgusting. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
IIFFY is not much different than the total loser at the party who constantly brags about how well hung he is, because no one else will! Originally Posted by bigtex
Whatever happened to wellendowed?

I bet he's on his way back from Columbia. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Naw, He's a fluffer for the gay porn movie the 3 above you are making. LOL
Naw, He's a fluffer for the gay porn movie the 3 above you are making. LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Lame, very lame!

Damn Dude, you were boxed out before you reached mid-court! You didn't even come close to getting the rebound!
Lame, very lame!

Damn Dude, you were boxed out before you reached mid-court! You didn't even come close to getting the rebound! Originally Posted by bigtex

OK, I'm sorry I got the fluffers mixed up. My Bad.
As i recently found out......
pyramider's Avatar
OK, I'm sorry I got the fluffers mixed up. My Bad. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Is this just a one time problem or a lingering issue?
They are interchangable. I think they have this problem all the time.